Wednesday, December 28, 2011

May I Be Spent...

Well, I'm back in the good old US of A. I was immediately culture shocked on entering Chicago and then on to Dayton with the choices of things to buy in the airports. I only had Ethiopian birr and just a few American dollars- so I carefully had to chose my favorite Starbucks drink in Chicago and savored it. Wow on spending choices. I would continue to be challenged by this in the days that would follow.

Yesterday- my Mom, sister and I went out shopping- which is not usual custom the days after Christmas. I'm not a fan of shopping. But my supply list was looming for my return to Ethiopia and my time on this side limited, so I ventured out to see what “sales” I could capture. But I was instantly agape and shocked again by bright lights, long lines of those trying to make deals, and just so so so much one could spend money on. 

Noel saying hi to Santa
And God brought several thoughts to mind in the madness. What are things of lasting value that should be purchased or money-time spent on? What has God given me to spend?

God has given many things we can “spend.” And it's not just money, if some of you, like me, feel at a loss there. There is time, energy, talents, focus. So much. 

What do I spend these on? Mostly in my life, looking back, I believe I've spent the most money and time on myself. Our culture's influence had a big part to play in that. But I'm thankful that God gives us grace to begin anew. For what we do with our life- we'll be held accountable for. And instead of building empires of things for ourselves- to make us more comfortable or entertained in this world that's not our home, why not spend what we have for God, His kingdom, for the good of others- for things of eternal worth? Why not help toss seeds of hope and love?

I'm grateful God crashed my earthly kingdom- pulling back the curtains several years ago on my eyes to reveal the kingdom I had built to myself. Showing me the titles and awards that I had spent time to earn, the toys and gadgets that made me comfortable- really did not fulfill my heart and life...really did not bring joy and peace. It was only living for God and with God- often in the most uncomfortable places...sometimes among the poor, sometimes among the rich, where I felt the least secure- was when I felt the most secure on a foundation that wouldn't crumble. And I found true joy. May I build that kingdom and be part of that story- not a different one that my culture says is more successful. 
May I represent Him wherever He calls me to

may I spend my life wherever God leads

Life is such a gift and I want to “spend” it well.

I want God to know He matters the most to me. I want to spend my life for Him. Not just my money, but ME, All of my life for His glory and honor.  May this be reflected in my checkbook, in my day planner, in the story of my life. That it's FOR Him, BY Him that I run.

As we all hustle and bustle around and end this year, may we refocus what we spend and how we spend and make it all be for the glory of God.... nothing is of greater value.

May I keep these things in mind...

Matthew 6:19-24
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. …. “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

James 4:13-13-15
Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”

Matthew 25:23
His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
2 Corinthians 12:15
I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.

1 Thessalonians 2:19-20
For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.

Philippians 2
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

As I reflect on 2011 this week and plan for 2012, may my focus, my priority, my life be focused to be spent on the kingdom. Making sure the lost are found, the captives are freed, the hopeless find hope and those not living the abundant life be introduced or re-introduced to that abundance offered.

As this year ends, please keep these in your prayers...

-Noel made it safely home for Christmas. Please pray for her as she takes rest here and prepares to return to the Czech Republic in mid-January.

-I arrived safely home to Ohio also and have enjoyed the holiday time with my family. Please pray that I can get done all that needs done before my return to Ethiopia on January 5.

-Pray for our time as a family, that God will give us good quality time together to reflect and encourage each other.

-Please keep the staff and students of Hope University College in your prayers. Two of my co-workers are covering my classes while I'm gone and I pray God gives them the energy needed and blesses them.

-Pray for a good finale of 2011 and start to 2012. May I be “spent” the way God wants and as He leads for His glory always.

Thank you for continuing to pray and support me and my family!

Blessings to you and your family in the New Year.

Happy New Year- 2012! May we give God our best.

Grateful for you,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Airport Mania...

As I have prepared to travel back to the USA for Christmas, my thoughts have drifted the past several days to remembering the activity of airports.

How much are things supposed to weigh again? What time should I check in? How long are my layovers? Is Starbucks in the airports I will pass through? :-)

Long lines, security checks, grumpy people and workers...came to mind as well. Airports can be crazy places. 

But they are not all bad....

For sometimes, if you look hard enough, you'll catch glimpses of some extraordinary global travelers.

Through the years, it seems I've picked up and dropped off many of these extraordinary teams and individuals at airports. In 2010 especially, I was on the sending end. I was so proud of those willing to go, to risk all for our God, and deeply I pondered- God, will you ever send me again like that?

sending a team off to Africa in 2010
Noel leaving for Ethiopia, then Czech- January 2011

families getting ready to welcome home some mission interns, 2010
In Kenya earlier this year, I had the privilege of welcoming teams there and sending them home too. Also teams to South Sudan. I sincerely felt tears well in my eyes and my chest puff with pride when I spied teams coming through baggage claim. Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ- who left all to follow God- to serve in hard places. They would come often rumpled, jet-lagged, some even sick with nausea. But they came. I would tell those with me- there they are...the RARE of the world. Those who will leave their comfort. Sent by families and churches that were also daring to give their best, their cherished loved ones, for the cause. Heroes of the faith. People willing to risk.

view from the window getting ready to land in South Sudan
those who go with courage
These passages of scripture came to mind when I would see these airport scenes...

Hebrews 11...
...having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.

And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets—who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. Women received back their dead by resurrection. Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, so that they might rise again to a better life. Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawed in two, they were killed with the sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, mistreated— of whom the world was not worthy wandering about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.

Matthew 19:29-30
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

May we all go, send, and allow God to use us in the dark places in the world. May we go with boldness, courage and willingness, in whatever season- to send, to receive, to welcome, to be sent.  May we do our part.

What will I see as I travel tonight from here in Ethiopia to Germany to Chicago to the USA?  I'm sure more winter coats will appear and evidence that it's the Christmas season. Maybe holiday music will be playing and that will make me smile. I will probably see or be in some long lines, maybe surrounded by stranded passengers, crying kids, or those fighting fatigue and irritation. 

But hopefully, I will enjoy the jump and will catch glimpses of some fellow global teammates. Those who may not receive a warm welcome where they're headed, or live comfortably where they came from. But ones God says of...THESE ARE MINE. And at the end of their journey- they will hear the welcome home they're longing for- when God says WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT. May I catch glimpses of some of these.

And one day, may that be said of me as well....

Matthew 25:21
His master said..., 'Well done, good and faithful servant.


Thank you for praying me through these last four months here in Ethiopia! It's been an honor to serve here and will be an honor to continue here in 2012.

Praises and Prayer Requests

-for my sister's safe arrival in the Czech, then safe arrival in into the USA this past week, may her Christmas and New Years time with our family be restful and refreshing for her

-for a good final day of classes today and that God will have His hand on the classes, students and staff here as they continue

-for safe travel tonight from Ethiopia

-for a blessed time with my A tribe (the Garretts) in Ohio for the two weeks were together

-for the work that needs done, support that needs raised, etc. while both Noel and I are home- that good favor will be had and connections made.

I look forward to seeing many of you in person or connecting over the phone. 

Blessings to you this wonderful Christmas season as we celebrate our Savior!

God Bless You and thank you for following my blog...praying, supporting and being part of what God is doing in the world.  I'm honored to be teammates, family, with you!

Onward for our God Always-


Monday, December 12, 2011

Mind the Gap...

This weekend was a big one of transition. Noel left Ethiopia late Friday night. On Saturday, when I was reflecting on the four months behind us here, I felt sincere gratitude.

Fellow travelers- ones that run with you despite your weaknesses, annoyances, etc, are hard to find. Ones who will give you grace. My students last week were discussing a proverb: “love is blind.” Many said NO. They didn't agree because true love SEES all and yet still accepts. It's rare to find those family/tribemates who will run with you even when you fall....who encourage you, say the hard thing as needed, yet still believe in you and your potential. I'm grateful for Noel, she's a tribemate like that. And many others in my life have proven to be that as well and I'm grateful. May I also be that kind of family-tribemate for others. One who doesn't judge or give up or run away. The best brother-king-Lord of all, Jesus himself- models this commitment, this loyalty, this tribal love. I'm grateful He's FOR me. For US.

Again, so so grateful for Noel and the time God allowed us to share in Ethiopia together. I learned much from her example, her faith, her love for me, her love for others.

our final "taxi" ride in Addis

Noel with some of the Hope in View team-volunteers, her final celebration with them
In reflection on what God taught me over the past several months here, I must say probably the largest is an awareness of my own “GAPS.” My weaknesses...WOW...I'm not sure if being with a twin helps those become even more apparent, but I saw huge gaps in myself and it was startling. And humbling. I wrote this recently in my journal....

...maybe this is why you've called me to Africa now...because you want me to live where I have to depend on you. Where your nose fills with black and your feet crack and bleed from walking....where almost're reminded that you're a “forengie”- a're out of place. In the beauty of Africa, there's also the discomfort, the fatigue, the irritation, the rawness and inability to control things. Yet, you've called this for me now. How will I respond? In the fiery furnace, in the raging waters that are over my head, in the drought, in the darkness? Will I become walled off and spiteful? Or silenced? Or distant from all in self-preservation mode? Will I run away? Or fear? Or doubt? Or wallow in discouragement? OR will I rise and conquer? Will I lift my eyes to the hills- where YOU, my help comes from? Will I allow this to sink OR sharpen me...making my voice not weak but strong and loud as I sing despite the struggle? MAY I SING. MAY I LIVE FOR YOU. In Trust. May the joy of you with me always, be my strength. For you are here with me, my faithful companion. May I grip your hand and learn to listen to your voice more than ever before...For You, By You...

Yep...have definitely had some great dialog with God during these months because I've been humbled by so much.

Gaps...weaknesses, lack of things you need or feel you need, where you feel at a loss....are painful to realize.

But in thinking about this over the weekend, I'm still realizing...God helps us see our gaps for our GOOD. As we run on towards home...and grow in our relationship with God, I believe there is a need for constant:
It's funny, all this brought to mind the term...“mind the gap.” I first heard this when a short-term team I was working with a few years ago- had an extended layover in Europe in route to Africa...and they took time in the city- but missed their connection. As we all pondered this later in retrospect...we noted the need to “mind the gap.” Give attention to the holes. The gaps. 

Here in Addis....there are many holes in the sidewalks. Literally, if you're not paying attention, you could disappear in a hole. :-) In Kenya, there was this bridge I would walk over to work every day, and it always seemed to be missing another plank each day. Wow, I had to pay attention. :-)

that crazy bridge in Nairobi :-)
GAP AWARENESS is a good thing. You see where the deficiencies are. And we all have them. A lack of skill or faith or something. We have gaps in finances, in education, in ability. So much. And paying attention to these is humbling and hard, but needed.

Gaps can swallow you. So gap awareness is good, then a GAP ANALYSIS is needed. Why is there a gap? Where did it come from? Did I cause it? Am I doing what I can to decrease it? How can it be fixed-filled? Am I putting other things in there to try to remedy it...are those things a real fix?

Then work to FILL THE GAP. The great thing here is- it's a partnership. Or can be. You have a part...and so does our ABLE and SOVEREIGN God.

I believe that to live responsibly, as a good steward of your time, resources, body, can put measures in place to help fill the gaps in your life.

God also knows your gaps. He sees them- no use hiding them.

And the amazing thing is as you put yourself in a position of humility and surrender, and work to do your part, He fills your gaps with what you can't do on your own. He can make you effective when you're in fact ineffective. It's relationship, there's two of you. Even as you run with gaps in faith or courage-as you can continue to step- He can STILL use you IN SPITE of you. You will always have gaps til home in heaven...because we live in a body and a world under the effects of sin and death...but God can lessen our gaps and He can partner with us to even make our gaps our strengths- our testimonies. What a God we serve!

Paul struggled with this gap stuff, but God taught him....

In your weakness, I am strong. (Romans 7:16-25) (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

Satan likes to focus us on our gaps. But God is the gap filler.

We are overcomers. Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world. (Romans 8:28-39) (1 John 4:4)

He IS all we need, to live, to love, to be what He needs us to be. Nuff said. :-)

My prayer for this new season this gap awareness and analysis time for me- that I take it and allow God to shape me through it for His good. And that He uses me while in this process...for His kingdom.

some of my students...part of my new season here...
Thank you for praying me through, for your words/emails, etc of encouragement!!!!!  Even your comments on my blog mean so much to know you're listening, reading, praying!

Please continue to do so.

What an honor it is to serve, even with gaps. Onward...

Praises and Prayer Requests for This Week

-A praise for my sister Noel arriving safely back in the Czech Republic this past Saturday. Pray for her as she spends a week there then travels to the USA for the holidays. May her travel and reunion time with her Czech teammates-tribe be blessed. May she feel joy, peace and have provision for all God has been doing and wants to do in her time ahead.

-A praise for my moving. I moved to a new location yesterday- it's a place on the campus of the school I'm teaching at. What a blessing to have a place to stay.

-A praise for our concluding time of our four months with Hope in View- the organization we've been serving with . I was able to turn in my research and feel good about the continued relationships with these brothers and sisters.

-A prayer request for my continued countdown to Christmas in the USA- that I will be effective in teaching and building relationships. That God will give me courage and favor. My tickets to the USA for Christmas are purchased. I will be in Ohio- December 23-January 5. I pray a blessed time for my parents and sister as we're reunited for some holiday time and rest together.

-I do have appointments, a business visa that needs processed, more funding support to raise, etc, during this holiday time- so please pray favor there and that I can still enjoy time with my family and the wonderful Christmas season with all of that to do too.

-As this new season for me here in Ethiopia continues- that the gaps revealed in me will decrease and I'll do what needs done and allow God to do what needs done- to make me be the best I can be for God's glory.

Thank you again for your prayers!

My love to each of you this Christmas season!

Hope to see or connect with many of you stateside soon.

Blessings from Ethiopia,

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Back to School and Counting Down

As the college I'm teaching at started on Thanksgiving day, I felt that old yet strangely familiar anxiety surface of being back in school. What would my classes be like? What would the students be like? What would the professor be like? Uh-oh, I was the professor, lol. :-)

So then came “professor stress.” Could I teach these students? I was teaching English in Ethiopia. How would that work exactly? How would lesson plans be developed? What would happen if the students were on different levels? Could I do this? I felt like hiding.

But then I remembered...GOD CALLED THIS. And looking back on my life, most of His “calls” were not always comfortable or things I thought I could do. Just a few of those...a radio personality; Haiti missionary; foot nurse (ha ha); seminary student; youth pastor for five years; advocate for Africa for the past three plus years. God helped me do these and more. So why couldn't I do this and be successful with His hand in mine????


I remembered these verses...

2 Corinthians 12:9- my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

1 Corinthians 9:19-27...become all things to all in such a way as to get the prize... 

Hebrews 10:39...we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but believe and are saved... 

As I entered the classrooms of this new God "call"- I was deeply inspired and touched by the students I met. As I heard their stories- from various “villages” and “communities” and faith backgrounds- I sensed sincere gratitude in these students to be given a chance to learn. There was a humility in them that gave me great peace. We were in it together. I am so humbled and honored to be their teacher and their advocate. I felt God breathe confidence into me and joy. 

When God calls a direction shift or position move- it can be scary, but we do not have to fear...we only need to lean on Him and trust. He doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called. 

May He continue to dial my phone for crazy jumps and barbaric leaps like these, I WILL GO AND DO in honor of the One who did the most barbaric of all moves when He came down from on high, took on a body of flesh and humanity's sin and died on tree to pay for my sin and yours with His life.

How can we not honor and trust the One who loved and believed in us enough to give us His All?  We can trust Him.  I can trust Him. 

I've LOVED teaching so far while LEARNING how to do it as I go. Onward I run.... :-)

Some of my students....

While this teaching has kicked in, several countdowns have been going on as well. My sister Noel is now five days from leaving Ethiopia. She has been doing final home visits and meetings. What an honor it has been to be here with her. We haven't served in the same place, let alone in the same country, in a long time. To have been here together...incredible.  We've laughed, we've cried, we've gotten in sister fights. We've debriefed, we've celebrated. We've been sick together- so much. I'm so grateful for this time together to debrief where we've been, and where we feel God is leading.  It will be a time we will always cherish!

She leaves Ethiopia this Friday- will return to the Czech Republic for a week- then head to the USA for Christmas. Please keep her in prayer as she wraps up here and begins traveling. What a barbarian she is. I'm humbled by her life and her example. As she takes rest in Prague then the USA, please keep her in prayer as she prepares for a transition in ministry focus in the Czech in January.

Noel visiting families
For me, I'm in a countdown to Christmas too. A break from life here will be nice, though for me,it will be brief. I'm looking forward to celebrating what God has done and what He is up to. Toasting with a hot cup of chai latte by a warm fire and hopefully some snow- while visiting family and friends in the US of A, singing some Christmas songs, and remembering why we can continue to hope and have joy- a child was born, a Savior came. What a story we're part of!!! He left his riches to live among the poor- to give advocacy and mercy and the chance for right standing with God. So so so grateful for our King. So grateful to be part of what's He's doing on planet earth!

I hope to connect with many of you over Christmas as well- to hear what God is up to in your hearts and lives.

Thank you for your support of me, of us!!!

Please keep these praises and prayer requests on your list for this coming week....

-my final research for Hope in View is due on Tuesday when we have a final debrief meeting with the team- pray that will be concluded well

-praise for Viktor's continued recovery, he should be out of the hospital this week, continue praying for him and his family

-praise for my friend Katie and her family who came and visited Ethiopia this past week- and had a successful visit with their adopted daughter, pray the process on the adoption will continue to be smooth

-pray for my Noel's final week, as she wraps things up here and her travel to Prague on Friday

-pray for me- as I transition from her being here, that I stay healthy and find a good pace

-pray for my travel and visa arrangements to the USA and then back to Ethiopia- that all the details will come together for a quick holiday visit

-pray for moving- I will move to campus housing on Friday-Saturday from our current guesthouse

Thank you so much for praying!  It's a busy week for sure.  May we live hopeful, joyful, grateful and keep our hand in God's.

Merry Christmas Season to each of you. May we remember why He came...

Blessings and love from here!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Season of Gratitude...A New Door Opens...

Our parents told us this past week they were putting up Christmas lights. I see people posting things online about baking pies and college football scores and chilly weather. Makes me think of turkey and the joy of this time of year. I look out my window here- and I see no cold weather. I see big birds flying, hear families walking down the street and neighbors greeting each other. I feel the warm sun streaming in...I see a cockroach dart across the floor, hear some dogs barking and donkeys braying (if that's what you call the sound they're making...ha ha)- it all mixes and today I feel nothing but sincere gratitude for it all and I have to smile.

There is much to be thankful for here. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. There have been home visits and small group visits- where our hearts were touched by courageous faith.

A home visit

an amazing Mom and her daughters
There have been hair washes. Yep. HAIR WASHES. I'm convinced Ethiopians really know how to wash hair. Because of water issues at various times- we've had to go and get our hair washed- and that has felt more like an hour hair and head massage- and wow- we've felt thankful. :-)

We've felt so grateful for the recovery of Viktor, Noel's Czech co-worker. He's stable and his recovery- is nothing short of a miracle. We give thanks.

Viktor in Ethiopia

This past week, we had to process visas- no easy feat here. We faced long lines that really didn't have a clear direction and had us saying “chigger yellum” more than once. But, surprisingly, we were processed in decent time and we gave thanks yet again.

We also MOVED. Yep. We decided for our final month to stay in a nearby community at a different guesthouse that provided a bit more space. And this new place has been nice. It's more quiet. Just little dogs living in the compound gate that greet us in the mornings. And our room- gives us a view of magnificent sunrises- and we've felt grateful.

Our new "town"

Noel giving a "word of encouragement" to the little dogs :-)

amazing sunrises can be seen from our windows
And THE BIG thing I've been wanting to share about as well is about THE DOOR opening for me that I've been looking for. Many of you know that I've been praying about where God would have me serve next. The call to “use my life for Africa” is still there. But where was I to do that from and with who? Was it an Ethiopia base? A Kenya one? A Sudan one? A USA one? I didn't want just a good option. I wanted God's best option and waiting for that door- whew- took much faith.

I kept holding to these verses as I started to feel weary in the waiting...

...we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved (Hebrews 10:39) is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)

...He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40: 29-31)

...I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future...(Jeremiah 29:11)

Well, just this past week, BAM...the door appeared. A new university was opening called: Hope University College. (don't you love the name) :-) And it is opening to give the poorest of poor students the opportunity to get a higher education. The staff called me and asked me to be a teacher for them. I love to teach, as many of you know and they asked if I would teach English and Communications. They want these young people to be able to represent themselves well and communicate effectively. As I met the staff and heard the vision- God confirmed through various details- that this indeed WAS IT. This was the next place God wanted to use me at. What an honor!!!!! It's back to school.... :-)

the campus

Now, shocking for me is the timing- I start THIS WEEK. :-) So, I've been getting ready, looking over books, and meeting my team.  This will be my main way of serving here in the time ahead. I will be teaching eleven classes a week. I'm excited for this because God called it. And when He calls it, He backs it. :-)

my fellow English teachers: Kume and Betty Lu

preparing for classes

orientation for students

lunch line

So, this is a big transition week for me.

I'm still trying to wrap up the stories I've been collecting and the interviews with NGOs I've been doing for and with Exodus and Hope in View- so pray I can do that well while also transitioning into this teaching post.

Please keep this and these other things in your prayers this Thanksgiving week:

-Pray for Noel as she begins to wind down her time here. She leaves Ethiopia in three weeks- will travel to the Czech Republic for a week, then to the USA for the holidays, then back to the Czech to begin in a new location. Pray she will stay healthy and will enjoy her final weeks here. Also- that we will enjoy these final weeks together, I'm not sure when God will cross our paths for this long again

-Pray for Ron and Carolyn Klaus, the founders of Hope in View. They arrived this morning in Ethiopia for a month. Pray as we meet with them and share notes that God will be honored and we will help encourage them and their team.

Pray for me as I begin teaching this week; that I will have courage and favor; pray for the staff and for the students- that it will be a great start to a wonderful semester of learning and relationship building.

Pray for Viktor as he continues to recover.

Pray for my friend Katie and some of her family traveling to Ethiopia this week to pick up their adopted daughter, that they will have a safe trip and all will be well.

Thank you again so much for your prayers. They've been felt. I'm so grateful for our global family.

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

And if you're feeling down or discouraged, maybe weary in waiting for YOUR next door to open, know God hears you when you pray. He opens doors in His perfect time. Hold to hope. Hold to Him. Our God is faithful and is so worthy of our praise, our thanks, our trust, our ALL.

Running on with you in Hope...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guard the Flame...Thoughts on Leadership

What makes a great leader? What kind of leader am I? These thoughts have been running through my mind much since my arrival here in Ethiopia. Where have I been to in my life so far? In leadership, have I led others well? How can I be a better leader? All of these thoughts came to the surface last week when we had the privilege of being part of the Global Leadership Summit here in Addis Ababa, hosted by the International Evangelical Church in partnership with the Willow Creek Association. I was so blessed by the speakers, the fellowship, and the ideas given. 

I began thinking more of the leaders I've seen here. There are so many. My sister, Noel. What a lady- a barbarian- and I'm not just saying that because we're twins. She's a humble servant and I'm so blessed by her example and have been for years. There are volunteers who give their time, working in some of the hardest conditions imaginable. There are fathers and mothers who love their families and their churches. There have been Czechs like Viktor and Kristyna, their lives and stories have touched mine. There are those who serve quietly with excellence. And there are even little people, little kids that have taught me about leadership, like the little guy who shares the love of God boldly and courageously with those in his community.
my sister, Noel, she's a great leader with all ages

One of the volunteers we work with, at 7 months pregnant- she's still going strong :-)

Debelle- a dedicated dad, husband and leader

Viktor in Ethiopia
with Gette, one who serves quietly and with great strength and excellence

this little six year old is sharing God's love in his community
Is leadership dependent on size or gender? on education? on country of origin? I've learned these things don't matter at all. God is the great qualifier of leaders.

I was challenged at the conference to think about many other leadership characteristics as well. One of the big thoughts I've held onto was one that said the best leaders are those who "guard the flame"- God's presence in them. In their lives, their families, their churches, their workplaces, their communities, they continue to hold the flame, guard it, and they shine. Flashlights here are called "torches," , I think I've shared that before. These leaders are torches. They are present in dark places. Pointing the way. Giving light. And they do it with the right amount of salt, flavoring and preserving that flame in others. Great leaders are not perfect. But you know they're not acting. They are humble, teachable, hard-working, passionate for the cause.

Many scriptures came to mind this past week concerning leaders that encouraged and challenged me:

...“Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

...guard what has been entrusted to your care. (1 Timothy 6:20) into flame the gift of God (2 Timothy 1:6)

For Christ’s love compels us (2 Corinthians 5:14)

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)
...let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)

Leaders persevere and finish well. Amen.

All of these things and more have challenged me. And I wanted to share some of my favorite highlights from the conference. May these thoughts and insights motivate and challenge you as they did me.

May we be the leaders God has called us to be!

Bill Hybels (Senior Pastor, Willow Creek Community Church)

-the local church is the hope of the world
-the best thing you can do to inspire your team is to come to the table inspired yourself
-a leader takes people from HERE to THERE (defines both the “here” and the “there”- and why the move is needed)
-"THERE" for churches should be: Acts 2: 42-47
-the church: people completely devoted to God: things in the early church were done in such a way that it was respected and attractive, so it grew; they were transparent; loved each other.
Do our churches look like the Acts 2 church?

by Jim Collins (Management Consultant and Author)

-good can be the enemy of great
-you need to get the right people "on the bus" ; and the wrong people "off the bus"
-it's first WHO, then WHAT
-the type of leadership is key
-what moved companies from good to great in their study?
-he said the difference was what he called "Level 5 Leaders"
-these leaders had two key characteristics: true humility and a terrifying will on behalf of the cause
-shared an analogy of the window and the mirror, I'll blog more about this in another post...

by Eleni Gabre-Madhin (CEO, Ethiopia Commodity Exchange)

-courage is the ability to face fear and overcome
Joshua 1:7
-work is love made physical
-there is a call for leadership that is courageous and principled in love
-love-centered business is about adding value to people's lives

by Patrick Lencioni (Founder and President; Table Group Inc.)

this guy was hilarious!

Five dysfunctions:
  1. absence of trust
  2. fear of conflict
  3. lack of commitment
  4. avoidance of accountability
  5. inattention to details

by Haile Gebrselassie (famous Ethiopian runner)

-you first have to manage yourself- lead yourself, before you can lead others
-before you tell someone to do this or that, you have to show them how
-three keys for him to leadership: discipline, commitment, hard work

by John Ortberg (Senior Pastor- Menlo Park Presbyterian Church)

-falling to a “shadow mission”
-a shadow mission is your actual mission hijacked by your own ego, wounds, separated from Jesus
-a chronic sense of soul dissatisfaction is a sure sign you're living your shadow mission

by Catherine Rohr (CEO, Prison Entrepreneurship Program)

-if God is passionate about it, He's responsible for it
-God can use you if you just show up and get your assignment, then execute it
-don't pity, but give dignity to those you're serving
-if you don't accept your mission; you're the one who will miss out
-you need to be able to say: bring it on God

-the graduates from the jail system in this program brought us all to tears- as they graduated with dignity

by Andrew Rugasira (Founder CEO, Good African Coffee)

-handouts is not what Africa needs
-we need to see Africa differently: as a place of entrepreneurs, consumers, a place full of potential
-the greatest kindness you can show is to help us help ourselves

by Wayne Cordeiro (Author and Speaker)

-you will only reproduce what you are
-suffering will change you, but not always for the good (1 Peter 4:19); sometimes radical pain needs radical change

-to not be a “dead leader running”...
-you need to find out what fills and drains your tank
-learn to understand a balance in life
-learn to lead out of rest (schedule your break points first)
-find a lightning rod (someone you can dump to and they can ground it)
-have discipline in your daily devotion

-you need to be a leader who is not concerned about getting their the fastest or in the greatest way, but your goal is guard / protect the flame


THAT WAS IT. Yep, and those are just the highlights too. There are tons of nuggets to ponder on in the time ahead.

Am I the leader God wants me to be? How can I be a better leader from this time on, guarding the flame entrusted to me?

May I run on guarding the flame and holding it high!

Thank you for praying for me, for us, on these things!

Prayer Requests for this coming week:

-another volunteer training will be this week
-for wrapping up my research
-for Noel's work with the Exodus-Czech families
-for God's leadership for what's ahead
-for Noel's pastor-friend-teammate- Viktor (see the update below)

Viktor baptizing a girl in the Czech Republic
*Viktor Glier was in a motorcycle accident on October 28. He broke his shoulder, his leg and his thigh and also had internal bleeding. He has had three surgeries as of now and is stable, but his recovery will be long. He is married and has two children. He is a dedicated young pastor with a heart for the world. He has been to Ethiopia three times and is leader of the Czech-Exodus project. Please keep him and his family in your continued prayers. *