Monday, October 17, 2011

Where You Walk

Most of you who know me at all, or have heard me tell all or some of my life story, would know I've never been a big fan of feet. Yep. :-)

I remember at our church when I was growing up that when they had times of “feet washing" -an act of service to each other- these were times when you would most likely find me hidden in a bathroom stall, trying to avoid FEET.

Which is why I'm confident that years later, God would open up a job for me assisting a podiatrist- for a few years while working my way through seminary, LOL. God indeed does have a sense of humor. And while I was challenged at that work place being in the midst of so many with FEET issues, it would also be one of my most spiritually challenging as well, where I definitely had to defend my faith and live it as never before.  God has a way of humbling us and stretching us at the same time, all good.  Those feet days are long behind me though, thankfully. :-)

Well, having spent most of this past year walking in Africa in sandals, feet have come into my vision yet again. And they inspired some thought in recent days. Yep.

The rainy season ended up coating feet in mud, making the shoe shiners that line the streets in many places very necessary. Someone here in Ethiopia told me recently that people here keep their shoes clean because it can reveal much about one's life: like where you live, where you've been, etc. The cleaner the shoes, the more people would assume your background, economic status, etc, was higher. This cleanliness even includes the splatter of mud on your jeans. A shoe shiner will clean your jeans too, and make you look sharp. Pretty sweet. :-)

Well, since rainy season here has stopped, our feet come in now at the end of the day: dusty, cracked and sometimes even bleeding. Yep, sorry for the feet imagery there. But it had me thinking about FEET this week as I examined my own and tried to take extra measures to take care of them.

What do my feet reveal at the end of each day? Where have I been? Have I gone to the hard places when God has asked me to? Have I been careful too of where I've stepped and stayed away from places I shouldn't? You can often notice or smell even where people have been. Our words and actions are good indicators of this as well...where we've allowed our minds to go and what has been our heart focus. What a hard thing, keeping on the right path! And it's not just about keeping my feet and life clean for my own good, but also for the reflection of God in me for others. I was challenged by that this past week.

Noel and I had very different paths we walked done this past week. Noel visited with families in some of the poorest areas of Addis. She would tell me stories in the evening of heartbreak and struggle, also victory and transformation. In the fields, she was inspired by national workers- these volunteers and neighbors who were taking care of the least among them as commanded to by God. 

My feet led me this week into some of the country offices of some of the top Ethiopian Aid and Ministry organizations. My feet stayed clean but as I listened- I was deeply moved by the stories of so many who were getting their feet dirty in the fields. Many were making huge differences in peoples' lives on a large scale to help those trapped in poverty. I can't share their names for confidentiality, etc, but I was deeply impacted by ALL. Also- just the examples they were being as well to their colleagues and communities- OUTSTANDING and so ENCOURAGING. There are so many people here working from all parts of the world and despite frustration, discouragement, overwhelming need, and often lacking funds and facing persecution- they have pressed on. I was blessed!

Another blessing for me this past week- I received some timely emails of people saying they were praying for me, for us. It reminded me that one of the biggest battles you can fight on someone else's behalf- is in prayer. You leave your feet in humility- hitting your knees or even lying with your face on the floor on behalf of another. I felt grateful. I'm so thankful for a global family, a team, a troop, a tribe- all heading towards home.

I was reminded too of how big the work is that still needs done. Many more feet are needed in the fields.

These verses came to mind:

...respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord...hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work...1 Thessalonians 5:13-14 beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.- Romans 10:15

...Jesus said to his disciples: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” -Matthew 9:37-38

..We are God's fellow workers...1 Corinthians 3:9

May we follow His lead this new week. As the world seems unsteady for many, may our lives be present, our feet ready to go, to do, to be. May He makes our steps firm.

Prayer Requests for this Week
-for continued health
-for continued favor in my interviews
-for Noel's continued work in the community and with families
-for a missions team working in the southern part of Ethiopia
-for a special team traveling to Egypt this Friday, many of my dearest friends are on this team from the USA- that God will protect them and give them favor

Thank you for praying for and with us!

Blessings from Ethiopia,
Holly with Noel

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