Two big things stick out in my mind from this past week here in Ethiopia:
- Backpacks
- What God is teaching me about “chigger yellum”
BACKPACKS...This past week- school kicked back in here for most students. Kids were clad in uniforms, walking hand in hand in the morning and afternoons. So cute to see. Most noticeable to me in refection- were seeing the backpacks.
On many walks- I would notice these. And I started to think about what I carry in mine here. There are some things I've learned that are essential. Here's my list: my cell phone- which also serves as a “torch” (flashlight). No fun to be out without a phone or a light at night when you could literally fall in a hole and disappear or step in something that would not be pleasant. :-) Other important things: contact phone numbers; keys to the guesthouse; some form of ID, a little money; “soft” aka toilet paper (definitely don't want to be without some of this); and I personally like to have a journal, pens, and my camera. There are all kinds of moments to be captured. :-)
Other necessities depending on the day or season: bottled water; hand sanitizer, sunglasses, an umbrella (for rain or sun), and a light jacket or scarf.
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Noel with "soft" |
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Me with my scarf :-) |
I've learned to largely pack as light as possible though, otherwise your shoulders ache the next day.
The backpacks had me thinking too about what other things I carry with me and why. Do I carry things that weigh me down- things like worry, fear, stress? Yep. I constantly need to be checking what I'm carrying with me, why it's there, and even who put it there. Noted!
God help me to carry what I need and get rid of what I don't so I represent you the best I can- and can be most effective for you!
These verses came to mind this past week...
Cast all your anxiety on him, because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:8) not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)
...throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.... (Hebrews 12:1)
Another thing I noticed this past week was how many times I said the Amharic phase: “chigger yellum.” This means “no problem.” What God has been teaching me about mission life in general- is the need to largely go with the flow. To not set expectations too high that power will be on, that water will be hot, that meetings will happen as scheduled, that taxis will be available, that internet will connect; that you will get what you ordered, etc.
One of the funniest from this past week was when they took our toilet seat off our toilet in our guesthouse and forgot to put a new one back on. We had to laugh and say “chigger yellum.”
Today- Noel and I went to a restaurant for dinner and ordered salad but got soup. Also, ordered a “tall macchiato” and got one of the smallest we had ever seen. Had to say again “chigger yellum.”
Wow, living like that is tough though. I like checking things off my “to do” list. I like getting what I order. I like things to work and expectations to be met. But to make it here, I have to continue to put others first and try to live content, taking it one day at a time. There's a freedom that comes with chigger yellum. I'm still trying to get to that. :-)
These verses are helping...
...Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. - Philippians 2
...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.- Philippians 4:12-13
ONWARD...may God give us strength.
This past week I did have some great interviews and connections with some organizations and NGOs working to empower the poor. Most of what I'm learning so far is that development here is multi-faceted. The strategy has to be unique case by case and it's not easy. I was encouraged by one country director who said: Jesus himself was the great first social worker. We can learn much by looking at his strategy. May God help me continue to learn and put good research together.
Noel had a good week with the families she's working to empower with her Czech team.. More home visits were done and more small groups visited.
The volunteer training on Thursday was a highlight, thanks for those of you who prayed. It went extremely well. Fifteen volunteers were here from 9am to 3pm. We discussed openly about the challenges of leading small groups and doing home visits and gave teachings on best methods. We're excited by the lives of these volunteers who are being used by God in powerful ways in the lives of people in this community. God truly empowers those who make themselves available and in weakness, proves Himself strong.
Prayer Requests for this Week:
I have more interviews this week with NGOs (non-government organizations) and ministries. Pray for wisdom and favor and good connections. That I can learn good empowerment strategies to put into my research and also encourage those who are ministering here.
For Noel- as she continues to help the field staff with the families being empowered, that God will give her wisdom and favor.
For continued good health for us both. (we are still giving thanks for the warm sun and end of the rains).
For three American teams passing through here this week and next. One will serve in the western part of Ethiopia this coming week; one is in South Sudan for the week and will debrief here after that, and another team heads south then north here in Ethiopia. For their safety and opportunities to bless others. Also, as our paths cross with these short term teams that God will use us to encourage them and serve them.
Thank you again for following our stories and praying for us. Please keep it up.
May God richly bless you this coming week!
In His Strength,
Holly with Noel
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