In The Fields
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Surrounded and Held ...
Sunday, January 12, 2025
A Light has Dawned ...
A verse that kept coming to my mind as 2024 finished and the new year began was:
The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned. (Matthew 4:16)
Darkness is common in Ethiopia. Light goes out often. It seems all of us make a collective sigh when that happens. And when light returns, you hear people clap. Darkness in general often brings unease. It can make you afraid and insecure. There's a deeper haunting darkness that the world has and it's the effects of sin. This has devastating impact.
Yet that's not how our story ends or how God left it to end up. Jesus came and brought light! He brought life, hope, peace and joy to all of us who lived in the land of the shadow of death. Again that shadow is still here. Wars rage. Sin rages. Darkness advances. Sicknesses attack. BUT light has dawned, a Savior came, the King arrived to forever get rid of the darkness! Thank you Jesus!
One great sermon I listened to over Christmas said when Jesus came, the One who would crush what was crushing you, was born!
sermon link:
Jesus' life and light can fill us from within giving us perspective, strength, perseverance, hope, joy and peace even when fires rage, the ground shakes, and things seem to be going from bad to worse. He can give us resilience- the ability to not give up!
We have a Savior who loves us. a King and Good Shepherd who can lead us and stand by us. And the end has already been written! He has already won and so have we! We have eternity with Him - without pain or sickness or death or sorrow. And now, we have His hand in ours and His light to lead us and His light to share with those who are still in darkness. We need to share about Jesus, the King, this Savior, Heaven's Champion, the one has already crushed the darkness!
May we share the light!!!!
That is my prayer for 2025.
May people see the light of Jesus in me, in us, and have the chance to respond!
Praises and Prayer Requests from the End of 2024 and for the New Year 2025
-Praise God for the new staff who were trained and launched by EvaSUE in the last few months of 2024. Please pray God keeps these new staff safe and encouraged and impacting for Him.
-Praise God also for the northern part of Ethiopia and some of our Addis team who visited there to encourage students, may God bring healing to this area. Also pray for our new staff person there, for wisdom and courage and impact!
-Praise God for area leadership summits and Bible study trainings that have happened in different parts of the country and also for deepening connections made with local churches. We praise God for the chance to serve students all over the country and for the Body of Christ being strengthened!
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Northwest Area Leadership Summit |
-Praise God for the great consultation week we had with our regional coordinators. We heard reports from the regions and had prayer and planning together with these key leaders. I'm so thankful for this humble team to serve with!
-Praise God that I was able to travel home for Christmas and New Years with my family. The few weeks in Ohio went fast. It was such a blessed time with my family! I also praise God for the safe return to Ethiopia a few days ago.
-Praise God I was able to serve twice in children's ministry at Noel and Mike's local church. What a blessing the children were to be with as they learned about Ethiopia and prayed for me. I'm so thankful for global family, the young and old and everyone in between, who make us the family of God together.
-Please pray for the next one week of intensive meetings and training we have with the EvaSUE staff, that this will unify us and ignite us for the year ahead.
-Please pray for our regions preparing regional leadership summits that begin in early February and will continue into March-April. That God will provide the funding and resources for these summits and God will pour out a blessing and anointing on the student leaders who gather.
-Please pray for a Spring Semester Course I've been asked to teach beginning in February at ETC (the Evangelical Theological College). I'm excited to teach a course here again for church leaders! May God bless the time!
-Please pray for a Business for Kingdom Impact competition that will be happening this quarter in partnership with Christian Life Center in Dayton, my home church. Pray that some new kingdom businesses will be launched here through this initiative.
-Please keep my work permit and residence ID renewal process in prayer. It's not until March, but we have to begin praying now, it's never an easy thing to pass through.
-Please keep Ethiopia in prayer, for the economy, the government, for peace. It's also an election year (in May). We need prayer!
-Thank you so much for those who gave extra support that helped me get home for Christmas and for those who helped with my return here! Also, thank you so much for all of you who give and continue to! I'm honored to partner with you here for Our King!!!
If you'd like to give extra for the events coming up or if you'd like to join my monthly support team (if you're not part of that already), you can do so through this link:
Thank you so much!
May 2025 be the best year yet for God!!!
Many Blessings to You and Your Family in the New Year!
With Gratitude from Ethiopia,
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Behind the Exterior
Here in Addis, I've been so shocked in recent days of all the changes. Many of the small shops that lined the streets here are gone. The government has literally ripped the faces off of all the storefronts. I think the purpose is to widen the roads and improve the overall look of the city, but for most people here, a facelift is not going to change the deeper issues that need fixed.
This is also true about life.
At many times in life, we put on a "good face" for others to see. We smile, we say I'm fine, and on the outside, we may look and even sound "put together." But the reality behind the exterior of us, might be what we call here: "chigger." There might be trouble going on inside of us.
Maybe deep inside of you is resentment or anger. You might have insecurity or fear. You may feel sadness. Loneliness. Depression. Maybe you have disappointment. Bitterness. Maybe you feel forgotten by someone or even forgotten by God. But no one can see these things because you hide them.
In thinking about my life here in Ethiopia, having lived here now through many seasons, I remember many times when I put on a smile and went to class. When I sat in meetings and looked like I understood. When I rode in taxis and seemed at ease. When the reality was NOT that at all. I remember fear and sadness and loneliness and loss. I remember disappointment and anger and insecurity. But I also remember God.
And I think what has grown in me more and more over time is a deep gratitude to the God who sees me, all of me, in all seasons!!!!! And He still gives me love and grace and mercy. He still is with me and hasn't given up on me. He sees what I don't show others and yet, still believes in my potential and what I can still become. This brings huge gratitude to my life and humility because it's so undeserved!!!
We have a God who knows what is behind the exterior of our lives. He knows what's behind the closed doors and what we try to hide or cover up. God knows it and sees it all.
And still God says to us ...
I love you with an everlasting love ... Jeremiah 31:3
I came to give you life ... John 10:10
I heal the brokenhearted and bind up wounds ... Psalm 147:3
I set the lonely in families ... Psalm 68:6
I will dry every tear ... Revelation 21:4
I will go before you and make crooked things straight ... Isaiah 45: 2-3
I am making all things new ... Revelation 21:5
Inwardly you are being renewed day by day ... 2 Corinthians 4:16
I will guide you always; I will satisfy your needs and strengthen your frame .... Isaiah 58:11
I can do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine ... Ephesians 3:20
In your weakness, I am strong ... 2 Corinthians 12:10
I will plant you for my splendor ... Isaiah 60:21
I will never leave you nor forsake you ... Deuteronomy 31:8
You will hear my voice behind you telling you the way to go ... Isaiah 30:21
I will supply your every need ... Philippians 4:19
I'm preparing a place for you ... John 14:2
If you seek me, you will find me ... Jeremiah 29:13-14
I go with you to the end ... Matthew 28:20
What???? What amazing love is that!!!!
This week as many gather to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, may time be taken to reflect on life and on God. He's been there through all your seasons. He's still there! And I believe He's still writing your story and mine. He has new things to show us in the time ahead! May we continue to trust Him and thank Him!
He's worthy!!!
If you're not feeling gratitude at this time in your life, spend time with God and let Him remind you of His love. He sees all things in you that you don't show others. He can clean what is there. He can heal what is there. Let Him in, He already sees it all. He's there and wants to be your "portion." He can meet every need and make your heart glad in Him!
May we give Him the gratitude He deserves! Now and as we continue to journey on!
-for opportunities God's given me to speak and teach in different places this past month, I'm so humbled by those continued opportunities
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some of the Addis Ababa (Mexico) region leaders that I had the privilege give a message to this past week |
-for the 12 new EvaSUE staff that finished their orientation training and were launched into their areas
-for a trip I took to the southern part of Ethiopia to see an EvaSUE staff wedding and to teach. I was also so blessed to see a fellowship there using art like we did at our national events
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Congratulations Bisrat and Hayu |
-for recovery from some weird illness I had after that trip
-for all of you!!
Thank you so much for your partnership with me here! I'm so grateful!
Prayer Requests
-for many of our staff traveling in the coming weeks to give support to new staff and to areas without a regional coordinator; pray for a team headed north to help establish a new staff person there; we are so excited to give support to that region again
-for a regional coordinator consultation time we have coming up, that God will bless this time with these key leaders
-for my trip home for Christmas, that I can raise money for that trip so I can spend a few weeks at home for the holidays. Also for funds to return and supplies needed.
If you'd like to give for that, you can do so through the link below. Let me know if you'd like specific funding information on what I need to raise too. Thank you for whatever you might be able to give!
I appreciate you so much!
Please enjoy the turkey, stuffing, football, family. All the great things about this holiday.
Especially enjoy the presence of our great God with you!
Blessed Thanksgiving Holiday to those of you celebrating!
I thank my God every time I remember you ... Philippians 1:3
Give thanks to Lord for He is good, His love endures forever ... Psalm 136:1
Blessed November and then start to the Christmas countdown to you all!
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Adding Plates ...
The past years have held shocking events globally. There have been tragedies and wars, hurricanes, political craziness. One reaction for many seems to have been a disconnection of people from each other. It has seemed too crazy and dangerous to go outside... so we stay in.
When Covid hit, we closed doors. Many went "online" for school and work and even for church. This seemed safer. Many have not gone back. The past years became about survival. Some still sit in that disconnection.
I felt that happen for me as well. In some ways, I have kept walls up and defenses high. I think it was a way to guard from what might come. And that led to isolation for me, more than I realized.
Here in Ethiopia, though God has given me great work and a new foundation to thrive on for the past two years, the country overall is still shaky underneath of what looks like an improving situation. There is still struggle and unease. Some regions of the country are not okay. Many people want to get out if they can. So, I think I still kept my guard up and held some things at arms length. Why hold tight to what you might have to leave or lose?
I'm so thankful though that God can get our attention when it's needed. The past months, I have felt God calling me more and more to reconnect fully with others in community here, even beyond what I've ever done before.
He said this in a profound way to me in August that gave me a final push.
Towards the end of August, our EvaSUE Team had just finished our National Leadership Summit. It was our biggest and best event yet. It had been an exhausting but epic week of God at work among the 1000 students who had gathered. As the staff went into a few days of retreat time after, I got news that one of our EvaSUE staff had a death in the family. His uncle, who was like his spiritual dad, had passed away quickly. It was a shocking blow to this brother and his family. I turned from the retreat and headed to give support.
It's interesting how some of my deepest lessons here in Ethiopia have been by gravesides. In places of mourning and loss, your heart breaks and your head can clear. As I sat at the funeral of this uncle, named Belay Yirko, I heard one person after another call him "my spiritual father." There were many stories shared of how he had opened his life fully to those around him and served people and loved them. When I went to the family's home, I witnessed what seemed like thousands of people coming to pay respect to the family. And as I washed plates with the family to continue to serve more guests, I heard God say very loudly to me that I needed to "ADD PLATES" to my life. I needed to open up my life fully and return to living in community with others. It was time!

Adding plates
For me, the past few years here, especially the holidays, have felt hard. I missed my family and not having a family of my own. Many people had left and it didn't feel safe to go out or to go far, so, I honestly largely hid.
Yet, I heard God say during this funeral time with this family that holidays and times of loneliness are the greatest times when I can serve people. God said when I add plates... He would add "family" to me in this way.
For me, it was a profound word!!!
So, I began. I began to open my doors and have been opening back up my life here... to neighbors, to former students, to other missionaries, to those on the road or to those God brings to my heart. And the feeling I've had in response is GREAT JOY. And all systems in me that had felt misaligned or had been disconnected have begun to surge again with health. WHAT??? Praise God!!!
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Ethiopia New Year celebration set-up with neighbors |
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Global Outreach Missionaries celebrating Meskel together |
Two are better than one... Ecclesiastes 4
Freely you have received...freely give ... Matthew 10:8
It is more blessed to give than to receive ... Acts 20:35
Practice hospitality ... Galatians 5:13-14
Carry each other's burdens ... Galatians 6:2
Encourage one another and build each other up ... 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Don't forsake the meeting together of each other... Hebrews 10:25
For even Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many ... Mark 10:45
God has been reminding me that NOW is the time for the people of God, to come OUT of our closed doors and closed homes and closed churches and closed lives! We need to love and serve our neighbors, even our enemies. The least, the lost, the broken, the downcast, anyone and everyone God puts in our path.... we can give a plate to. Give food, compassion, grace, love. Many need to hear about Jesus and to see Him. This happens when we serve! We are called to go OUT to where people are.
If like me, sometimes, maybe, your table feels empty. Maybe you have empty seats for various reasons. Maybe someone you loved is gone. Maybe the seat you have saved has never been filled. Maybe the holidays are hard for you. You feel lonely. I believe God wants us to add plates, to add people, into our family and lives. Invite someone for coffee or dinner. Host people in your home. Open up your life and serve. And watch what God will do! He will give you "family" and will fill you with joy!
I was so grateful for the reminder of all of this through the life testimony of Belay Yirko. One day, in heaven, I hope to find him and to say thank you!!!
Belay Yirko (Ababi) ... A Life Well Lived!
May I give more and more and more plates in the days to come!
May all of us open our lives and do the same!
Praises and Prayer Requests
-Praise God for good planning days with EvaSUE. Our National Service Center team and the two teams I sit on have had annual planning days. We are so excited for all God has ahead.
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EvaSUE's Student Ministry Team ...Planning Days |
-Please pray for staff and students who have returned to their regions, that God will bless their school year and that they will reach their campuses and the surrounding areas for the ends of the earth.
-Please pray for areas of the country that are still not safe, for staff and students in these areas to be brave and to hold up light. This great song has encouraged me, reminding that it's Jesus who makes us brave:
-Please pray for ten newly recruited EvaSUE staff and the training that will begin with them at the end of this month, that we will equip them well
-Please join me in wishing a very Happy Birthday to the amazing Rosie Garrett (my Mom) on October 27th. We are so grateful for her and my Dad!
-Please pray for fundraising I still need to do for the time ahead... I need raise money to reimburse my ministry funds (my goal is 5000). I also need to begin fundraising for a trip home for Christmas. If you'd like to give a one-time gift for any of those needs, you can give through this link:
Thank you so much and I pray a blessed fall season to you all!
May we "add plates" as God gives us opportunities!
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
The Narrow Way ... Reflections for the New Fall Season and Ethiopian New Year Ahead...
What an amazing time we had in Bishoftu, Ethiopia at the EvaSUE National Leadership Summit, 2024! Preparing for this huge and final summer event was daunting. The numbers were too many, the spaces too small. How could we possibly host this one week event with almost 1000 in attendance? We did the best we could to be ready, then the 105 EvaSUE staff jumped and positioned ourselves to serve university students from all over Ethiopia. We prayed God would help us! He did!
Through the week, I was blessed by so many things. The courage of these student leaders to travel to this event- going through roads and regions that were not safe. Why? These dear brothers and sisters in Christ were "Following the King." They were leading at their campuses and making Jesus known. They had already chosen the "narrow way," a way that involves a cross (a surrendered life) and a towel ( a life of serving). They had already chosen a way that required boldness and courage. They had counted the cost! What an honor it was to serve them during the week!
Together, as the Body of Christ, we heard plenary sessions from the theme "Following the King" from the book of Matthew. We were challenged to "KNOW" the King; "OBEY" the King and "REST" in the way and will of the King. There were seminars given by EvaSUE staff and mission leaders and EvaSUE friends/graduates. We prayed, we sang, we wept, we worshipped ... remembering Jesus, the King we had chosen to follow. Praise God for a powerful time together, equipping us for a new school year ahead.
The three day seminar I gave also went so well, praise God. I taught the SHAPE tool- where students learned how to figure out their Spiritual Gifts, their Passions, their Abilities, their Personality and reflect on their Experiences- with the challenge to use all of these things (their unique SHAPE and design) for Jesus! All of our life is for Him. Praise God for the opportunity to teach this and the impact it had.
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SHAPE Seminar, Day 1 |
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Jesus came not to be served, but to serve... |
One of the displays that God challenged me through was from Matthew 7: 13-14- about the Narrow Gate- The Narrow Way. It was a kind of interactive, experiential display. I think it was one many of us won't forget. You enter it ...with clear signs... noting that it's a narrow way and hard...but it's the way to life. It gets tight - on the way. There are ropes and things that can trip you and bind you and discourage you. Scriptures were posted on the way that you could see if you looked closely- reminding you of how to keep going. And when you came out at the end... maybe bruised a bit and tired... you saw scripture saying- you made it! And now heaven was your reward!
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the narrow gate - way |
I've been reflecting about the narrow gate and way. What have I learned on this path over the years? What have been the biggest challenges?
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. But the gate is narrow, the way is hard, that leads to life and those who find it are few - Matthew 7:13-14
The narrow gate is often not chosen and is missed because it looks obscure. If you look at it closely and actually count the cost of entering it, the cost is everything. The way you enter is not through something you do, but it's a person you choose to give your life to. You choose Jesus, He is the entry point to the way to God. You choose to surrender your will to His. You choose to exchange your life for His. You choose to deny yourself and pick up a cross and follow Him to the way home to be with God forever.
I am the gate, whoever enters through me finds life (John 10:9)
Some people accept the idea of a Savior because that looks easy and it's a free gift. But they don't realize that Jesus died to not just save us but to lead us. We get a King who we then must follow on a narrow way. Some people think when they choose Jesus- that healing and riches and blessings and wealth come with salvation and the promise of eternal life. But that's NOT what the Bible says. To follow Jesus is costly. It can cost you your reputation, your family, your friends, even your life. But to those who go that way- there is reward, and it's not just when we get to heaven.
For on the narrow way, with the cross on your back, what you get is much more and greater than what you give. You get Jesus. A Savior. A King. A Merciful High Priest. A Good Shepherd. A Friend who Sticks than a Brother. And though you may trip, fall, get tangled, get discouraged, you can continue because He's in you and with you through it all. He helps you keep going. He carries you when it's too hard. It's worth what it costs. He gives you joy and peace. He makes you new on the way. He teaches you and changes you to be like Him and He gives your life meaning and purpose. It's a painful way, but it's the only way!
A few things God has been reminding me about on the narrow way that are important...
One thing that is needed is focus. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus on the narrow way. Storms hit. Deep valleys. He will tell you to drive INTO the storm- INTO the pain- of your life and others. When everyone else goes towards comfort and ease, He drives you over the edge for sheep that have strayed; He moves you to the graveside to give comfort and to serve. In your own strength, it's not possible, but in doing the hard thing, you find Him. You know Him. Keeping your eyes on Him and not on the circumstances or struggles or even others is key. He can help you hold steady when storms rage if you keep your eyes and your heart fully on Him.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of your faith... (Hebrews 12:2)
It is God who makes my way secure, He makes my feet like those of a deer, He enables me to stand on the heights ... (Psalm 18: 32-34)
Because I have set the Lord before me, because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. I keep my eyes on Him ... (Psalm 16:8)
We must watch out for temptation and Satan on the narrow way. There is temptation as you go. You will be tempted to quit, to detour, to give up, to give in. Satan is there as well to pick on you and to lie to you. Satan wants you to look at others' lives that seem easier and more blessed and cause you to get discouraged and give up. He wants you to feel like you are alone and forgotten and even crazy to choose the way you're going. Beware of him and his lies. The way can feel lonely and definitely can look crazy- but it's the way of life.
The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to give you life and give it more abundantly. (John 10:10)
Stay sober-minded and alert. Your adversary, Satan, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (2 Corinthians 2:11)
If you are tempted, God will give you a way of escape ... (1 Corinthians 10:13)
We must trust Him on the narrow way. There are very very very hard times in following Jesus. He may tell you to leave what you love. To give up what you're holding onto. To sacrifice what you thought He was giving you. He may allow pain and illness and even death to hit you or those you love. He may tell you to hold a position or keep running a road that seems too hard, too stormy and you feel like you can't go on. It looks like a dead-end way. It looks like you lose. But He says to trust Him. He may tell you to go the way of discomfort. He will tell you to move when you think you should stay. He will tell you to stay when you think you should move. Often on the way- those you love most will exit or He will divert them to another way. These times can be gutting. Your heart can feel ripped out. You may face extreme isolation. Sometimes He will allow a thorn to be in your life and when you ask Him to remove it, He says no. Instead you may hear Him say... "my grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9) Whatever He says, wherever He leads, it's about trusting Him. He knows best and is working a plan.
Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when the heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to be bear fruit. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
On the narrow way...
there are and can be "troubles, hardships, distresses, beatings, imprisonments, riots, hard work, sleepless nights...dishonor... We may be considered as "imposters, unknown, dying, beaten, sorrowful, and poor...." YET- our real identity is "genuine, known, and as we live on ... we are always rejoicing, making many rich, possessing everything." (2 Corinthians 6: 1-13)
The narrow way is hard. But the King we follow and live for is worth it all! Through Him, we get life!
I am crucified with Christ ...and yet I live (Galatians 2:20)
I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so to attain to the resurrection of the dead (Philippians 3: 10-12)
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father, but through me." (John 14:6)
It's been a hard journey on the narrow way, but I'm so thankful to be on the narrow way with Jesus! I'm humbled to be on the journey here with Him.
I'm now back in Addis and what I hear God saying is to now rest a bit and reflect. The Ethiopian New Year begins next week and with it a new school year and fall season. I'm so grateful for all God has done and all He continues to teach me here in Ethiopia. As the rains end and the sun returns, may I keep on the narrow way until home. Jesus is worth it all!
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May I continue to follow in trust wherever He leads me |
Thank you so much for being with me here! I appreciate so much your continued prayers and support!
If you'd like to make a donation to the work here, I am still needing to reimburse funds from the summer of ministry and travel. If you feel led to give, you can do so through this link:
May we keep following the King on the narrow way!
Blessed fall season to you all! Happy New Year Ethiopia (next week)!
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
"Follow Me"
I can't believe it's late summer already.
I've been thinking again and again through our rainy season events in Ethiopia about what it REALLY means to follow Jesus...
Have I really been following Him fully and faithfully? I'm still thinking about it all.
July was busy in Ethiopia. We at EvaSUE hosted a very big event called the National Mission Summit when we had over 500 Christian college student leaders from all over the country gather for this one-week event. We introduced the theme "Following the King" and we had expositions from the book of Matthew about that theme. We taught about Following the King (Jesus), and our main points from the book of Matthew were: KNOWING Jesus, OBEYING Him, and RESTING in Him. The student leaders attending as well as our over 100 EvaSUE staff were highly impacted. We had plenary sessions and 15 different seminars on mission and evangelism topics. God challenged us all to be about His Kingdom and reaching the lost in our lives and to follow Him faithfully. It was an amazing week!
Right after the National Mission Summit, I had the privilege to travel to Mombasa, Kenya to participate in a Manuscript Bible Study week with three of my EvaSUE teammates. As we joined many leaders from across Africa and positioned ourselves before God, we were all highly impacted. God's Word is living. So many times, we can rush to get through reading the Bible- without really sitting before it to study it and see what God says. I'm so thankful to have had this time to remember the importance and power of God's Word!
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Was so thankful to travel with these three EvaSUE teammates- Eyosi, Messay and Frehiwot |
What have I learned from following the King? What has the way been like?
How do I know if I'm still following the way I should?
A few pieces that our ART team created at the National Mission Summit have been coming to mind as I have been reflecting:
Following Jesus... means "leaving your nets."
"Come, follow Me," Jesus once, they left their nets and followed Him ... Matthew 4: 19-20
Jesus says to leave what you're holding fully FOLLOW Him. This one is so difficult. We are quick to say "mine" instead of "His" as we go through life. We create dreams or jobs or plans without first checking with God. We can easily build things or do things and we can hold onto these and not want to let go.
Jesus deserves our whole heart, our whole devotion, our immediate response to be with Him. We are to leave our nets and move. He gives and takes away, and it's all His. May we cling to Him and leave our nets and faithfully and fully keep following Him!
Following Jesus means REALLY Knowing Him.
Knowing "about" Jesus is different than "knowing Him."
Many people were looking for a Messiah, a King, in the book of Matthew. When Jesus came, He arrived, people missed Him.
Many people know "about Jesus." It's not the same as a deep personal relationship with Him.
Do I REALLY know Him? Do I know His voice? His heart? Do you?
Jesus invites us to know Him as He pours into us and teaches us who He is.
Sometimes He sits in our lives, but we miss Him. He sits in our churches, but we don't notice. He even leaves our churches, we also don't notice. He sits in dusty Bibles- waiting for us to seek Him there, to learn from Him. He's waiting. But we don't seek Him.
May I not miss Him, not neglect Him. He's there... waiting to be known...
Following Jesus involves obedience.
If you love me, obey me ... John 14:15
Obedience is not easy. Following Jesus involves a surrendered will. We are to always say, not my will, but yours be done. It's a narrow way that you are called to. It's often a hard way and not the way you would choose.
Obedience to our King is expected. We can trust Him! He is a good King and He can see what we can't. He is there to lead us and to help us though.
We are not to just hear what He says, but do what He says... this builds our lives on Him. It anchors us to Him. When storms come, we can withstand it all ....
Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is like a man who builds his house on the rock... Matthew 7: 24-27
We need to often check what we are building our lives on. It's easy to make other things more foundational than Jesus. Sometimes the storms of life can reveal what we are building our lives on.
Am I obeying the King? Fully? Quickly? Am I staying surrendered and trusting the King to lead me on and home?
May I keep trusting Him always!
Following Jesus also involves a YOKE.
Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden light... Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus says we are to get into a "yoke" with Him. The interesting thing about a yoke is it's meant for movement, for work. Yet, Jesus says there's rest in that yoke. A yoke is what two oxen are put into to the work the fields. Following Jesus is getting into a yoke with Him and moving with Him through the fields of the earth to work in the harvest. The way is not EASY. But, in yoking with Jesus, He takes the heavy load on His side and leads us. In that, is rest. The way Jesus often goes and leads is the hardest way...where brokenness, despair, and darkness are. But, He says to stay with Him there and moving. He is light and gives us His light to share. In that surrender of control of leading ourselves, in letting Him lead us and use us, is when we find Him and true rest.
Are you yoked with Him? Is He leading you? In Him, is rest!
So how do you know if you're following Jesus, REALLY following?
Well, don't look like the religious of Matthew 23. That's NOT what following Jesus looks like!
When you're following Him the right way, YOU will change. You will be more like Jesus.
The way of following Jesus is not easy. It can cost you your family, your comfort, even your life. But, in following Jesus fully is LIFE. No way is greater...nothing better... than following the King!!
-Please pray for our National Leadership Summit in August when 1000 student leaders will come together to learn about Following the King. May this ignite a movement for Jesus to the ends of the earth.
-If you'd like to make special one time donation for the work in Ethiopia, you can do so through this link below.
God Bless You All! Thank you for being with me!
May God bless you and your families as the summer finishes.
May we give the King our best and our all!