God says He surrounds us. He hems us in. He goes before us and behind us. Even when we don't see Him or feel Him, He is there. He knows when we sit and when we rise. He knows every hair on our head. He sees the tears we cry when no one else sees. He witnesses every smile and hears every laugh. He sees every frustration and mistake. And He stays. He remains. He surrounds me. He offers to surround us all. I'm so grateful and amazed!
God also holds us. I have no doubt God held me and is still holding me through my years here. His powerful right hand gave me courage to stand on platforms. He pushed me through traffic and shielded me through sickness, loss, solitude, even war. We are held by God! When storms rage, when friends leave, when disease attacks, when violence and war rips apart everything, when Satan whispers lies, God shields us. He lifts us up, stands us up, He rescues, redeems, pushes back darkness, demolishes strongholds and breaks chains! We don't have to fear what we are looking at. God is ALWAYS bigger!
Often we surround ourselves with wrong things, thinking those things will give us security or confidence or rest. We hold onto things and even allow ourselves be held by people or things that are not God and not from Him. Satan will lie to us and tell us that what surrounds us is what we need. He says what surrounds us is bigger than God. He says what is holding us will overwhelm and overtake us. Satan is a liar!!!!
Who or what is surrounding you? Who or what is holding you? Make sure it is God! Jesus paid for our place to be in God's hands. We can stand in and with God because of Jesus!
May we stay encouraged, confident, peaceful, and joyful as we know God and share Him with the world! May we follow our Good Shepherd and trust He knows the way and will get us there!
Updates, Praises and Prayers
It's been a busy return to Ethiopia in early January.
- I was able to celebrate my Dad's birthday on January 23rd from here. We're so thankful for the amazing Jim Garrett, 77 years young and the most humble and amazing Dad for us Garretts! Please high five him for his life and example any time you see him! We love him so much. Noah and Anna helped me celebrate my Dad here, also my EvaSUE teammates toasted him with snickers bars :-)
-We had training at EvaSUE with some international partners this month. One week was in our EvaSUE office and it focused us on how to keep our team healthy. Then we had a Healthy Leader Retreat in the nearby lake town. This encouraged us to rest and we learned how to prevent burn-out. Praise God for the great training our partners gave!
Please pray...
-for EvaSUE- all our regions have regional events and area summits in February-March, ten regions! Please pray for staff traveling, for the plenary sessions and seminars, for the student leaders attending, for the funding needed- that God will anoint these gatherings for His glory and bring everything together according to His plan. This week, the East region has their summit! May students be challenged to "Follow the King"!
-for a Business for Kingdom impact competition EvaSUE is facilitating this month. We are so excited to have this opportunity to bless EvaSUE graduates with the chance to start kingdom businesses.
-for my work permit and residence ID process- it will start this month and the expiration date is in late March. We pray the whole process will be smooth. It needs prayer, it's never easy!
-for Ethiopia, there is an election in May that needs prayer. Also some regions are still experiencing unrest. Please pray for peace and for the Body of Christ to unify, pray, and lift up Jesus under very hard economic and political conditions.
If you'd like to join my support team or make a one-time donation for any of the regional events, you can do so through the link below.
If you'd like more information on funding needs in any region, let me know as well.
Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership!
Let's make a huge impact for Jesus in 2025 ... in honor and for the glory of the One who surrounds and holds us on life's journey! He is with us!
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