Saturday, November 18, 2023

A Reflection of Gratitude ... Thoughts on Field Assignments and Seed

The fall season in the USA was always a favorite for me growing up. I loved seeing the temperatures drop and the leaves change color. Pumpkin and spices - different candle scents and latte flavors ... jeans and jackets and scarves... a time of harvest. I have always loved this time of year!

Also of course- the month of November brings Thanksgiving- also a favorite holiday. A time for reflection and giving thanks for all you have. I remember turkey, stuffing, candlelight church services on the eve of Thanksgiving. So many good memories.  This time of year has always been a time to reflect with gratitude of all God has done and who He is for us.

Here in Ethiopia, things have gotten busy with annual plans and the return to school for most campuses and universities.  We have had trainings with new and returning staff. I'm so thankful to be part of the amazing EvaSUE team and work!

In reflection of this past year, I feel grateful. For my twelve years here in Ethiopia overall, I feel humbled and so thankful that God has kept me and has never given up on me.  The years have held so much.  Though many seasons were not easy, I'm so thankful that God gave me continued chances to work in these fields and throw seed here for His kingdom!  It has been my greatest joy!

Recently, I gave a training to our staff about "Stewardship" and it has had me thinking about the incredible trust God gives us in life.  

Stewardship is "the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to our care." 

God has given us many things in life to "steward." He's given us the earth; finances and resources; family and relationships; our bodies, our minds, our hearts; talents and abilities; spiritual gifts; time in general ... so many things. God trusts us to care for and take care of many things and do something with those. How have you "stewarded" what He's given you?

Over 2300 verses in the Bible talk about stewardship. God expects us to take care of what He's given us.

Stewardship involves remembering that:

God is the owner.  We are not.  We are stewards only. We work for God. All we do is for Him!  

The earth is the Lord's and everything in it ... Psalm 24:1

He gives us responsibility. God trusts to be responsible with what He's given us.  

Do you best to present yourself to God as one approved ... 2 Timothy 2:15

There is accountability. One day we will have to give an account of our lives and what we did with what He gave us.  

Each one of us will have to give an account to God ... Romans 14:12

There is reward.  We are also promised reward for the work we do.  Most of that reward will be in heaven. Here on earth, we may get to see some fruit of our work and lives changed or impacted. But mostly here on earth, our reward is more of God Himself.  We get to know Him more as we partner with Him in the work. He shows us more of Himself. He becomes our portion. There is no greater reward than to know Him more!

There will be reward for the work ... 1 Corinthians 3:8

The Lord is my portion ... Psalm 16:5

Despite just life overall to manage and steward, God also gives us ministry to do... "field assignments." Some times we think that a job or an education chance might just be random, but I believe God places us in certain areas for His purpose. God gives us a "field assignment" for the Kingdom and He has seed for you to toss there for Him. You might not realize this at the time, but looking back at my life....there seems to be so many of these times ... when it didn't make sense why God had me where He had me and why He had me doing what I was doing .... only to realize later ... it had a kingdom purpose!  God was trying to grow me and also throw seed to others at that place.

The good news about the field assignments God gives us is that God knows us uniquely. He knows the load we have already. And He knows our unique design. So, if He gives us a field assignment, He also knows with Him WE CAN DO IT.  We are chosen by Him for what He assigns us to do! 

He doesn't send us to a field or give us an assignment without help.  Three key things I see that He sends with us and gives us are these:

He gives us ...

1. His Word

God gives us His Word. His Word is living and active. It's the main way He speaks to us today. His Word gives us guidance.  He is speaking there!  It's also our sword.  The truth is there and this truth can slice through any lie or deception that Satan throws at us! Every day, we should be in His Word, spending time not just talking to God but listening for Him.

His Word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword ... Hebrews 4:12

2. His People

God also gives His people. There are brothers and sisters in God's family globally that are also doing "field assignments." We are not alone! Satan wants to trick you into thinking you're alone, He isolates you so He can attack you.  We must stay in community as God places us in different assignments. Together we can encourage each other, pray for each other, and keep each other accountable.

Don't forsake the meeting together of each other ... Hebrews 10:25

3. His Spirit

God also gives us His Spirit.  God's Spirit is in us and with us.  He's the One who teaches us and prays for us. He gives us guidance. He gives us discernment and wisdom. He gives us power to be witnesses and to speak with boldness. He's the One who does the "spiritual part" of our work. He's the convictor of sin and truth. When you do your field assignment with Him, He's the "right hook" - the One who brings impact and life change. We can't be successful in "field assignments" without God's Spirit. It's spiritual work we are in and we need Him!

The Spirit is with us ... (John 16: 7-15; Romans 8:26; Acts 1:8; Zechariah 4:6)

With these key things, we can toss seed and we can be effective in the harvest fields of the world!

My prayer in this new school year for EvaSUE and for the global church overall is that we steward well the work. That we do something with the seed He's given us to throw. That we remember that if He's given us a field assignment, we should do it well in honor of Him ...  for the fields indeed are ripe for harvest!  


Those who sow generously will reap generously ... 2 Corinthians 2:9

Those who sow in tears, will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with shouts of joy, carrying sheaves (the harvest) with them ... Psalm 126: 5-6

As we reflect on life this coming week and give thanks, may we think about our stewardship. 

How are we doing with what God has given us? 

May we think about field assignments and seed. 

Are we seeing life in this way or are we complaining with where God has us and not realizing it may be for a bigger purpose? 

May we honor God in the coming days wherever He places us!

Please pray for EvaSUE this month and next as we continue to train and launch more staff into the regions, that God will help them do much with the seed they're given.

Please pray for our two northern regions that have not opened back up yet- for staff having to be relocated until schools open back up...that God will give peace and that staff will stay encouraged. 

If you'd like to give to the work here, the need is great.  You can make a donation through this link:

Thank you again for your generous prayers and support!

I'm so thankful for all of you who partner with me here!  

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

With love from Ethiopia!

I thank God every time I remember you... Philippians 1:3