Thursday, December 31, 2015

CORE ALIGNMENT ... A Prayer for 2016

It has been so good to be home for Christmas and now for these final days of 2015.

As I traveled from Ethiopia to Ohio last week, I began to reflect on lessons learned over this past year and I continued to think about that since being home.

What were my biggest struggles in 2015?  Where had been my greatest joy? Life has many highs, lows, mountains, and valleys …. what had God taught me?


How could I improve in the New Year, 2016?

What God has kept bringing to my heart and mind as I have reflected is the importance of what I’m calling core alignment.”

What do I mean by “core alignment?”

The core is the central and most important part of something… which if you’re a follower of Jesus- the core of who you are should be a relationship with God made possible through Jesus Christ.

Alignment is proper positioning of something.

So I understand core alignment to be the proper place of my relationship with God in my life.

Is God my source, am I aligned with His heart, His will, His purpose? And can people see that connection in me, through me? 

What is the source that I draw my identity and confidence from?  Is God still the One who gives me ultimate security, confidence, leadership and the love that I desire and long for? Or am I looking to myself or to other things, people, to fill that in my life?

I have to watch out for misalignment!

I don’t know about anyone else but I’m well aware that time is passing and I so much want to be at my best in all areas for God.  As I get older, I want to get better with age … to represent God the best I can where He has me. I want to be better in this coming year, than this past year. I want to be better today than I was yesterday. I don’t want to keep falling in the same holes or running down the same wrong paths. I want to look and sound more like Jesus as I run toward Him and toward home.

A huge core misalignment, actually a CORE BREAK- happened long ago in the Garden of Eden. Disobedience – sin- completely broke our ability to connect our core to the only source of true joy, peace, healing, security, love- God Himself.

And ever since that break, people have felt that disconnect and have sought security, confidence, healing, and love in other things rather than God. Religions have stepped in and said do this or do that to have your core realigned with God and to feel good about yourself again.

But NOTHING you do or buy can remedy your connection-core problem. But thankfully, God didn’t leave that as the end to our story.

A core realignment with God was not possible until Jesus was born and gave us His connection. Thanks so much Jesus for coming!!!  That’s why many just celebrated Christmas, that a Savior and Redeemer came and gave His life for ours, He paid for our connection back to God!  Amazing!

John 3:16
God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

Romans 3:23-24
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God- but can be justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Hebrews 7:24
Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant…. Jesus is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them

Now throughout the history of the people of God, there seems to have been alignment issues. And I believe one reason their story was written was to remind us to be careful of the same problem happening to us…

Malachi 3:7
Ever since the time of your forefathers you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them…

Jeremiah 3:32
My people have forgotten me …

Deuteronomy 9:7
From the day you left Egypt until now, you have been rebellious against me ….

Those with proper alignment with God have something that is noticeable. It’s not the latest clothes or biggest car or flashiest smile. It’s a an inner glow- a shine- that radiates from a connection with God … a joy, a peace, a confidence that reflects God Himself.  It’s good salt. It’s flavoring. It looks different, sounds different, acts different.
On Christmas Eve at church, one of our pastors talked about this kind of “shine.” And how our light should stand out in the crowd.  And it’s not a flash of light that is sometimes on or sometimes off, but it should be constant source of light that can guide others to the source of salvation, Jesus.
Yet it seems that in many churches globally today … lights seem to be dimming, flickering or are being turned off. These beacons of light- ones of truth, justice, mercy, and unconditional love have been clouded or snuffed out by arguments, scandal, and apathy. It’s a core alignment issue of leadership and churches. We dig own cisterns- draw our vision, our purpose, our identity, our path from things other than God. We often “do church” without inviting God in or to lead.

Now, you might be agreeing with me. You might say, yes- churches have issues. But remember,
WE are the church. Each of us have to keep a check on our core alignment. If there’s unhealth or misalignment in one of us, it affects us all of us. We are one.

1 Corinthians 12:12-30
Now the body is not made up of one part but of many… now you are the body of Christ… there should be no division in the body, but all parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers ….

You might say, Holly- I agree. There’s misalignment in churches and individuals. But as for me, I’m okay.

Well, let’s check….
How do you know if your core is misaligned? Here are some questions or things to think through…

Are you insecure in some area of your life that drives you to some source that isn’t God?

Maybe it’s your job. Maybe you feel inferior or misunderstood. So you often change your appearance to gain more respect or to feel more secure. 

Maybe it’s your appearance. Maybe you struggle with some pounds/kilos that you can’t seem to get off. So that drives you to unhealthy eating choices- maybe fasting, or fad diets, or an eating disorder, or too much time at the gym- to try to feel better about yourself. 

Maybe you feel lonely. So you look to friends or other people in your life to be there for you. When you reach for them and they don’t do or say what you need them too- you feel deep disappointment and depression sets in.

Maybe you don’t know your life purpose or you’re mad about where your life is at right now. So you often try to escape.  You always watch movies or spend time on facebook to enter other peoples’ lives and stories to escape from the reality of your own.

Those are all alignment issues. We all have them.

If your alignment is off, you’ll feel it. And those around you will often pick up on it.

Your words and actions can also reveal a misalignment. What do others hear from your words or understand by your actions?

You reflect what you look at or listen to. If your source of comfort or peace is money or power, your words and actions will reflect that. If it’s yourself, that will show. 

Is your speech salted with holiness, truth, love, and the mercy of God? Or are there bouts of profanity, rage, condemnation, negativity and judgment? That shows an alignment issue.  A core source problem.

You can ask your friends and family to tell you what they hear from your words.

What do your actions say to others about your life?

Are those actions spurned from a deep connection and reliance on God? Or does it show a connection or unhealthy dependence on something else?  This is where “the church” has run into big problems as far as witness. Words might sound good and holy, but actions do not. There is not a solid message on all channels that people are seeing and hearing when they observe our lives.

James 3:9-12
With the tongue, we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth comes praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water from the same spring?

I think some key sources we tend to go to other than God is:

1.       Ourself

2.       Our culture’s definition of success (money, power, position)

3.       Other people (maybe a husband, wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, children)

4.       Idols (anything or anyone you give worth too more than God)

5.       Sin (darkness can be a dangerous draw/attraction- living on the edge, dabbling in danger…etc)

If we are misaligned, I think there are some common ways that people tend to respond. I’ve done some of these myself or have seen these happen in others’ lives…

1.       We ignore it.  We just never deal with the misalignment we feel.

2.       We make ourselves busy- give ourselves distractions from the unhealthiness.

3.       We try to fix it ourselves. We self-medicate, go to doctors or psychiatrists, search google or self- help books for cures.

4.       Or we just accept the insecurity, the doubt, the unhealthy habit as life. Something we have to always live with. We recognize it’s there, but make excuses to leave it there.

I believe misalignment is what Satan wants. Our power connection is disrupted. This misalignment can eventually make all of our lives unhealthy and insecure.  Satan knows if we’re disconnected- misaligned- that our purpose is disrupted.  He knows if we’re connected to God and to each other, we’re unstoppable. 

I think some things God wants us to remember is that …

1.       Prayer is where realignment starts- and is kept straight
2.       We need each other to keep aligned, God made us for relationship with Him, and others.
3.       Others need to see God reflected in our lives, it’s part of why He made us, to reflect His glory and His love to the world.
The New Year challenge I have for myself and for you is ….

1.       Check for Misalignment

2.       Repent for any Misalignment

3.       Return to God

 He is ready to take you back and align you with Him!

Isaiah 44:22
I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.

Malachi 3:7
Return to me and I will return to you

Acts 3:19
Repent then and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out and times of refreshing come

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

May we be His People, His Light in the World in the Coming Year!

A song I’ve been so encouraged by is a song by Danny Gokey called Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

God is able to align any misalignment, no matter how big it is …

Isaiah 43:18-19
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert, streams in the wasteland.

Philippians 1:6
…He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion …

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your understanding, In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your path straight

BLESSINGS to YOU for 2016! May it be our greatest year yet for our God!

I’m so grateful for Each of You!

Prayer Requests

-I go back to Ethiopia the first week in January- pray for me as I return to teaching- that my connection will remain aligned in the new year and that it will be my best year yet for God!
These are some of my students....

-A new business visa and a work permit needs processed on this side and that one in the coming days, please pray for that as the process has changed.

-Keep my family in prayer in the new year- my parents and sister- they’re wonderful!

Happy New Year! 2016!

Sunday, December 13, 2015


One week from today I will get to travel home for the Christmas holiday.

For me, living and working in Ethiopia, in 70 degree weather and largely sunny and blue skies without much variance, it’s exciting to think about that soon it will feel more like Christmas. (Maybe- if the weather changes in Ohio….it’s warm there now). This is the only decoration I have up now. ...
So to put on a coat, see Christmas lights and Christmas trees, to hear Christmas music in stores, to drink hot chocolate, these things “feel” like Christmas time.
Many say Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and in so many ways, I have to agree.

People seem more generous as they shop for perfect gifts for friends and family.

And the reality of the greatest gift ever given seems more largely in focus- as manger scenes adorn the front lawns of people’s homes and JESUS is the theme of all major plays and musical productions at this time.

What is the most wonderful time of the year for you? Is it Christmas?

Why do people celebrate Christmas or enjoy it?

Is it the presents? The time off work? Or just the holiday spirit?

May we not forget the biggest reason we have to celebrate…

Our God came here. Amazing!!!

Every time I see a donkey in my area, I’m incredulous to think that the God of the universe sat on one of those. That He humbled himself and entered His own creation, His own story, so a redeemer, a Savior, could be known, could be embraced.

Jesus came and walked our streets, experienced and battled the elements, faced temptation, and felt deep in Him the war that rages between flesh and spirit.

He learned obedience and experienced grief, rejection, and sacrifice.  

He also knew joy and laughter and friendship. He loved well and served well.
His life, though ending before his 35th birthday, changed everything for all of us!
He gave all of Himself so we can live and have our sin paid for! 

May we take time in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, to remember the amazing fact… that a Savior was born and still lives to give us life! 
He is our Merciful High Priest and soon coming King! This is the reason we have to celebrate.
And the greatest gift we can give to someone else- is the news of Him!

Luke 2:10-11
Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord…

May we celebrate Jesus during this most wonderful time of the year and every day of our lives!

Remembering Him today and always!

Blessed Christmas and holiday season to each of you!

Prayer Requests… Please Pray….

-for this week- As I give final exams for my Bible theology students- that the students will finish well- and will take all they learned in all their classes and continue to follow God’s plan for their lives

-for my Hope College students- as I give mid-term exams this week and listen to speeches, that God will bless and keep these students in Him

-for a new business visa and work permit that I need to push through the Ethiopian Embassy while I’m home- that God will give speed and favor on that

-for a training this Thursday I’m giving for Hope fellowship students who are small group leaders, that God will bless this time

-for my travel stateside in one week, for safety in travel

-for the holidays at home with my family- that God will bless our time together

-for my sister, now stateside, as she is serves as the Mission Director at our home church in interim. That God will bless this season for her and our church.

-for my parents, that we can enjoy the holiday with them, and for continued health and joy in all they do
-for my way ahead in Ethiopia in the new year, that He will help me make these days the greatest for Him

Thanks so much for your prayers!