Everyone likes compliments. To hear you’re doing well,
looking good. As girls, we like to be told we’re beautiful. Guys- like their
work to be admired and respected. I think the guys like to be told they’re
looking good too.
My whole family likes to get in the gym... so it's family thing we do, as Garretts. To grow old gracefully and do our best to take care of our earthly tents/bodies. But it takes discipline and a ton of work and to be complimented on the effort, we all like that.
But I was challenged not too long ago by a staff member’s message for ETC’s students and staff that the greatest compliment we should strive and desire to hear is to be a “man or woman of God.”
None can satisfy or change us, fill us, like God himself. May we seek Him! And to be like Him! There is no greater beauty. No greater strength to display than this.
What compliments do you most like to hear?
For me, I definitely like teaching compliments. And also seeing the non-verbal signs that students are getting something out of
what I’m saying are great too. For I want my students
to leave my classes inspired and motivated, challenged and hopeful. One ETC student once told me… "Holly, I love
your style of teaching. You can tell you’ve worked with children." I laughed on that one… but later…wasn’t sure
if that was a compliment or not… because I’ve never worked with children. Only
middle school and older. Ha ha ha. But, I swallowed it as a compliment.
I do love compliments on looking good outwardly too. Seems like as you get older, these are harder
to get, ha ha. I’ve attempted to comb my hair more and dress more in style,
which seems to help. The times I’ve
dressed up for my classes and not put my hair in a ponytail, has garnered big
clapping and whistles, which has made me chuckle pretty hard. But inwardly, it
really did boost my confidence. My
students here like to dress up and that’s fun.
And I certainly love compliments on fitness. Having spent
years now in the gym, hearing I look fit or years younger, makes me smile. And
I feel like the sweat and the hard discipline has been well worth it.
But I was challenged not too long ago by a staff member’s message for ETC’s students and staff that the greatest compliment we should strive and desire to hear is to be a “man or woman of God.”
There is a woman of God…do you see her? That is the
heart-rendering compliment that I should desire most. This one is hard though,
because it’s a beauty of peace and joy and hope that comes from the inside out.
One that speaks of integrity, strength, courage, someone at rest on the firm
foundation of Jesus Christ. Is that me?
Do people say that of me?
I wanted to share the contents of this message because
for my new year here in Ethiopia, this has been what I’ve been thinking about
and challenging myself to.
There are four
F’s that can be seen as markers in a man or woman of God.
We often strive for A’s in life and in school and in work,
but here are four F’s that we should seek, all found in 1 Timothy 6:11-14.
A man or woman of God should FLEE from certain things. Should FOLLOW/Pursue certain things. Should FIGHT for certain things. And should be FAITHFUL to what God has God has called him or her to do, or
be. To finish.
1 Timothy 6:11-14
(Paul to Timothy)…But you, man of God, flee
from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and
gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. …. I charge you to keep this
command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
A man or woman or God flees from certain things. You don’t
sit in the presence of certain things. You run the other way. In 1 Timothy 6,
some of these things are mentioned. Love of money; false teaching; division. In
other scriptures, we read of sin, temptation, selfishness, evil.
Do we flee from certain things? Stay away from them in honor
of God? Or do we stay? Listen. Watch? … When we should flee?
FOLLOW (pursue)
A man or woman of God follows or pursues certain things.
Some of the things we should be seeking to add into our lives are mentioned in
1 Timothy: righteousness (right action/right relationship with God); holiness (right thinking- God's thoughts); faith; love;
endurance; and gentleness.
Can we be seen seeking to add these things in our lives? Do
we seek after God and to be like Him?
Or do we seek after or chase other things or people?
What do you try to add to your life, to get more of?
Success? Recognition? Love? Money? Comfort? Achievement? Beauty?
Often what you follow or pursue can easily be figured out
by what you give your time and money to.
None can satisfy or change us, fill us, like God himself. May we seek Him! And to be like Him! There is no greater beauty. No greater strength to display than this.
A man or woman of God is brave. They fight the good fight
of faith. Armed with right weapons. What do we fight against? And who?
Do we get in fights we shouldn’t be in? Argue, disagree?
Do we fight with wrong weapons? Satan is the author of division. He likes
separating us, causing us to fight each other. Families fight inwardly,
churches often implode. Should we be fighting each other? No way.
Do we stand up for God? For people? Do we speak against
injustice? Or are we seen as passive? Not fighting for our families and
faith? May God make us brave and
courageous to fight the good fight of faith for our God- to be bold to share Him in
the hard places.
A man or woman of God finishes what God gives them to do.
They’re faithful to the task, to the One who called them.
God is strength in weakness. He can finish what He starts
in us, through us. Life is partnership with Him.
May we be called faithful to God and to whatever He calls
us to do and be.
may we seek. May I seek!!!
This coming Monday, my full schedule begins. All
cylinders need to fire up and I need to be healthy, ready to give it my all.
Please pray that at both schools, also in language school
that I will be adding in, that I can honor God and may it be said of me, she
is a woman of God.
Maybe you’re like me … you may have some F's in your past. Maybe those markers are there like scars. Ones of
tremendous falls and failures.
But be encouraged… as am I… that if you look at the great
men and women of the Bible… most of whom achieved the good F’s … they also had
their share of big bad F’s. Failures. Falls. … But God can turn any mess up,
any failure, into a comeback. And the pressure you passed through, the lessons
learned, can actually give you a testimony to share and song to sing of grace
and perseverance that is unique and powerful.
God is able to write new chapters and do big things in us, even yet.
A new start, a fresh start, a new day, a new season…
where the greatest compliments of your life can still be experienced…can even
now begin. Let it be so for us all.
May we be men and women of God!!!
-It’s been a great start to school at ETC. I’ve enjoyed
teaching youth ministry and mission classes. I give thanks for the great
opportunity to build the church here in Ethiopia through the ministry of ETC.
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One of my ETC classes, Intro to Missions |
-It was great to celebrate two big holidays this past
month, one being New Year's day. I’m
thankful for the opportunity and privilege to continue to live and work here.
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New Years Day with the Kennas |
-Our ETC staff traveled safely to Hawassa, about five
hours from Addis, this past week to celebrate our extension campus’s
graduation. Also to have a team retreat. It was great to get out of the city,
to learn together and plan together for the coming school year.
-The weather is changing at long last. Rainy season has
held on several extra weeks, but it now seems to be shifting to sun and blue
skies… which will be the case until June of next year. Thankful for the sun’s
Prayer Requests
-I start teaching again at Hope College this coming week.
As my schedule doubles and my student number triples, pray that I can manage
and get A+’s (and 4 F’s) in all I do. May God use me to be a great teammate and instructor.
Also as I advise Student Parliament again at Hope, that I can impact the
student leaders of our school.
-Please pray for me as I finally take extra time to learn
Amharic, the language here. This has been a LONG time in coming and way
overdue. I’m excited to learn through a private instructor. And pray I can be
fluent in the near future.
-Please pray for peace in Ethiopia. There is tension in
some areas.
-Please pray for protection from Satan, he’s always
-Please keep my Mom, Dad and sister in prayer. They’re
great! May God give them blessings,
provision, protection as they continue in their fall season.
Thanks so much for your prayers and support and please
let me know how I can pray for you as well!!!
Blessed Fall Season, 2017/2010 (in Ethiopia) … to you
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