Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Greatest Unwrapped Gift

It's the "most wonderful time of the year" for many people. The Christmas season....

I have always loved this time of year. Seeing Christmas decorations on display, hearing Christmas music playing, there's usually yummy specialty coffee or hot chocolate you can sip on as you look around. Fires are glowing in fireplaces. Generosity seems more in the air, or maybe it just feels more there in the heart.


Here in Ethiopia, there's been no change in weather of course or decorations displayed. The only thing indicating here that Christmas is approaching is my calendar and a copy of the plane tickets home for the holidays sitting in my email inbox. Those are making me smile by the way.

I've been thinking in recent days what I have to be thankful for ... as Thanksgiving came and went ... then about gifts I'd love to get and give ... then I was thinking about another year ending ... What were the greatest things I learned from God in 2017... lots of things have been on my mind.

I think what God has been trying to say to me as Christmas approaches and this year finishes is that I'm still not experiencing relationship with Him like I can. He's been saying to me ... there's more to me than you now know Holly Garrett. Unwrap me. KNOW me. Come near. I'm waiting....

Unimaginable and unthinkable and undeserving invitation. And He offers Himself to each of us in that way.

And I'm convinced, He remains the biggest Gift offered to us and the biggest one we have yet to unwrap.

Without a doubt, the greatest gift ever given in the history of the world was / is Jesus Christ, God's Son. We were separated from God, unable to approach Him. But because of Jesus,  He gave us a way to be with Him again.

In an unimaginable move, God gave us part of Himself, His Son, to take our sin on himself and to pay for it. Now, with Jesus, we can approach God with confidence that we can know Him, love Him in amazing relationship.

The holidays are hard for many people I think. But, there's a gift that waits to be unwrapped... one that can meet every need, fill every void.

But again, the gift of Emmanuel, God with us, remains wrapped up and un-opened by most. Or just a little bit opened.

I think this is because of many reasons...

I think one reason is that the wrong advertising has gone out about this gift. The church today should be the main advertisers of the gift. But churches don't speak of this gift anymore. The gospel is not being shared. In other places, maybe the gift is spoken of, but the effects of that gift is not being seen, so it's an empty message without evidence that it actually does something.

Sometimes the gift of Jesus and what is said about Him is false or fake or weird.  People don't understand. Why have we made it complicated? 

Other gifts distract us in life too. Maybe a good relationship or good job or stuff distracts us from the gift of relationship with God made possible by Jesus. So the gift remains unwrapped.

Or we get distracted by what we think we're lacking... . Maybe a great job, or a marriage, or a family. Satan tricks us in this as well. Because all we need, God himself, is there. The biggest most amazing gift is there, offered to us. The author and giver of life, the source of peace, joy, security, unconditional love, is there. Waiting to be embraced.

I think maybe others of us only open this gift a little. We open it at the beginning of the day and the end of the day. We say Good Morning God. And Good Night God. But what about all the day in between. I believe God wants us to be with Him ALL DAY, enjoy fellowship with Him all day, grabbing moments with Him. Thinking of Him, talking to Him, listening for Him, looking for Him, seeking Him because we love Him. That's what love does to someone. If a husband only says good morning and good night to his wife and nothing else, is this love? Or if best friends do this, there's a whole lot of life missed. I believe God wants us to open up our relationship so much more. He's ready and waiting.

Some people only want to see the hand of God. Only experience that part of relationship with Him... His blessings, His healing. His provision. I believe He loves to bless us and surprise us and give us things. But He wants us to seek His face, His heart, all of Him, not just what He is able to do for us. There's more than His hand to be experience.

Others miss an entire life time without God. They maybe learn of Him early, maybe in church when they're a kid. Then they go their own way for years and at the end of their lives, maybe right before they die, they connect then. Somewhere someone once said that on a tombstone you see two numbers, the birthdate and the date of death. The most important thing on a tombstone is the dash in between the numbers. What did they do with their dash? What did they do with their time on earth? I believe God wants our entire dash. He offers us Himself, to be with us in all of life, if we open up this gift.

This Christmas season and into the new year 2018, I want to unwrap God. To know Him in a way I haven't before. Where I'm not just with Him in the morning and in the last minutes of my night. But all day, every day, I want to take all moments to be with Him. That He's not just my first look but all day I'm experiencing life with Him!

May all of us this Christmas season remember the greatest gift we have is God himself. We can know him, love Him, find our life's purpose in Him because of Jesus.

Unwrap Him. Know Him. He's ready...

Jeremiah 29:13
If you seek me with all of your heart, you will find me

John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in His name shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save it through Him.

Luke 2:10-11
Behold I bring you tidings of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord.

Hebrews 4:16-17
Therefore, since we have a great high priest...Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess....let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Prayer Requests
-Three weeks remain until I travel home for Christmas and the New Year holiday, please pray I can finish the semester strong at both schools.
-Please pray for my travel home and for safety and that I will have a good holiday time with my family as we celebrate Jesus and the New Year, 2018.
-As I spend time with key students in these final weeks before a short break, pray I can be used by God in their lives to toss seeds of truth into their lives, I'm honored and humbled to be in the lives of so many.


Blessed Holidays to You and know I appreciate each of you so much. Let me know how I can pray for you!


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

HEART CHECK... What To Do if You Need Peace...

What brings calm to your mind, rest to your soul? When does your heart feel at peace?

Maybe it’s when the sun is just rising or setting and you get a glimpse of the majesty of God.

Maybe it’s when you’re taking a walk and a cool breeze blows over you and you feel refreshed.
Maybe it’s when you see love between people or watch children playing.

Maybe it’s when you're sitting by water and listening to the waves hit the shore.

Maybe it’s when you’re curled up with a good book in front of a fireplace.

Most of the time it seems these moments of peace are few and far between. Days can feel stressful.

Many times your heart may not feel at rest, but at war. Maybe your heart is divided between two things. Or it feels insecure. Or lacking, or even broken. There’s disappointment, sin, Satan, struggles, loneliness, fear.
Tons of things weigh on the heart.

Last week my heart was not steady. Sometimes it was sad, sometimes weary, and sometimes stressed.  I wanted peace, needed peace.
One day in particular stressed my heart to the limit. One of my former students… her dad had a long awaited surgery that took several hours. They gave him a 99% chance of NOT making it through.
As I sat for the long hours waiting for the surgery to end, as I paced the halls, tears stung my eyes. It was literally walking in the valley of the shadow of death.  Would this Dad, we call him Gakey, would he make it?  I prayed for peace and a miracle.

On days like that and in life overall, how can we have peace? Can we really know and experience a “peace that surpasses all understanding?”

The sermon I heard over the weekend spoke exactly to that. It was such a good word, I wanted to share.

It was said, we must guard our hearts for this is where God gives peace.

Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart for it is the well spring of life.

Everything about your life flows from what is going on in your heart. External fights with others usually stems from an internal dysfunction IN YOU. (James 4:1)  If inwardly your heart is not experiencing the love and peace of God, outwardly- this can be seen in how you live, what you say, and in how you respond and treat others.

Thankfully, Jesus came to heal our hearts and give us His peace.

We can have peace with ourselves ….from our insecurities, fears, disappointments, self condemnation from the mistakes from our past, thanks to Jesus! We can be healed.

Romans 8:1
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…

Colossians 1:21
Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now God has reconciled you by Jesus’s body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation. …

So how do you have peace in your heart?  If the heart needs guarded, and peace comes when you do that, how do you guard your heart?
The heart is tricky. It's like a throne room, a place where we worship something, give focus. What do you worship in your heart? Who or what do you think of and give worth to there? Often our insecurities grow there, brokenness can linger there- bitterness and envy can blossom there.
How can we guard our hearts, so that what is there, is not anxiety or stress, or other things or people, but God Himself?

The key is found in Philippians.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. 

God’s peace is what guards your heart. When life’s storms come… unexpected trials, wipe outs, change, when people disappoint you, in all seasons, we can have God as the foundation of our heart and we can experience His peace, no matter what.
But we have to watch our hearts. If our hearts aren’t guarded in God, if His peace is not there, the rest of us becomes unstable.
To experience peace in our hearts, He must be our foundation, on the throne of our hearts. Our part is to make sure He's there and then to present our prayers and all that we are to Him, with thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the faith part. We thank him because He can. He is able.  We thank Him because we can come to Him, rely on Him. He’s worthy of our praise and thanks. He wants us to seek Him first, love Him most. Trust Him. Then His part is He will then give you His peace that is beyond understanding and this peace will guard our hearts. 


The source of peace is God. It’s not dependent on circumstances. We can experience this peace in the darkest of hospital hallways, when you’re facing job loss, a relationship ending, a change you didn’t see coming. When nothing is working out, you can still experience His peace and His joy.

God can deal with anything that faces us. Nothing is too big, too hard, too much.

We don’t have to be stressed or anxious, we must takes ourselves to Him and share all that’s in us, and with thanksgiving, thank Him for being with us and for us. Give Him our hearts, our requests, our everything. And we're promised His PEACE will come and guard our hearts.

If God has done anything for you, you have a reason to give thanks. If you're breathing or standing on two legs, those are reasons. Don’t forget the testimonies you have. Remember where God has brought you from. Use that memory to help propel you forward, to give thanks, trust God, and experience His peace.
We must constantly be checking our hearts. Is God at the center of us? Do we have peace inwardly and outwardly in our lives? If not, the heart is usually the problem.

God's peace can fill you and sustain you in whatever you're facing. And you might even get to witness a miracle as you trust Him with all.

In the hallways of that hospital last week… as the hours stretched on and there was no news that the surgery was finished… we prayed. And prayed. And prayed.  

Finally, the news came and what was said sincerely astonished us all,  Gakey had SURVIVED against all odds. Hugs and cheers and tears erupted. Later, we gathered in the small hospital room and gave thanks for a God that is bigger than anything.  A God able to do miracles!

Again, this surgery being successful here in Ethiopia was impossible. They said IF Gakey survived, he possibly would never wake up or be weeks in ICU after. One day later, I came into the room to see this dad sitting in a chair and he was bouncing a small basketball with a big smile on his face. I shook the hand of a walking miracle. And we gave thanks to God.   

Yesterday, only a few days after that surgery, Gakey left the hospital and went home with his family.  God can do anything!

So we must remember… if we feel anxious, stressed… we just need to take our requests to God with thanksgiving, then trust Him.  His peace will guard our hearts and see us through.

John 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in me … Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Colossians 3:15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…

May we constantly check our hearts and live and move in the peace of God! Amen!

Praises/Prayer Requests
-Time continues to speed by. I can’t believe it’s late October. Classes are going well at both schools. Please continue to keep those in prayer.

-Please pray for the continued recovery of Gakey.

-Please pray for Ethiopia overall, there are parts of the country that are not stable.

I want to wish a HUGE Happy Birthday to my beautiful Mom on October 27 and to my beautiful sister, Noel, on October 29. Very grateful for the example of both of these ladies in my life and the years of shared journey. 

Happy Birthday my Mom, on Friday, Oct 27

Happy Birthday to my sister, Noel, on Sunday, Oct 29
Very thankful for my family overall. Please love them and hug them for me if you're around them.

Thanks for the prayers and support and please let me know how I can pray for you as well.

Enjoy pumpkin stuff for me if you’re in the USA. And the cooler temps. J

Blessings from Ethiopia!

Friday, September 29, 2017

The Greatest Compliment to Seek ...

Everyone likes compliments. To hear you’re doing well, looking good. As girls, we like to be told we’re beautiful. Guys- like their work to be admired and respected. I think the guys like to be told they’re looking good too.

What compliments do you most like to hear?

For me, I definitely like teaching compliments. And also seeing the non-verbal signs that students are getting something out of what I’m saying are great too.  For I want my students to leave my classes inspired and motivated, challenged and hopeful.   One ETC student once told me… "Holly, I love your style of teaching. You can tell you’ve worked with children."  I laughed on that one… but later…wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not… because I’ve never worked with children. Only middle school and older. Ha ha ha. But, I swallowed it as a compliment. 

I do love compliments on looking good outwardly too.  Seems like as you get older, these are harder to get, ha ha. I’ve attempted to comb my hair more and dress more in style, which seems to help.  The times I’ve dressed up for my classes and not put my hair in a ponytail, has garnered big clapping and whistles, which has made me chuckle pretty hard. But inwardly, it really did boost my confidence.  My students here like to dress up and that’s fun. 

And I certainly love compliments on fitness. Having spent years now in the gym, hearing I look fit or years younger, makes me smile. And I feel like the sweat and the hard discipline has been well worth it.

My whole family likes to get in the gym... so it's family thing we do, as Garretts. To grow old gracefully and do our best to take care of our earthly tents/bodies. But it takes discipline and a ton of work and to be complimented on the effort, we all like that.

But I was challenged not too long ago by a staff member’s message for ETC’s students and staff that the greatest compliment we should strive and desire to hear is to be a “man or woman of God.” 

There is a woman of God…do you see her? That is the heart-rendering compliment that I should desire most. This one is hard though, because it’s a beauty of peace and joy and hope that comes from the inside out. One that speaks of integrity, strength, courage, someone at rest on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. Is that me?  Do people say that of me?

I wanted to share the contents of this message because for my new year here in Ethiopia, this has been what I’ve been thinking about and challenging myself to.

There are four F’s that can be seen as markers in a man or woman of God.

We often strive for A’s in life and in school and in work, but here are four F’s that we should seek, all found in 1 Timothy 6:11-14.

A man or woman of God should FLEE from certain things. Should FOLLOW/Pursue certain things. Should FIGHT for certain things. And should be FAITHFUL to what God has God has called him or her to do, or be. To finish.

1 Timothy 6:11-14
(Paul to Timothy)…But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. …. I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A man or woman or God flees from certain things. You don’t sit in the presence of certain things. You run the other way. In 1 Timothy 6, some of these things are mentioned. Love of money; false teaching; division. In other scriptures, we read of sin, temptation, selfishness, evil.

Do we flee from certain things? Stay away from them in honor of God? Or do we stay? Listen. Watch? … When we should flee?

FOLLOW (pursue)
A man or woman of God follows or pursues certain things. Some of the things we should be seeking to add into our lives are mentioned in 1 Timothy: righteousness (right action/right relationship with God); holiness (right thinking- God's thoughts); faith; love; endurance; and gentleness.

Can we be seen seeking to add these things in our lives? Do we seek after God and to be like Him?

Or do we seek after or chase other things or people?

What do you try to add to your life, to get more of? Success? Recognition? Love? Money? Comfort? Achievement? Beauty?

Often what you follow or pursue can easily be figured out by what you give your time and money to. 

None can satisfy or change us, fill us, like God himself. May we seek Him! And to be like Him! There is no greater beauty. No greater strength to display than this.

A man or woman of God is brave. They fight the good fight of faith. Armed with right weapons. What do we fight against? And who?

Do we get in fights we shouldn’t be in? Argue, disagree? Do we fight with wrong weapons? Satan is the author of division. He likes separating us, causing us to fight each other. Families fight inwardly, churches often implode. Should we be fighting each other? No way.

Do we stand up for God? For people? Do we speak against injustice? Or are we seen as passive? Not fighting for our families and faith? May God make us brave and courageous to fight the good fight of faith for our God- to be bold to share Him in the hard places.

A man or woman of God finishes what God gives them to do. They’re faithful to the task, to the One who called them.

God is strength in weakness. He can finish what He starts in us, through us. Life is partnership with Him.

May we be called faithful to God and to whatever He calls us to do and be.

THESE FOUR F’s… may we seek. May I seek!!!

This coming Monday, my full schedule begins. All cylinders need to fire up and I need to be healthy, ready to give it my all.

Please pray that at both schools, also in language school that I will be adding in, that I can honor God and may it be said of me, she is a woman of God.

Maybe you’re like me … you may have some F's in your past. Maybe those markers are there like scars. Ones of tremendous falls and failures.

But be encouraged… as am I… that if you look at the great men and women of the Bible… most of whom achieved the good F’s … they also had their share of big bad F’s. Failures. Falls. … But God can turn any mess up, any failure, into a comeback. And the pressure you passed through, the lessons learned, can actually give you a testimony to share and song to sing of grace and perseverance that is unique and powerful.  God is able to write new chapters and do big things in us, even yet.

A new start, a fresh start, a new day, a new season… where the greatest compliments of your life can still be experienced…can even now begin.  Let it be so for us all.

May we be men and women of God!!! 


-It’s been a great start to school at ETC. I’ve enjoyed teaching youth ministry and mission classes. I give thanks for the great opportunity to build the church here in Ethiopia through the ministry of ETC.
One of my ETC classes, Intro to Missions
-It was great to celebrate two big holidays this past month, one being New Year's day.  I’m thankful for the opportunity and privilege to continue to live and work here.
New Years Day with the Kennas

-Our ETC staff traveled safely to Hawassa, about five hours from Addis, this past week to celebrate our extension campus’s graduation. Also to have a team retreat. It was great to get out of the city, to learn together and plan together for the coming school year.

-The weather is changing at long last. Rainy season has held on several extra weeks, but it now seems to be shifting to sun and blue skies… which will be the case until June of next year. Thankful for the sun’s return.

Prayer Requests

-I start teaching again at Hope College this coming week. As my schedule doubles and my student number triples, pray that I can manage and get A+’s (and 4 F’s) in all I do. May God use me to be a great teammate and instructor. Also as I advise Student Parliament again at Hope, that I can impact the student leaders of our school.

-Please pray for me as I finally take extra time to learn Amharic, the language here. This has been a LONG time in coming and way overdue. I’m excited to learn through a private instructor. And pray I can be fluent in the near future.

-Please pray for peace in Ethiopia. There is tension in some areas.

-Please pray for protection from Satan, he’s always around.

-Please keep my Mom, Dad and sister in prayer. They’re great!  May God give them blessings, provision, protection as they continue in their fall season.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support and please let me know how I can pray for you as well!!!

Blessed Fall Season, 2017/2010 (in Ethiopia) … to you all!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

READY, SET, GO ... Making A Comeback ,Thoughts for a New Season

When I was in the USA just a little over a week ago and I was thinking of my return to Ethiopia, many things were going through my mind.  Is God really letting go back to Ethiopia, this beautiful land and people, to write another chapter in my story with theirs? Am I ready for another school year at two schools? What do I want to do better than this past year? What would the road ahead hold?


I thought about a ton of struggles and stumbles over the past year. Alot of wipe outs, opportunities missed. But there were also many great moments- where God made me laugh and even cry at His goodness and timing.

What would this new year hold? Not only was a new school year getting ready to start but also a new year (2010) will be celebrated in about ten days. Would it, could it, be my best year yet for God? I wanted and want it to be.

I think many of us have had these thoughts as a new year or new season or new chapter in life begins.

May it be our best… Ready, Set, Go.

God brought these things to mind…


Am I ready? As my break time in the USA counted down, I was trying to check everything off. Am I ready with the supplies I needed? Was my passport back from the renewal office? Did I check with my church? Go to the bank? Go to all the doctor appts, and yes, even the dentist?

I think as we “ready” for a new season or begin one, it’s smart to check things out. How’s our supplies? How’s our life overall doing in all areas? Checking things out can be scary even painful, but so necessary for a healthy new start.

Here are some key things to check… that affects our spiritual journey… that God was asking me about…

HEART…How is your heart? Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. What is your mouth saying about what’s in you? God says love Him, most. And love others. Is He my main passion, foundation, source of strength, confidence? Do I seek Him first? Is He my first Love? My hiding place, my security? Or have other things been my focus? Other people? God says to guard my heart. Hide His Word in there.   We need to check our hearts ALOT.

Matthew 22:37
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.

Proverbs 4:23
Guard your heart, it is the wellspring of life.

Luke 6:35
Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Psalm 119:11
I have hidden thy word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

John 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will make thy paths straight.

MIND… what are you thinking about? What’s your perspective on life? On yourself? We have responsibility to take every thought captive and surrender those to Jesus. May we be careful what we allow ourselves to think about, look at, and listen to. The mind can be Satan’s playground.  

Romans 12:2
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Matthew 22:37
Love the Lord your God with all your mind

Colossians 3:2
Set your mind on things above…

BODY- (your own physical tent)… How is your physical health? Are you doing your best to take care of the tent God has given you to house His spirit in? Are you learning about how to best grow old gracefully? Are you keeping away from things you shouldn’t? Our bodies should honor God. What we dress them in. What we do with them. What we feed them. What we use them for.

1 Corinthians 6:19
Do you not know your body is a temple of the body of the Holy Spirit who is in you, therefore honor God with your body.

Romans 12:1
Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship…

BODY (spiritual- your place in the church)- Are you keeping connected to your spiritual family? Really connected? We’re part of a family and we have a role to play. We need to be together and stick together.

1 Corinthians 12:27
Now, you are the body of Christ and each of you has a part in it.

TIME… How’s your time management? What do you give the most of your time to? Your attention? Yourself? Entertainment? Others? God wants my first. My best. To honor Him with the life and breath and days I’ve been given. Am I being a good steward of the opportunities He gives, living fully with Him leading me?

Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days.

MONEY… am I spending money on what I should? Being generous? Or buying stuff I don’t need
Can I do better? Be a better steward? Give more? Help more?

Matthew 6:24
You cannot serve both God and money

Proverbs 3:9
Honor the Lord with your wealth

Proverbs 22:9
A generous person will be blessed

SERVING/SHARING/MISSION- Am I serving others? Loving others with the right motive? Sharing the love of God and the Good News of Jesus? We have work to do. It’s part of who we are in Jesus Christ. May we not forget the mission, the work, we have to continue and what an honor it is to be part of!

Matthew 28:18-20
Go into all the world and preach the good news to all people, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you and I am with you always, even to the end.

Matthew 19:19
Love your neighbor as yourself.

Matthew 5:14, 16
You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light shine before men.

These I think are good READY-ing questions. God walked me through many of these.



Get in place, into position, ready to start the season. To do that, you have to work through the ready questions. Adjust things. Reprioritize. Add things in. Let other things go. Connect back where connections are needed.  Say things that need said. This step can be painful, but it’s necessary to have a good start, a strong start, with eyes ahead and all systems set and aligned.

Hebrews 12:1-2
…Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith…


Then it’s time to start. To jump. To leap. To GO. To BEGIN.

This past week, I began. I started four new classes. As I sat in my office before each class, my knees were shaking, my voice wobbly as I reviewed my notes. I had readied. I positioned myself, I was set at the starting line. But could I go? I needed a new start. A different one, a fresh one. And I didn’t want to start alone. I needed God with me for impact. And before I went to each class, I remember whispering to God.. ready…set… and I heard Him say… LET’S GO.

The classes went great but it was because I wasn’t alone!!!!

1st day of school, before 1st class

It’s funny… I keep thinking of this old youth ministry game we used to rent. One person gets in a suite type thing and it has all kind of velcro or sticky stuff on it…. And the game is you run and jump up against a wall and try to stick. And I think that’s what I felt like I did. I walked to the front of the class and jumped on the cross and said- I’m sticking to this cross and with Jesus. This is for Him and by Him and because of Him to the end. May we stick with the One who sticks with us and never lets us go!!!

Maybe you just started a new season like me. Maybe you’re a teacher. Or maybe you’re beginning a marriage or maybe finding yourself single and that’s new for you. Maybe you’re a new parent or maybe an empty nester. Maybe you just retired or you’re just starting school or work.

Maybe you’re entering a hard season or a season that could have suffering, a mountain climb of some kind is before you. Maybe you’re facing a medical problem or losing someone you love.

Whatever you’re looking at as the next chapter, be encouraged, you’re not alone. With God you can pass through. He’s with you always. Just get ready, set, and then go With God.

Isaiah 43:2-5
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.. when you walk through the fires, You will not be burned… for I am the Lord your God, do not be afraid

Matthew 28:20
I am with you always, even to the end

And just a note… You might have already started a new season and you’ve already messed up. It’s okay. God is a God who gives us a new day, a new time, a new chance, you can get ready, set, and go again. And live life well and honorably with God’s help. No cause is greater. His hand is big enough to pick you up and help you have the most amazing comeback!!!

Please pray for me as I pray for you!!!


Praises/Prayer Requests

-I had a wonderful few weeks in the USA with family, thank you so much for your prayers and support to help me get there.


-Please pray for my ETC classes that have started. That God will use me in the classes to speak His truth, Him with me.

-Please pray for Hope College as students begin soon to prepare to come back and start a new semester- in late September, that the final days of break time will be restful and that a good start will be had.

-Please pray for Ethiopia overall- there’s some tribal tension in some areas of the country.

-Please pray that I can have my best year yet for God, as I stick to Jesus!

-Please pray for the new year, 2010, beginning on September 11 here in Ethiopia- that God will give peace and His covering/blessing over this beautiful land.

-Please pray for many of my best students who graduated and are starting new chapters in the work force or graduate schools, may God bless them!
-Please keep my family in prayer as they continue in the USA, they are loved by me and so many of you. Thanks for that!!
Blessed READY, SET, GO to you all!