Many times in life, our heads can fall. We can become tired and weary. Our confidence can be shaken and our world can feel shattered. We can stumble and fall. We can feel overwhelmed with sorrow or shame. Our heads can become lowered.
The past few years, the world seems to have tilted off its axis. We have seemed to have lost our way and our hope.
You almost feel like you have to put your head down and brace for impact.
The past few years here in Ethiopia have not been easy. I feel like the foundation was blown out from underneath me as work imploded and friends left, fighting and inflation increased, and the way became hard and unsteady.
Despite it all, God has been reminding me and showing me that HE is the LIFTER of MY HEAD. HE is able to get me to where He needs me to be and even yet to become all He made me for. He is my hope. My song. My salvation. My joy. My peace. His hand is still in mine. He can raise us up and lift our heads so we see Him and have courage to run on! Praise God that He is still in control and is with us!
You are the One who lifts my head ... Psalm 3:3
After more than a decade on this continent, I would expect to feel many things. Fatigue being one big one. But shockingly, I feel fresh wind blowing into my life and the page turning to a new chapter here. One where my head is lifted to see the Author and Finisher of my life's run. Praise God for His ability to refresh and revive us!!!
I am your Shepherd, ... I restore your soul, I lead you ... Psalms 23
I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint ... Jeremiah 31:25
God has been speaking some big things that I need to watch for and to do in the time ahead to fully embrace this new time and season:
1. I need FIX MY GAZE. I need to lift my eyes to God and keep Him first and most in my life. I need to trust Him and follow Him. He needs to stay my foundation. He is my Shepherd. He is my Lord-King-Leader. He can show me the way to go. He can refresh me and fill me and renew me. He can keep me safe and can scoop me up if I go over the edge. He is faithful and good. My eyes need to STAY on Him.
Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith ... Hebrews 12:2
2. Yesterday - I did a huge load of laundry in between rainstorms and I also deep cleaned my dusty home... that brought a freshness inside. I was reminded in this time that I need to LET GOD CLEAN-PRUNE-WEED MY LIFE . I think now is the time when many people globally begin to spring clean. For a new chapter of health and for fresh wind to blow in, we need to clean out what shouldn't be in our lives. What is in our mind, in our heart? What is hidden in a closet or locked in a drawer that we need to let God into? He can clean things out, cut things out, so we can be healthy. I need to let Him shape me and mold me and discipline me so I can keep bearing fruit and stay connected to the vine. He can help me be at my best in this new season. Seeing the areas that need work and lifting those up to God can be humbling and even painful. But we can trust God with what needs done!
I am the vine and my Father is the gardener. He cuts away every branch in me that does not bear fruit ... John 15: 1-2
He is the potter, I am the clay ... Isaiah 64:8
When He cleans me, I will be whiter than snow... Psalm 51:7
Create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit within me ... Psalm 51:10
3. I need to KEEP CONNECTING TO GOD, spending time with Him. In that connection, when I plug in, there's a reboot of joy, peace, strength, hope, and confidence. If I don't position myself to hear from God and be with Him daily and often, I miss the surge, the charge of His Spirit, that I need. Every day, many times during every day- I need to connect, plug in, and get charged. I need Him more than I need anything else!!!
Remain in me ... John 15:4
If you seek me, you will find me ... Jeremiah 29:13
4. I need to WATCH OUT FOR ISOLATION. This is so dangerous. We need community. We need each other. Though social stuff can make me tired, I need to be intentional and wise about who I'm with.
Don't give up meeting together ... Hebrews 10:25
Walk with the wise and you'll be wise ... Proverbs 13:20
I'm so thankful for my EvaSUE teammates. They have made me better for God.
5. KEEP RUNNING the RACE. Sometimes we get tired and we want to quit. We can also lose sight of the goal and why we're here. It's not about making ourselves known or great or comfortable. It's about making God known and great among the nations. We have good news to share with the world. May we run to the dark places of the world to share the light and hope of Jesus. Nothing is greater than this. What an honor to get to work in the fields of the world! God can help us run a good race and finish!
Go into the world and make disciples of all nations ... Matthew 28: 18-20
You will be my witnesses ... Acts 1:8
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us ... Hebrews 12:1
If your head is down, may God lift your head. If you've fallen or if you've been stunned and can't move, God offers you His hand. He can lift you up, turn the page. He can fill you with hope and joy to run on. He is with you, with us all!
May God be with us all as the season shifts and life continues.
May we run a good race in His honor!
Praises and Prayer Requests
-Praise God for more training we gave for our newest EvaSUE staff. May God bless these brothers and sisters
-Praise God for our EvaSUE Regional Coordinator Consultation week. I'm so thankful for these dear brothers who are courageously leading their regions. We debriefed, trained together and were refreshed in God's presence. We also enjoyed some new fun activities...roller skating being one of those :-)
-Praise God for the trips and trainings done in regions that have opened back up.
-Praise God for Fasika (Easter is this weekend in Ethiopia, on May 5). May we remember and celebrate Jesus
-Praise God for Moms! As Mother's Day is celebrated on May 12, I'm so thankful for the amazing, funny, fit, classy, care pastor Rosie Garrett. We love her so much! Happy Mother's Day to her and everyone who will be celebrating! We praise God for Momma Garrett. God knew the perfect Mom for our family!
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We love you Mom! |
-Please pray for us at EvaSUE as we begin our National Events in May, that God will guide us and give us His Word and plan for the thousands of college students we get to serve. That God will give provision and a movement from here to the ends of the earth. I'm so humbled to be part of this team and work!
If you'd like to give a donation to the work here, you can through this link:
Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership!
Blessed month of May to you all!
May God lift our heads and may we keep running on with courage!
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