... all such weird words.
Though I've lived in Africa now for almost a decade and years ago lived in Haiti, which was always under a state of emergency, these days have been hard. I know for some parts of the world, these conditions and words are common. But for me, here in Ethiopia and having grown up in the USA, these times are NOT normal.

The world has changed so much in just a short time.
Here in Ethiopia, where coronavirus cases are still small, and only in the past few days has the number began to increase, to watch the news and then feel the effects of this virus spreading has been shocking.
Schools and businesses closing, then wearing a mask enforced... WHAT happened to the world as we knew it?
Huge lessons I've learned so far as I've tried my best to work from home, close my doors, and cover my face.
I don't know if many of you have felt the same as me. But for me, it has overall been shocking and disturbing, like a bad movie. And for me ... I've felt the full range of emotions.
In the beginning, I actually laughed to see people here in masks. It looked ridiculous and many didn't wear them correctly. Then I became irritated when asked to wash my hands or put a mask on, it seemed extreme. Then came worry. If I coughed or sneezed or didn't feel well, which is part of living here, was I infected? I would wash my hands singing "happy birthday to me" two times through (I'm not sure where I saw to do that). Everything became weird, or as my dad has said..it's "spooky." I also felt grief. I missed my students. I missed the gym. I missed the freedom of movement. Our school campuses sit empty. I've felt sadness. Again, it's just overall shocking and weird, this time in history. Will things ever go back to the way it was before?
Now I know for those in the family of God, He tells us He is a strong tower. He calls us to take shelter in the shadow of His wings and to fear not. Yet maybe at no other time in history has such a global crush ...been felt. Where security and freedom and movement have been stilled and sidelined. And I think for every person, it's had an impact. Why has God allowed this now? I know students have struggled with this question. Our graduating class students... were at their last lap... and now they're struggling.
I've been wanting to blog for some time now. But I struggled with what to say or think because I was so shocked.
But I do want to try to share from here now what I've learned and observed so far about myself and what I feel like God has been teaching me and trying to remind me of during this time. I think He still has alot to teach me and help me with.
First of all, God has been teaching me about perspective. I've been reminded- this world is actually sick already, and it has been for a long time. There's a virus called sin and it spreads. It's a killer that brings destruction and death and separation from God forever. But a free vaccine has been given by God. It's Jesus. If you don't have Him, you're dead in your sins, no cure. The vaccine is not going to church or doing good works. It's not fasting or being a good person. It's Jesus. Either He's with and in you- having paid for your sin, or not. It's life's most important vaccine to consider now. Jesus gives perspective in storms...peace, joy, hope, relationship. He's with us as a good Shepherd and doesn't leave us.I've been thankful He's with me- giving me hope and perspective. On good days, bad days, blah days ...He's been with me, seeing me through. I'm so grateful for Him. He's my Savior. My vaccine. My friend. My King. This gives perspective.
If you're with Jesus, He's told us...this world is not home, we're only passing through.Heaven is home. We will be with God forever, maybe sooner than we think. We can be excited for that. A new body with no aches and pains. No tears. Time to catch up with people who are already there. Heaven will be sweet. So we hope in that. It's the not the end, it's a door to the biggest part of our lives. That will be a blessing- whenever it comes.
But if we're given the chance to continue here, that's also a blessing. Why? Because some people still don't know about Jesus. And they need to. We can't take stuff with us out of this world, but we can take people. Who else might need to know the good news about Jesus? Who can you share Him with? And you might say Holly, how can we share Him when churches are closed and there's social distancing? The church isn't closed, buildings are. The church is not a building, but a people. A people who actually do best in these circumstances. There's more on that ... below.
Another thing God has talked to be about during this time... has been issues with my "house". I'm usually not there. So being there- I saw to a greater degree what needed cleaned. What got in that I didn't realize. What needed fixed.
A SNAKE came in twice to my house while I was trying to "work from home." Yep.

Good gosh. Maybe for the past nine years...snakes came through my house every day and I just didn't know it. Not anymore. I closed its entry point. And it hasn't returned. Thank God!
Maybe like me- you've seen issues with "your house." That could be ...what's in your mind, your body, what's in your own personal space. Maybe you've seen what's in your home..with your family. Maybe you've seen things that have gotten in your house that shouldn't be there or things that need fixed. God can use these days to help us get our houses in order. To clean them. To fix them. To make them well. These can be blessed times if we allow God to help us see what we need to see and what do what needs done.
I've also learned that time matters. Even now... I think some have given up. They've stopped living or working or reaching out. I think God can use these days for Him. Otherwise- He'd already take us out if there was nothing else to do. If these are our last days and corona takes us all out- then there's work to do until that point. Jesus to share. Who can you call? Who can you share Him with? Who can you forgive? Who can you make peace with? Who can you love? What more can you learn about God and how you can bless Him? You can make Him smile by your creativity, your devotion, how you love and serve.
I've noticed also it's a time to get done what I should have done already and to try new things. Budget. Book Writing. Language learning. Cooking. I've found new favorites like running outside. I always liked running on the treadmills here in Addis in gyms because outside kills the lungs and clogs them- bugs can fly in your eyes and down your throat, people see you sweat. Not a fan. But I've learned to love morning runs... Addis is so very pretty at these times and God paints AMAZING colors - reminding me He's here.

I've also been reminded... life still has good here. Even in masks, there's love, there's life. One of my best girls had her first baby. Very big congratulations to Hilina Hailu and Peniel Yohannes on the birth of their first child, an adorable little guy named Noah! Another one of my favorite sisters here got married. Congratulations to Redi and Kb! Life is still good and God is still doing miracles.

And I've taken time to reflect. This has been good. Sometimes we're so busy, we don't reflect. What have I done with my life? What more is there to do?
And I've remembered my God and the family I'm part of. I've remembered what happened to people in the Bible when they were in prisons or dungeons. When they were up against the wall, it looked like the other shoe was going to drop on their heads, it looked over, finished....but what happened in those darkest nights ... amazing songs were sung, chains loosed, books written. Seas parted, tombs opened, bodies healed. In shut in places, the people of God can know God deeper. And come out- .... better, stronger, sharper, and more humble. They can have testimonies and ministries born from the darkest of nights and the hardest of times. That's our legacy, that's our heritage. What will be said of us when and if this time passes?
Every day during this pandemic is a battle. A battle of trust. Do I trust what the news says or trust what God says?
God says to trust Him. Darkness lasts for a night, joy comes in the morning.
May we do our best to honor our God by making His name great during these days!
This is my prayer.
Let me know how I can pray for you!
Prayer Requests from here
- Cases have been increasing daily this past week. Pray God's protection and peace and for His church here to shine
-ETC is finishing online, pray we can finale with students the best we can
-HUC is continuing online, please pray for wisdom as we try our best to help as many students as possible finish the semester
-Pray for my family in Ohio- my Dad and Mom, Noel and Mike. All are well and I thank God for that
-Pray for Ethiopia and the world, that Jesus is shared.
Praying for you from here,
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for me, the work here, and my family!
I'm grateful for you...so much,
Though I've lived in Africa now for almost a decade and years ago lived in Haiti, which was always under a state of emergency, these days have been hard. I know for some parts of the world, these conditions and words are common. But for me, here in Ethiopia and having grown up in the USA, these times are NOT normal.

The world has changed so much in just a short time.
Here in Ethiopia, where coronavirus cases are still small, and only in the past few days has the number began to increase, to watch the news and then feel the effects of this virus spreading has been shocking.
Schools and businesses closing, then wearing a mask enforced... WHAT happened to the world as we knew it?
Huge lessons I've learned so far as I've tried my best to work from home, close my doors, and cover my face.
I don't know if many of you have felt the same as me. But for me, it has overall been shocking and disturbing, like a bad movie. And for me ... I've felt the full range of emotions.
In the beginning, I actually laughed to see people here in masks. It looked ridiculous and many didn't wear them correctly. Then I became irritated when asked to wash my hands or put a mask on, it seemed extreme. Then came worry. If I coughed or sneezed or didn't feel well, which is part of living here, was I infected? I would wash my hands singing "happy birthday to me" two times through (I'm not sure where I saw to do that). Everything became weird, or as my dad has said..it's "spooky." I also felt grief. I missed my students. I missed the gym. I missed the freedom of movement. Our school campuses sit empty. I've felt sadness. Again, it's just overall shocking and weird, this time in history. Will things ever go back to the way it was before?
Now I know for those in the family of God, He tells us He is a strong tower. He calls us to take shelter in the shadow of His wings and to fear not. Yet maybe at no other time in history has such a global crush ...been felt. Where security and freedom and movement have been stilled and sidelined. And I think for every person, it's had an impact. Why has God allowed this now? I know students have struggled with this question. Our graduating class students... were at their last lap... and now they're struggling.
I've been wanting to blog for some time now. But I struggled with what to say or think because I was so shocked.
But I do want to try to share from here now what I've learned and observed so far about myself and what I feel like God has been teaching me and trying to remind me of during this time. I think He still has alot to teach me and help me with.
First of all, God has been teaching me about perspective. I've been reminded- this world is actually sick already, and it has been for a long time. There's a virus called sin and it spreads. It's a killer that brings destruction and death and separation from God forever. But a free vaccine has been given by God. It's Jesus. If you don't have Him, you're dead in your sins, no cure. The vaccine is not going to church or doing good works. It's not fasting or being a good person. It's Jesus. Either He's with and in you- having paid for your sin, or not. It's life's most important vaccine to consider now. Jesus gives perspective in storms...peace, joy, hope, relationship. He's with us as a good Shepherd and doesn't leave us.I've been thankful He's with me- giving me hope and perspective. On good days, bad days, blah days ...He's been with me, seeing me through. I'm so grateful for Him. He's my Savior. My vaccine. My friend. My King. This gives perspective.
If you're with Jesus, He's told us...this world is not home, we're only passing through.Heaven is home. We will be with God forever, maybe sooner than we think. We can be excited for that. A new body with no aches and pains. No tears. Time to catch up with people who are already there. Heaven will be sweet. So we hope in that. It's the not the end, it's a door to the biggest part of our lives. That will be a blessing- whenever it comes.
But if we're given the chance to continue here, that's also a blessing. Why? Because some people still don't know about Jesus. And they need to. We can't take stuff with us out of this world, but we can take people. Who else might need to know the good news about Jesus? Who can you share Him with? And you might say Holly, how can we share Him when churches are closed and there's social distancing? The church isn't closed, buildings are. The church is not a building, but a people. A people who actually do best in these circumstances. There's more on that ... below.
Another thing God has talked to be about during this time... has been issues with my "house". I'm usually not there. So being there- I saw to a greater degree what needed cleaned. What got in that I didn't realize. What needed fixed.
A SNAKE came in twice to my house while I was trying to "work from home." Yep.

Good gosh. Maybe for the past nine years...snakes came through my house every day and I just didn't know it. Not anymore. I closed its entry point. And it hasn't returned. Thank God!
Maybe like me- you've seen issues with "your house." That could be ...what's in your mind, your body, what's in your own personal space. Maybe you've seen what's in your home..with your family. Maybe you've seen things that have gotten in your house that shouldn't be there or things that need fixed. God can use these days to help us get our houses in order. To clean them. To fix them. To make them well. These can be blessed times if we allow God to help us see what we need to see and what do what needs done.
I've also learned that time matters. Even now... I think some have given up. They've stopped living or working or reaching out. I think God can use these days for Him. Otherwise- He'd already take us out if there was nothing else to do. If these are our last days and corona takes us all out- then there's work to do until that point. Jesus to share. Who can you call? Who can you share Him with? Who can you forgive? Who can you make peace with? Who can you love? What more can you learn about God and how you can bless Him? You can make Him smile by your creativity, your devotion, how you love and serve.
I've noticed also it's a time to get done what I should have done already and to try new things. Budget. Book Writing. Language learning. Cooking. I've found new favorites like running outside. I always liked running on the treadmills here in Addis in gyms because outside kills the lungs and clogs them- bugs can fly in your eyes and down your throat, people see you sweat. Not a fan. But I've learned to love morning runs... Addis is so very pretty at these times and God paints AMAZING colors - reminding me He's here.

I've also been reminded... life still has good here. Even in masks, there's love, there's life. One of my best girls had her first baby. Very big congratulations to Hilina Hailu and Peniel Yohannes on the birth of their first child, an adorable little guy named Noah! Another one of my favorite sisters here got married. Congratulations to Redi and Kb! Life is still good and God is still doing miracles.

And I've taken time to reflect. This has been good. Sometimes we're so busy, we don't reflect. What have I done with my life? What more is there to do?
And I've remembered my God and the family I'm part of. I've remembered what happened to people in the Bible when they were in prisons or dungeons. When they were up against the wall, it looked like the other shoe was going to drop on their heads, it looked over, finished....but what happened in those darkest nights ... amazing songs were sung, chains loosed, books written. Seas parted, tombs opened, bodies healed. In shut in places, the people of God can know God deeper. And come out- .... better, stronger, sharper, and more humble. They can have testimonies and ministries born from the darkest of nights and the hardest of times. That's our legacy, that's our heritage. What will be said of us when and if this time passes?
Every day during this pandemic is a battle. A battle of trust. Do I trust what the news says or trust what God says?
God says to trust Him. Darkness lasts for a night, joy comes in the morning.
May we do our best to honor our God by making His name great during these days!
This is my prayer.
Let me know how I can pray for you!
Prayer Requests from here
- Cases have been increasing daily this past week. Pray God's protection and peace and for His church here to shine
-ETC is finishing online, pray we can finale with students the best we can
-HUC is continuing online, please pray for wisdom as we try our best to help as many students as possible finish the semester
-Pray for my family in Ohio- my Dad and Mom, Noel and Mike. All are well and I thank God for that
-Pray for Ethiopia and the world, that Jesus is shared.
Praying for you from here,
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for me, the work here, and my family!
I'm grateful for you...so much,
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