Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Learning to Lean ... Thoughts for a New School Year, Fall 2016

I left Ethiopia for a few short weeks...

My time at home for a break in America sped by but was so refreshing. I had time to relax with my parents and sister- they are so great! And I also enjoyed some of the things that are really a luxury for most of the world- things like paved streets, running water, consistent power-electricity, high speed internet, bath tubs and showers with soft water, such a big variety of things to choose from in supermarkets, and clean swimming areas. Oh, and did I mention already trying on clothes, the loveliness of  AC , and the yumminess of ice cream? Ha ha. So nice. 

our adorable parents :-)

my Mom and Sister

B and A :-)

poolside, USA

I also had the privilege of speaking to individuals and to groups and classes about Ethiopia. What a blessing to see family and friends and our church family and to share about what God has been teaching me in Ethiopia.  There are always so many stories to share!

Someone asked me what had changed most about my communication style since living in Ethiopia for the past several years. Communication has always been a big part of my life and education background, public speaking, teaching and writing are my favorites. But the way I communicate now and how I now plan has definitely changed. Before, I memorized word for word every teaching, every talk, every lesson and I would spend hours practicing. But now that’s impossible. With the amount of teaching I do and the hours I teach, I just have to work more from an outline and go with the flow, without being so scripted. Scary...  but it was a necessary change and actually brought more freedom.

But by far the bigggest thing that I’ve realized most about communication and really living overall on “mission,” is the real impact you can have comes from what you lean on as you speak, teach ,love others and live.

For most of my life, I leaned on ME- my own strength. I would rely on my own skill as a communicator, for example, to be effective. And though sometimes that would end up being okay and maybe even very good- at the end of the day- when I leaned on my own strength, it wouldn’t have the power or impact it could have had.  My skill was without a spiritual edge. My insight too narrow. My love too shallow.

We’re often taught to do things out of our strength.  But what God has been teaching me is that when I reach back and touch my dependency on Him- when I lead from and love from that relationship-that’s when real impact happens. The first big evidence is that genuine humility is displayed which is good salt. Then I believe this lean into your relationship with God is the invitation He waits for to use your gifts for His glory. It’s when you’re teaching, preaching, serving and loving others can take on a whole new level that leaves an impact for eternity. 

When you don’t do things because of you or for you or by you; but it becomes of Him, for Him, and by Him. That’s when timely words are given, divine appoints happen, and God does amazing things through your words and actions.

If you serve in weakness, love others in weakness, teach and preach in your weakness, ...
but lean on God in that weakness- that’s when God can use the most ...

Paul seemed to get this…

2 Corinthians 12: 9-10
Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore, I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak; then I am strong.

It’s also what turned unlearned guys, Jesus’ disciples, into world changers:

Acts 4:13
Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.

So if you’re tired or stressed from teaching or preaching, or maybe feel no energy or passion to love others or lead others- take heart. Lean into your weakness, acknowledge it, then plant your feet firmly into your relationship with God- lean into that- and watch Him change you to be like Him- and do amazing things in you and through you!

May we remember to lean on God. And may this be our greatest season yet as we follow Him with courage where He leads us!!!

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Zechariah 4:6
Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit says the Lord.

Prayer Requests

-A new semester has started at ETC (the Evangelical Theological College).  I have two freshmen Study Technique classes, a Missions class, and a Youth Ministry class. Please keep those in prayer.  It’s about 80 students so far.

-I have agreed to help cover one additional class at ETC until their teacher arrives, 5 extra hours of teaching a week, about 40 extra students. Pray for the month of September- that I can manage that, though being busy.  It's an honor to be part of this school and helping to equip the church here in Ethiopia!

-Hope College is still on break time but will begin back in early October. Pray for my role at the school and how best to also add that into my schedule.

-Pray for my time of adjustment and catching up with students, staff, many of whom have just returned from break time or on still on break- that God will continue to build these relationships.

-Happy New Year to Ethiopia- on September 11. It will be 2009! Ha ha. Seven years behind our calendar which helps my age! May this be the greatest year yet for Ethiopia- may peace be here and God be lifted high and his Kingdom expanded! Amen!

Thank you so much for your prayers!