Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Thoughts on Shifting Seasons and the Need to RESET ...

In many parts of the world, the season is shifting to winter. From the beautiful colors of fall and leaves changing ... to more dark days of cold with snow... it's a season shift. 

Here in Ethiopia, our rainy season has finally shifted to sun and blue skies. 

Seasons shift and things change in life, this is all part of the journey.

I think for many of us though, the past few years have held TOO MUCH shifting and shaking and change.

Covid brought illness and death, masks and quarantine. War and inflation and corruption of leadership seemed to spread, along with natural disasters. Peace was disrupted. 

The world seemed to tilt off its axis. Biblical values and principles seemed to fall out of the foundation of people and countries, and even many churches.  

What was happening to the world???

When things shift and upend, it's interesting to see our own response and the response of others. Do we freak out? Become dismayed? Overwhelmed? 

I'm thankful for God's Word that promises us that we will be okay when things shake ...

I have set the Lord before me, I will not be shaken ... Psalm 16:8

But to be honest, I have felt shaken by the past few years.   

And God has been telling me in recent days ... things have shifted Holly ... but I AM HERE. You need to RESET.  I can help you!

It's funny how God can get your attention.  He did that last week for me...

Last week, I had much to do online.  Online work here can be challenging because often "mabrat yellum" or "network yellum" (light and network- not working). As I was trying to download and print documents while praying light and the network held, I managed to catch a "virus" from a flash drive. LOVELY!  There was a big response from my IT tech team in USA...  my laptop disconnected from the internet. My computer was "isolated" and I was told I needed to do several things before I could get reconnected.  The timing couldn't have been worse.

Yet, God would use this technology problem to teach me a lesson, He's so creative! As I worked through getting my laptop to RESET, God would teach me how He wanted me to go through the same steps  ... so He could RESET my life.  

For my laptop, the first thing that my IT people did was to "ISOLATE" my computer. My computer needed disconnected from the internet so it could be checked.  This is what God often wants to do in our lives. He wants to get us ALONE with Him.  He might lead us into a time of solitude.  

Times of loneliness we often don't like.  We often stay busy or comfortable or entertained or even medicated... so we don't have to be alone.  If there's sin or connections we shouldn't have, if there's misplaced trust or misplaced priorities, we might feel those in how we're living. Yet, we might ignore those or hide from God so we don't have to face them or correct them.  So sometimes,  God will lead us into a desert or wilderness.  He might put us in a hard place and keep us there awhile. Why? Because it's often at the bottom, in the pit, in a storm, even a prison cell, where we can hear God best and see ourselves best.  God might call us to a season where it's just Him and us, ALONE.  And He wants us to see Him, know Him, and love Him and BE JUST WITH HIM during this time.

If you feel in a lonely place... and don't know why... remember God is with you. He's there!  He might just want you to Himself so He can talk to you and you can hear Him.  Listen for Him. Be with Him...

When you pray, go into your room and close the door, and pray to your Father.... Matthew 6:6

Come away by yourself to a secluded place and rest awhile .... Mark 6:31

Jesus left and went to a secluded place ... Luke 5:16

The Lord is near to all who call on Him ... Psalm 145: 18-19

If God has called you into a time alone.... don't fear. He is there and may just be preparing to RESET you!  He might also be trying to RESET others around you also.  He might need them alone with Him so they can hear too. Trust Him in the solitude! He has a plan!

My IT tech team told me...next... I needed to SCAN my files for viruses.  And they needed to SCAN my laptop from that side as well.  If I didn't allow these scans, my laptop could self destruct.  Often when seasons shift and God wants to do a new thing in our lives, He will test us and check us for our good. He can "scan" us to show us unhealth that might be there. Small things can become big and can destroy us if not taken care of. We may have connected to wrong things or people. We may have gotten misaligned.  We may be holding onto hurt or pride. Our priorities might not be right. Our discipline could be off. We may have things in our foundation that mean more to us than God and we have to let Him show us these areas so we can face them.  Bitterness, guilt, shame, sin, unforgiveness ... all need removed from our lives. They can poison us.  God already knows it all and sees it all.  He wants us to open those areas up to Him and let Him clean those and heal those.  We often don't like unhealthy areas to be seen. And often areas that need cut out or removed, can feel painful.  But this scan and check is for OUR GOOD. God wants us to move forward and be healthy in the next season. Let Him scan you and check you and do what needs done!

Search me oh God know my heart, try me and know my thoughts, see if there be any wicked way in me ... Psalm 139:23

I have tested you in the furnace of affliction ... Isaiah 48:10

God disciplines those He loves.... No discipline is  pleasant at the time, but painful. But later it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it ... Hebrews 12:11

The testing of your faith produces endurance  ... James 1:2

God knows the way I take. When He refines me, I shall come forth as gold ... Job 23:10

The next thing my IT team told me to do was to POWER DOWN.  My computer needed shut all the way down so the new realignment could kick in.  God reminded me here of the cross. We are called to stay on the cross.  We are to nail our will and our way to Jesus and surrender everything to Him!  This  can be scary and painful. It's letting go of control and trusting God to raise you up anew. It's like baptism. You leave it all and let it be buried and then trust that when God raises you up... you will indeed RISE  ...

I am crucified with Christ  ... Galatians 2:20

Consider yourselves dead to sin ...  Romans 6:11

If you do not give up everything to follow me, then you are not worthy to be my disciples ... Luke 14:33

He must increase, I must decrease ... John 3:30

Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand that He may lift you up in due time ... James 4:10

Take up your cross daily and follow Me ... Luke 9:23

Is there anything you need to surrender to God? Anything you need to nail to the cross? Anything you need to give fully to God? Anything you need to let go of? A dream? A relationship? A job? A plan?  You are promised in that surrender to God,  you will find life. Don't hold onto what you shouldn't! Let it be powered down and turned off!  If God tells you to do that, DO IT!  

Finally, I was told to POWER BACK on and that the RESET would happen. And it did! My computer turned on and was reconnected to the internet.  The virus was gone and all things were working!  

God is able to do the same in our lives, to RESET us for the new season ahead ....

The old is gone, the new has come ... 2 Corinthians 5:17

I will heal you and restore you ... Psalm 71: 20-21

Instead of shame, you will receive a double portion. and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance ... Isaiah 61:7

After you have suffered awhile, I myself will restore you ... 1 Peter 5:10

He will lift you up and will keep lifting you up .... Ezekiel 3:12

Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength ... they will run on ... Isaiah 40:31

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has in store for those who love Him ...  1 Corinthians 2:9

I'm so thankful that God is able to RESET us in Him. He can isolate us, scan us, power us down and then power us back up ... resetting us for a new season in Him and for Him. 

May we trust you God! 

May this new "winter season" season ahead... be one of health and healing and resetting in Jesus Christ for us all. 

Please pray for me as I pray this for you. May we be RESET in Him and trust that our greatest season yet is still ahead!

Praises and Prayer Requests

-Praise for good health and birthdays, fall-winter season for my family in USA and my global family. 

-Pray for my continued transition to Global Outreach International. I'm still needing to raise one time and monthly support for that. if you'd like to give a one time gift or be a new monthly giver, you can do that now through this link-   https://www.globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/holly-garrett  I need to raise support for my trip home at Christmas and to restock on supplies. Thank you if you can pray about giving to this need.

-Pray for EvaSUE as we continue in the coming time to train new staff and to work on new curriculum and a teaching path for our 50,000 students. Pray for students back to campus now... that God will help them be faithful witnesses of the kindgom and that this witness will create a movement for Jesus to the nations!

-Pray for the new peace agreement signed recently for Ethiopia- that peace will hold and aid will get to all the areas and people that it desperately

-Pray for my long-time friend Belay who recently moved to Canada- that God will bless him in this new place.  He will be missed here

I pray as the Thanksgiving holiday arrives at the end of this month, that we all give thanks to God for keeping us and helping us to RESET. He is so worthy of our thanks and gratitude!

Know I'm grateful for each of you!  

 Blessed November to all you as it continues... 

With Gratitude and Thanks from Ethiopia

Thursday, September 22, 2022

A Return to the Fields ...

It has been a very busy late summer and early fall season back in Ethiopia...

Rains have been heavy but they are getting less. The sun will soon return, marking another season shift. 

I know many people globally are also in this time of shifting from summer into fall, from vacations and time off to work and school, from hot weather to cooler fall temperatures.  

Maybe you are also like me...I can't believe it's already this many days into September already!  

There has much activity and transition and movement here ... I'm still reflecting on it all.

Over the past few months .. I've gotten a look at the "youth" generation of Ethiopia... younger brothers and sisters in Christ ... who are usually far out in their regions and doing the hard work of sharing the gospel and making disciples on university and college campuses all over the country.  

I saw buses and taxis pull in with them inside ... as busload and taxi-load after busload and taxi-load arrived bringing them together from all corners of Ethiopia. 

They were gathering for the two national conferences EvaSUE hosts each rainy season. 

Some of these students looked dusty... some looked drenched in rain.  Most carried backpacks and many looked tired from travel but all arrived EXPECTANT for God to speak.  They came to be refreshed, recharged and recommissioned to serve back in their fields. An anointing was needed and I believe God indeed did anoint and speak!!!

EvaSUE staff first hosted 700 plus campus fellowship leaders from all over Ethiopia for the National Leadership Summit.  They received a week of training on how to be "Faithful Witnesses of the Kingdom." They heard a challenge to SEE, WITNESS, and ENDURE with powerful expository teaching from the book of Revelation.  I was deeply moved to see the respect, the humility, the prayer, the unity, the repentance and the power of God cover these dear servants.  

Three weeks later, over 400 mission mobilizer students came together to get trained for mission at the National Mission Summit. Testimonies were given and current statistics on what God was doing globally were shared. God again moved and spoke and stirred and anointed these students for the fields they were called to.

My pieces at both conferences went so well and I was so thankful to help contribute some new ideas and strategies for these students. I taught Biblical Leadership and on Sport Evangelism. I helped lead mass sport and helped organize art and creative activities to reinforce main plenary sessions. I also helped with story collection- testimonies of God at work... recording these to be shared later on various platforms.  I was amazed at how everyone had a story to tell! Praise God! What an honor to be part of mobilizing a generation for Jesus Christ! I couldn't help but feel I was part of something big that God would water to get the remaining task done... that God would mobilize this humble team to get the gospel to the remaining people groups of the world who are still unreached. Let it be God!

My Creative Design Team- Yoyo, Tita, Edu

Art display

mass sport in the morning

I'm so thankful for my supporters, prayer partners, new friends, and for Global Outreach International- for the prayers, financial contributions... these all made it possible for the work and seeds tossed to get done!

The most moving activity of these weeks for me was a prayer activity we had at the Leadership Summit.  Robel (EvaSUE's main leader) preached on turning from Babylon and called everyone to repent and to turn towards God's plan and way. Students wrote repentance and prayers and then turned to go through a prayer line of EvaSUE staff... as they left the building ... receiving a "Faithful Witness of the Kingdom" wristband... marking them and their commitment to turn from Babylon and to go back to the fields. The staff wept as we prayed for them, students wept as they exited.  It reminded me of the verse:

Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy carrying sheaves with them... Psalm 126:6 

These students were returning to hard areas, "fields," that in many places of the country have drought, extreme need, fighting, and war.  But these students had counted the cost and were saying... we will go back, we will return, the gospel is worth it ... Jesus needs shared!  I will never forget that prayer line and power of God felt there... and the example these young people showed!

Sometimes God calls us to hard "fields." Fields we wouldn't choose and fields we'd rather leave from.  We might not like where God is telling to go and or where God is telling us to stand and stay.  These fields can be painful and uncomfortable. There can be persecution and cost. It may even cost you your life. But if God calls you to a field and tells you to hold your position, He WILL give you what you need and shape you in that field. Nothing is better than being where God tells you to be and standing when He tells you to stand. He can accomplish in you and through you what needs done! Help us God to be faithful to you and to trust you! Give us sight! Give us opportunities to witness! Give us strength to endure!

Open your eyes and look at the fields, they are ripe for harvest... John 4:35

You will receive power when my Spirit comes you and you will be my witnesses... Acts 1:8 

He who endures to the end will be saved... Matthew 24:13

After the conferences and all of the work, things still have felt busy ... 

We celebrated the Ethiopian New Year last weekend.  The last Ethiopian calendar year Sept to Sept ... was one my hardest. Lots of job stress and change, instability in Ethiopia, sickness and death and Covid was everywhere... Yet, we gathered and gave thanks to God for seeing us through.  For He is good and has still been with us!

Two of my best sisters here had big news to share in the past month.  One is a big congratulations to Hidi...on her engagement to Yodi. Very excited for all God is up to in the coming time ....

Hidi and Yodi .... Engaged!

I started a new class at ETC, Intro to Missions. This class of 35 will meet every Thursday night this fall semester. I'm so thankful for this chance to continue to build into current and future church leaders here. 

ETC Intro to Missions, Fall 2022 Class

So thankful for all! Please keep us in prayer here...

Prayer Requests

-Fighting has started again in the northern part of Ethiopia. Please pray for peace and for wisdom for the leadership.  Pray that people in these areas will share the gospel and respond to the gospel.  

-EvaSUE- as we continue to reflect and plan for the school year ahead and all God is up to ... that we will let God lead and ready us for our place in it all

-for my transition to go under Global Outreach International fully by the end of the year, appreciate them so much!  I will be sending more information in the time ahead how you can join my team through them.

Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership!  I am blessed by each of you.

Blessed FALL season to you all... May we give God our best as we return to the fields!!!

Friday, July 1, 2022

Living with Anticipation.... "There Will Be A Day"...

I think maybe as you get older... you start longing and looking more towards heaven than towards earth. More people you know enter heaven and the anticipation for those reunions grows more strong.  

I think you also see more clearly and feel more the pain and brokenness in the world and in your own body.  You realize that heaven is close and life is short and you long for "home" and rest. 

My greatest friend in Ethiopia lost his Mom this past month and it was a devastating and shocking loss.  Your whole world shifts and life will never be the same when you lose someone close to you.  

Rest in Peace... Belay's Mom

A song I've been playing alot the past weeks is: "There will be a Day" by Phil Wickham. 

This song has been reminding me that ... THERE WILL BE A DAY...when death and sorrow and suffering and pain will be NO MORE and we will be with God forever!!!


Until each of us are called home or Jesus returns, how do we live until then? 

Do we live with anticipation of heaven, or do we live cringing with the pressures and pain of this world? 

Which anticipation is reflected in how we live life, spend our money, our time?  

Do we invest in the kingdom of God and try to share with people about Jesus, so they can also have hope? 

Or do we build bigger barns and store up treasure that we can't take with us?  Do we hide, cower, or build walls to make ourselves more protected?

How can we live with anticipation of home with God and hold up that door, who is Jesus Christ, for others to see, when there is still so much pain and suffering?  How can we hold up hope when we ourselves may be sad and scared and suffering?

These ideas and questions have been in my mind the past several days...

God has been reminding me that at this critical time in history, we are NOT to lose hope.  The world needs to see Jesus and the hope He offers and we need to let Him fill us with His peace and joy and perspective that are not based on circumstances. We need to lift Him up!  This can be one of the greatest times in history for missions and mobilization.  We can get the gospel (the good news of Jesus- that a way for us has been made to be reconciled to God)... to the ends of earth! 

But we must live with intentionality!  We can't hide in our homes or even in our churches. We must go out to where the brokenness is and lift up the light and life of Jesus!

We have every reason to hope and to live with joy ... even if the world seems more and more crazy.

There will be a day ... when we will be reunited with those who have already gone "home." There will be fellowship and feasting for thousands of years. The pain and tears and illness and death... will be NO MORE. What a day that will be!  

Until then... let's work to take people with us! To invite them to know the Savior of the World, the great and soon returning King, Jesus!

Let's anticipate that day of His return and live as ambassadors of that coming Kingdom.

Let's pray for each other and hold to hope ... remembering these promises and words...

Revelation 21:4- He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no crying or mourning or pain anymore, for the former things will have passed away.

1 Peter 1:13- ... Place your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed.

1 Peter 5:10 ... And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

Ephesians 1: 18-19 ... I pray also that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the richness of His glorious inheritance in the saints and His incomparable great power for us who believe.

Hebrews 10:23 ...  Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for He who has promised is faithful

Job 11: 17-19 ... Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. You will be secure, because there is hope...

Romans 15:13 ... May the hope of God fill you with all peace and joy as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit...

Psalm 33: 18-19 ... The eyes of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His steadfast love, that He may deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine...

Romans 5: 3-5 ... Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that our suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character; and character, hope. 

Jeremiah 29:11 ... I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you a hope and a future ...

Galatians 6:8  ... Whoever sows to the flesh, will reap destruction, whoever sows to the Spirit pleases the Spirit and reaps eternal life.

Matthew 6: 19-21 .... Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven...

Isaiah 40:31 ... Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength...

2 Corinthians 4: 16-18 ... So we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day...

1 Peter 1:3 ... In His great mercy, He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ...

1 Corinthians 2:9  ... No eye has seen, ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has in store for those who love Him...

May we live with anticipation of all that is ahead thanks to Jesus!



I'm still so thankful that my work permit and residence visa finally processed under EvaSUE!  Praise God for these passing through!

I was so blessed by the visit of my former youth ministry student, Blake Arbogast. To show Him the work here in Ethiopia and share stories was timely and unforgettable!  

I traveled to USA in June. I'm thankful for the safety in travel and the time spent with family! I loved getting to spend Father's Day in person with the great Jim Garrett!

I also attended a one week training in Mississippi with Global Outreach International! It was an incredible week of training and learning! I was accepted as a full-time missionary under them and will be transitioning under them in the time ahead.  I'm so grateful for this partnership!

I'm grateful for the new work with EvaSUE and this humble team that is having amazing influence on college campuses all over Ethiopia. Despite the challenges of the past year in Ethiopia, God is multiplying the work! May God continue to unite us and equip us and give us strategy for advancing the kingdom of God by serving students!  I do feel one of the greatest movements in history is going to come out this work...

Catching up with friends-family here... is still ongoing.  I'm thankful for opportunities to connect and to live life together.  


-For the continued transition to go fully under Global Outreach

-For EvaSUE and the busy season ahead, two national conferences are coming up...

-For good health

-For additional funds I need to raise to fully go under Global Outreach. 

You can make a donation at the link at the top of my blog (if you're on a laptop)... "Give to Holly's Summer 2022 Campaign" 

Or you can this way as well:  https://www.globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/holly-garrett  

I need to raise one-time funds and I need to add more monthly supporters as soon as possible.


Let's live in hope and hold up Hope- Jesus- to the world!

Monday, May 2, 2022

"While It Was Still Dark... "

The past months have held much darkness for people around the world.

Though some places seem to be in a better place than before ... there are still so many struggling with war, soaring food prices, sickness, death and instability. 

Here in Ethiopia, we just celebrated Fasika (Easter) one week ago. I always enjoy getting to celebrate this holiday twice ... once with my USA family, then a week later when Ethiopia celebrates. I was deeply moved again when remembering the great sacrifice that Jesus made, the road He walked to die so I could live! The move He made for us all was undeserved and unimaginable! Jesus' life and death and resurrection became a bridge that we can cross through to connect with God.  We can stand in Him and with Him- with our sins paid for! I listened to songs celebrating Him.  I enjoyed a feast of celebration with the Kenna family ... as I do every year.  And my heart felt thankful...

Yet deep inside, to be real honest, I almost felt guilty in celebrating.  I felt a blanket of heaviness and sadness.  I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't shake it off. So many close to me are literally still walking through valleys ... ones of sickness, loss and death. There's been NO relief, and NO rescue. NO cure. NO miracle. 

So how can I fully celebrate, how can we fully celebrate, when the struggle and darkness remains for so many ... in the world, in the lives of those we love, and even in our own lives?

Over the past few weeks focusing on Easter, I heard someone point to a verse and it has stuck with me... ...

Early in the morning, WHILE IT WAS STILL DARK...Mary Madeline went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been rolled away... John 20:1

An observation was made that ..."while it was still dark," a miracle had happened. The stone had been rolled away and history changed forever! 

What God has been reminding me is that He can do much in darkness. We might not even realize He's at work, but He is. In the darkness ... in the bunkers and underground hide-a-ways...by or in hospital beds...by notices of eviction... in prison cells... in depression and illness...in war... in depravity... God is there and can quietly calm storms, heal diseases, raise the dead, unlock prison doors!

In literal and spiritual darkness where billions around the world still sit, God can do His greatest work! 

Sometimes God steps in and we see these miracles happen. But sometimes it seems He lets the darkness get darker.  Why?

In the dark, there are some things that God can make very visible...And these can be for our good...

1. Our Need for God (We see our Smallness) 

In the extreme darkness, things spiral out of our ability to control. We realize we don't have all the answers. We can't solve all the problems. Our weaknesses become visible. Our insecurities. Our fear. We feel the need for rescue, for help. And it causes a deep humility.  

Humble yourself before the Lord in due time that He may lift you up... James 4:10

God lifts up all who are bowed down... Psalm 145:14

I was a brute beast before you...Psalm 73:22

What a wretched man am I ... Romans 7:24

2. God's Presence (We see God's Bigness)

In the extreme darkness, we can also see God in ways we never have before. We seek Him. We call out to Him. We see His bigness. His strength. His power. His compassion. His mercy. He can surprise us and delight us and minister to us in the dark like no one can. He doesn't leave us when others do. When we go over the edge, He climbs over after us. He picks us up and carries us if we need Him to. When storms rage, He's on the boat with us. And if He doesn't calm the storm, He calms us and never lets us go! The darkest of seasons for me have been my greatest growth times with God.  God shows Himself to us in the darkest of nights. And our eyes are more open to see Him during these times

Call on me and I will answer you...Jeremiah 33:3

I lay down my life for you, I am the Good Shepherd...John 10:11

When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for you are with me... Psalm 23

Though ten thousand surround you, you will not be overcome... Psalm 91

I will never you nor forsake you ... Deuteronomy 31:6

My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever...Psalm 73:26

3. His Hope ...

In the extreme darkness, God can also give us HOPE. His hope doesn't disappoint and is not dependent on circumstances. God helps us to see Him and His promises even while in the dark. And somehow, as storms still rage, He pours hope into us as we realize our lives are in His hands. We can trust Him to not leave us or fail us and to help us. Satan will try to steal your hope. He wants you to give up on God. Don't! Satan is liar! Let God fill you with everlasting hope ... 

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings like eagles...Isaiah 40:31

I have given you living hope... 1 Peter 1:3

4. We See Others

The amazing thing that God can also do in extreme dark, is to show us other people who are also there. And as He ministers to us, He can then use us to minister to others. We can become "wounded healers" in those dark places. As God shines His light into us and fills us with hope and joy and peace, we can take those to others to bless them and help others find their way through the dark.  

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works... Matthew 5:16

I have been sent you to loose chains of injustice... to set free those who are in prison...... Isaiah 58:6

You are ministers of reconciliation... 2 Corinthians 5:18

I am sending you out like sheep among wolves ... Matthew 10:16

You are my ambassadors... 2 Corinthians 5:20

If you're feeling overwhelmed today, be encouraged what can still happen while "it's still dark." God is still on the throne! 


In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world .... John 16:33

Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning....Psalm 30:5

Holding onto God with you in Trust!

May we continue to trust Him in the darkness!


-My work permit and residence ID finally processed just last week. After months of struggle, God pushed those through! Praise God!

-The time getting to know EvaSUE has been so good. I'm humbled to fully engage with this team in the time ahead to "advance the kingdom of God by serving students." It's a key time for Ethiopia to disicple students to reach their campuses and the world!

-My ETC class has gone so well. I'm humbled to have had another semester of equipping current and future church leaders. This class is Cross Cultural Communication...

-I've been accepted to go under Global Outreach  International in the time ahead. I will email about this, big praise!

Prayer Requests

So many are still struggling. Please pray for healing, miracles, and hope!

For the finale of my ETC class, that God will give us a great last month.

For my continued transition to EvaSUE and to Global Outreach International and for fundraising I need to do for a  trip home in June, may God provide! (I will send an email with more details on this)

How can I pray for you?

Thank you for your prayers and partnership!!!

May we continue to trust Him even if it's still dark!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The 11th Hour ...

Many people I know feel they are at their breaking point. 

Something has to change. Something has to give. Many are tired. Tired of the same routine. Tired of the same diagnosis. Tired of the same struggle. 

And the clock continues to tick. The bill is due. The symptoms are getting worse. 

Too much time is being lost. Something must change...It’s the 11th hour....

Have you been there? Are you there now?

Many people in Ukraine might feel they are at this point. Their country is under siege. Their cities are being surrounded. Can something change? Will help come? 

Through many years of following Jesus, I’ve realized that God often waits until the 11th hour to act. 

He likes to stretch us, root us in Him, test our resolve and our faith, and do something with our character while we are waiting. 

But, at the last moment, He gets up. He opens doors. Parts seas. Makes a way. He heals. He restores sanity. He gives courage. He speaks. 

He might not do what we think He will do or move in the way we think He should…but He does move and work and often later we realize why His timing made sense and His movement before us, behind us, around us, and in us was masterful.  

I’ve found that in the 11th hour, when I’m stretched the thinnest, when my patience is lowest and fatigue is highest, is also when God calls me to do the biggest of things for Him and trust Him and He helps…because I can’t do it without Him. These 11th hours can be our greatest times of ministry to others.

Are you in the 11th hour? Do you need something to move? To change?

You might say... Holly, I'm past the 11th hour.  It's over. I missed the chance. The change didn't come. Well, I have encouragement for you too. Sometimes God even waits until AFTER the 11th hour. When midnight comes and goes...and it's very dark. The diagnosis is given and it's final. The tomb has been shut.  But what we learn from the Bible is God is not bound by time. Sometimes He moves even AFTER the 11th hour. He healed the girl already dead. He raised Lazarus from the grave! 

If you are in an 11th hour or beyond, don’t give up! God is for you and with you! He can still move. He can still act.  He hasn't let you go or forgotten you!!!!  

God promises He is working all together for our good! Do you believe this? Do you trust Him?

Your breakthrough can still come... until then- rest in the strong arms of God!

Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand…Isaiah 41:10

I am with you always, even to the end… Matthew 28:20

Nothing can separate us from the love of God…Romans 8: 38-39

He is working all together for the good of those who love Him…Romans 8:28

My thoughts are not your thoughts nor are my ways your ways…Isaiah 55:8

He will not fear bad news…His heart is steadfast trusting the Lord…Psalm 112:7 

If God is for us, who can be against us?….Romans 8:31

I, the Lord, do not sleep or slumber…Psalm 121:1

Nothing is impossible with God ... Luke 1:37

May we continue to trust Him through all that comes. 

May we praise God in the 1st hour and the 11th hour. May we praise Him even when it looks over and it hasn't worked out the way we think it should.  

Why?  God is worthy of our trust. He is faithful.  And He is the Author and Finisher of our life stories! 

Let Him show you what He is able to do ... no matter what the hour shows!

Praises- Prayer Requests…

-It’s been a busy time of transition for me back in Ethiopia. I’m very grateful for life here and new work here with the EvaSUE team. Please keep this continued transition in prayer and that God will show me how I can best contribute! EvaSUE works on over 100 public and private colleges and university campuses all over Ethiopia with over 50,000 students participating. EvaSUE equips students in discipleship, missions, and leadership. They want to advance the kingdom of  God by serving students. So humbled to join their work!  

Here is their website if you want to read more about them:  https://www.evasue.net/

October EvaSUE Leadership Conference this past year

-Please pray for my work permit and residence visa as those continue to process. Last week, this process required me to travel. Despite many trips to immigration and other offices, I was told the only way to begin a new work permit was to do this step. So I traveled to Kenya and came back the next day.  I'm thankful for God's hand of protection in this.  Now I need paperwork to come quickly from Washington so my new permit and visa can be cleared.  So please again keep that in prayer.

Kenya... quick trip in and out...

-Pray for ETC- I am giving one class this semester.… Cross Cultural Communication.  This is a key class for missions and is strategic for churches today. Pray God speaks through me and that God blesses this time and these church leaders.

-Please keep my USA family in prayer. Health for them and protection, provision in life and ministry, they are greatly loved.  I’m so inspired by their continued examples of faith and perseverance. Dad and Mom (Jim and Rosie), Noel and Mike! May God bless them!

-Please keep Ethiopia in prayer in the time ahead- that peace will continue.  Things seem quiet. 

-Let us remember the people of Ukraine.  What a crazy time for them and life shattering. May the good news be shared there and hope given! Many people there feel in the 11th hour  ... as cities are being surrounded...there is fear.  For some, it's already midnight and past that.  May you give breakthrough God!  Show up big for the people there! May your gospel be shared all over this area!

-The Orthodox fasting time has started here in preparation for Easter. As many around the world fast or participate in Lent... may God speak to us as we humble ourselves and repent and remember the great sacrifice made!  May we be willing to go down any road God calls us to.

Please let me know how I can pray for you.  I appreciate each of you so much!

Blessings to each of you this spring season.

With Gratitude from Ethiopia