Tuesday, August 1, 2017


The past weeks held alot of travel for me and I looked out many windows and thought about the way behind and the way ahead.

There was a busy finale to my school semester at Hope College.

As graduation day approached, an air of anticipation could be felt. Over 200 graduates prepared to take their diplomas and cross a large finish line. Many of these students I had known 3, 4, and 5 years. I remembered many of them as freshmen, giving speeches and writing papers. I remembered student trips, class discussions, cups of coffee, and just so much of life's ups and downs.  What an honor to be part of their lives!

I had the honor of standing at their finish line on July 8th as they graduated. I felt tears in my eyes and pride in my heart as they finished.

I wish this very special graduating class the very best. These Environmental Scientists, Food Scientists, Managers, Marketers, Accountants, IS/IT Specialists and Architects will no doubt change the world.

 May God bless them!

Not soon after graduation, a team of six of us headed to the southern part of Ethiopia to do a training for pastors and church leaders about reaching youth.


There were 75 leaders who had gathered for the 2 ½ day training, these leaders representing over 250 local churches from six different tribes. As my team sat in a bouncing van for the 11 hour road trip to the training, we passed mile after mile of stunning Ethiopian countryside.

Though the way was beautiful, I felt some stress. What could my team really do? We were small. We were all tired from the semester’s end. But I was proud of this team, who spanned generations in age, for joining me in response to help train in youth ministry. I prayed God would help us.

In the last of eight teaching sessions, church representatives had to get up and share a 6 month to 1 year plan on how to reach youth based on our training. This was it, where we would see if they really understood what we taught and shared. I sat in stunned silence… as team after team… shared strategic and great plans to reach youth through their churches. It continues to amaze me that God backs us in our weakness. I’m so humbled to have been part of what God wants to do in the southern part of Ethiopia. May God breathe on this movement and bless it!

Not long after my return to Addis, I traveled the long journey home to Ohio in the US.  It’s been a great break time so far being with my family. I love my family so much.

We’ve enjoyed taking walks and sharing stories.

One story that came up with my family very early was about my I-phone. It had major problems the past few months- which had caused communication challenges with my family.

I explained to them that the connecting cord didn’t seem to be working. And the screen kept going blank. On the road trip south, our driver plugged my I-phone into his van charger to see if that would turn it on, and well- it was down for good after that. Later I learned that the battery had actually melted in the phone. Goodness.

It’s fixed now, but God reminded me through all that about having the right connection. And He’s continued to challenge me on that.

Is my life connected to God, really connected? Is the screen of my life a story of God’s love and grace, or is there a blank screen or a confused blurry screen that people see when they look at me? What does my connection to God reflect?

God has been reminding me of some of the incredible truths about my story and yours … we have this amazing ability to connect with God. God is the source of all we need. In Him and from Him comes joy, peace, direction, purpose, love … so much.

And the way we connect with God is through Jesus.

John 14:6
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

We can know our connection is strong because our lives change in that connection. Our words, our actions, our ability to withstand …. comes from connection with Jesus. It’s shared journey with Him.

 Is there evidence of that in your life, in mine?

John 15:5
…If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

If your life is a blank screen or dark screen, if your words and actions don’t reflect the character and love of God, there’s a connection problem.

How do you connect to God? Again, it’s through Jesus. Spending time with Jesus is key. You connect by listening to Jesus, talking to Him, looking for Him, watching Him, learning from Him. He’s speaking in the Word of God- the Bible. He speaks through nature. Music. Through so much, He’s there speaking. Do you seek Him, listen for Him?

Yet, we often connect to other things first or most.  We may look to our own ability, or to money, jobs, other people… before looking to Jesus .… and our connection gets off.  We fix our minds, our hearts, our foundations on other things. Our connection is then disrupted. We have to keep Jesus in focus, first and most.

John 15
Remain in me and I will remain in you.

Matthew 28:20
I am with you always, even to the end…

We try to get in good with God in other ways too… through good actions, or religious activity or generous giving maybe. But the connection to God comes from connecting to Jesus… He’s the only way…
When you’re connected in the right way, God’s Spirit can be felt. There’s conviction of sin, power in words spoken at the right time, wisdom and peace and joy and hope that can’t be explained. There’s light. Transformation happens, power can be seen, if the connection is working. An inner light shines that other people notice.

 Acts 4:13
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

Are you connected? Are we connected as His people, the church?

If you don’t know, ask a trusted friend or family member. I’m sure they can tell you. What do they see when they see your life? Is there evidence of connection to God? Is there evidence of a relationship to Jesus- is His leadership and character seen in you? Or do you sound like a TV show? Or something weird that no one can understand?

 Churches today have to continue to talk about Jesus.


Many churches focus on the love of God, which is important. But JESUS has to be explained and preached. Connection with Him is key. We’re not invited to a party on this side of eternity, but we’re invited to a movement, a call to follow, a family that is led by Jesus and ready to serve and love and sacrifice for His work in the world. Every church has to talk about this. This Gospel needs preached EVERY week.
As summer winds down and school starts soon, may we look out the window at the road behind our lives. Where did you go? Were there any roads you took that you shouldn’t have? Any detours or missed places? Did your connection get offline?

As you look ahead, where is the road leading? Are you on the right road, is your connection to the right source? Who or what are you looking at the most, leaning the most on? Is it Jesus?

If you’re a church leader….or member… are you talking about Jesus all the time? Focusing on Him in your personal life and in the messages you give? We have to focus people on Jesus.

In ten days, I jump back to Ethiopia… and these are questions God is asking me of my own journey.

I have to stay connected to Jesus!!!

May this connection be evidenced in my words, actions, in all I do and say, in the life I live, in all that I am, may Jesus be seen in me and with me. He is the good news we have to share!  He’s our great Shepherd and the friend that sticks closer than a brother. He is the way, the truth and  life.. He’s a leader that is worthy of our loyalty and our allegiance. He can be trusted! The journey with Him is like none other!

Blessings to you as Summer Ends and Fall Begins!

Let me know how I can pray for your journey, your family, and your connection to Him. And thank you for your  continued prayers for me and my family!

So grateful for each of you!



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