Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Narrow Way ... Reflections for the New Fall Season and Ethiopian New Year Ahead...

What an amazing time we had in Bishoftu, Ethiopia at the EvaSUE National Leadership Summit, 2024!  Preparing for this huge and final summer event was daunting.  The numbers were too many, the spaces too small.  How could we possibly host this one week event with almost 1000 in attendance? We did the best we could to be ready, then the 105 EvaSUE staff jumped and positioned ourselves to serve university students from all over Ethiopia.  We prayed God would help us! He did!

Through the week, I was blessed by so many things. The courage of these student leaders to travel to this event- going through roads and regions that were not safe. Why? These dear brothers and sisters in Christ were "Following the King." They were leading at their campuses and making Jesus known. They had already chosen the "narrow way," a way that involves a cross (a surrendered life) and a towel ( a life of serving). They had already chosen a way that required boldness and courage. They had counted the cost! What an honor it was to serve them during the week!

Together, as the Body of Christ, we heard plenary sessions from the theme "Following the King" from the book of Matthew. We were challenged to "KNOW" the King; "OBEY" the King and "REST" in the way and will of the King. There were seminars given by EvaSUE staff and mission leaders and EvaSUE friends/graduates. We prayed, we sang, we wept, we worshipped ... remembering Jesus, the King we had chosen to follow.  Praise God for a powerful time together, equipping us for a new school year ahead.

The three day seminar I gave also went so well, praise God. I taught the SHAPE tool- where students learned how to figure out their Spiritual Gifts, their Passions, their Abilities, their Personality and reflect on their Experiences- with the challenge to use all of these things (their unique SHAPE and design) for Jesus! All of our life is for Him. Praise God for the opportunity to teach this and the impact it had.

SHAPE Seminar, Day 1

The art team I led did an amazing exhibit to help communicate the major theme and messages being taught.  It was the best yet that we've done. I was so excited to see the team of eight share their creativity and art to help communicate Jesus! 

Jesus came not to be served, but to serve...

One of the displays that God challenged me through was from Matthew 7: 13-14- about the Narrow Gate- The Narrow Way.  It was a kind of interactive, experiential display. I think it was one many of us won't forget.  You enter it ...with clear signs... noting that it's a narrow way and hard...but it's the way to life. It gets tight - on the way. There are ropes and things that can trip you and bind you and discourage you. Scriptures were posted on the way that you could see if you looked closely- reminding you of how to keep going.  And when you came out at the end... maybe bruised a bit and tired... you saw scripture saying- you made it! And now heaven was your reward!

the narrow gate - way 

I've been reflecting about the narrow gate and way.  What have I learned on this path over the years?  What have been the biggest challenges?  

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. But the gate is narrow, the way is hard, that leads to life and those who find it are few - Matthew 7:13-14

The narrow gate is often not chosen and is missed because it looks obscure.  If you look at it closely and actually count the cost of entering it, the cost is everything.  The way you enter is not through something you do, but it's a person you choose to give your life to.  You choose Jesus, He is the entry point to the way to God. You choose to surrender your will to His. You choose to exchange your life for His.  You choose to deny yourself and pick up a cross and follow Him to the way home to be with God forever. 

I am the gate, whoever enters through me finds life  (John 10:9)

Some people accept the idea of a Savior because that looks easy and it's a free gift. But they don't realize that Jesus died to not just save us but to lead us. We get a King who we then must follow on a narrow way.  Some people think when they choose Jesus- that healing and riches and blessings and wealth come with salvation and the promise of eternal life. But that's NOT what the Bible says.  To follow Jesus is costly.  It can cost you your reputation, your family, your friends, even your life.  But to those who go that way- there is reward, and it's not just when we get to heaven.

For on the narrow way, with the cross on your back, what you get is much more and greater than what you give. You get Jesus.  A Savior. A King. A Merciful High Priest. A Good Shepherd. A Friend who Sticks than a Brother. And though you may trip, fall, get tangled, get discouraged, you can continue because He's in you and with you through it all.  He helps you keep going. He carries you when it's too hard.  It's worth what it costs. He gives you joy and peace.  He makes you new on the way. He teaches you and changes you to be like Him and He gives your life meaning and purpose.  It's a painful way, but it's the only way!

A few things God has been reminding me about on the narrow way that are important...

One thing that is needed is focus.  We have to keep our eyes on Jesus on the narrow way.  Storms hit. Deep valleys.  He will tell you to drive INTO the storm- INTO the pain- of your life and others. When everyone else goes towards comfort and ease, He drives you over the edge for sheep that have strayed; He moves you to the graveside to give comfort and to serve.  In your own strength, it's not possible, but in doing the hard thing, you find Him. You know Him. Keeping your eyes on Him and not on the circumstances or struggles or even others is key.  He can help you hold steady when storms rage if you keep your eyes and your heart fully on Him. 

Keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of your faith... (Hebrews 12:2)

It is God who makes my way secure, He makes my feet like those of a deer, He enables me to stand on the heights  ... (Psalm 18: 32-34) 

Because I have set the Lord before me, because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. I keep my eyes on Him ...  (Psalm 16:8)

We must watch out for temptation and Satan on the narrow way. There is temptation as you go. You will be tempted to quit, to detour, to give up, to give in. Satan is there as well to pick on you and to lie to you. Satan wants you to look at others' lives that seem easier and more blessed and cause you to get discouraged and give up. He wants you to feel like you are alone and forgotten and even crazy to choose the way you're going.  Beware of him and his lies.  The way can feel lonely and definitely can look crazy- but it's the way of life.  

The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to give you life and give it more abundantly.  (John 10:10)

Stay sober-minded and alert. Your adversary, Satan, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (2 Corinthians 2:11)

If you are tempted, God will give you a way of escape ... (1 Corinthians 10:13)

We must trust Him on the narrow way.  There are very very very hard times in following Jesus. He may tell you to leave what you love. To give up what you're holding onto. To sacrifice what you thought He was giving you.  He may allow pain and illness and even death to hit you or those you love.  He may tell you to hold a position or keep running a road that seems too hard, too stormy and you feel like you can't go on.  It looks like a dead-end way. It looks like you lose. But He says to trust Him.  He may tell you to go the way of discomfort.  He will tell you to move when you think you should stay. He will tell you to stay when you think you should move.  Often on the way- those you love most will exit or He will divert them to another way. These times can be gutting.  Your heart can feel ripped out.  You may face extreme isolation.  Sometimes He will allow a thorn to be in your life and when you ask Him to remove it, He says no.  Instead you may hear Him say... "my grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9) Whatever He says, wherever He leads, it's about trusting Him.  He knows best and is working a plan. 

Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when the heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to be bear fruit.  (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

On the narrow way... 

there are and can be "troubles, hardships, distresses, beatings, imprisonments, riots, hard work, sleepless nights...dishonor... We may be considered as "imposters, unknown, dying, beaten, sorrowful, and poor...."  YET- our real identity is "genuine, known, and as we live on ... we are always rejoicing, making many rich, possessing everything."  (2 Corinthians 6: 1-13)

The narrow way is hard.  But the King we follow and live for is worth it all!  Through Him, we get life!

I am crucified with Christ ...and yet I live   (Galatians 2:20)

I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so to attain to the resurrection of the dead   (Philippians 3: 10-12)

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father, but through me."  (John 14:6)

It's been a hard journey on the narrow way, but I'm so thankful to be on the narrow way with Jesus! I'm humbled to be on the journey here with Him.

I'm now back in Addis and what I hear God saying is to now rest a bit and reflect.  The Ethiopian New Year begins next week and with it a new school year and fall season. I'm so grateful for all God has done and all He continues to teach me here in Ethiopia.  As the rains end and the sun returns, may I keep on the narrow way until home.  Jesus is worth it all!

May I continue to follow in trust wherever He leads me

Thank you so much for being with me here! I appreciate so much your continued prayers and support!

If you'd like to make a donation to the work here, I am still needing to reimburse funds from the summer of ministry and travel. If you feel led to give, you can do so through this link:

Thanks again so much!

May we keep following the King on the narrow way!

Blessed fall season to you all!  Happy New Year Ethiopia (next week)!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"Follow Me"

I can't believe it's late summer already.

I've been thinking again and again through our rainy season events in Ethiopia about what it REALLY means to follow Jesus...

Have I really been following Him fully and faithfully? I'm still thinking about it all.

July was busy in Ethiopia. We at EvaSUE hosted a very big event called the National Mission Summit when we had over 500 Christian college student leaders from all over the country gather for this one-week event. We introduced the theme  "Following the King" and we had expositions from the book of Matthew about that theme. We taught about Following the King (Jesus), and our main points from the book of Matthew were:  KNOWING Jesus, OBEYING Him, and RESTING in Him. The student leaders attending as well as our over 100 EvaSUE staff were highly impacted. We had plenary sessions and 15 different seminars on mission and evangelism topics. God challenged us all to be about His Kingdom and reaching the lost in our lives and to follow Him faithfully. It was an amazing week!

I had the honor to lead our Art Team again and to help lead our Sport Team. I also taught a seminar: Activating All of Your Life for the Kingdom of God,  I taught about SHAPE...about how all of us have a unique design that we are to lift up to God. Everything went so well, thanks to God!

The Art Team created an amazing display that helped show the main points and scriptures referenced in the plenary sessions. We also displayed mission statistics and unreached people groups. I was so blessed to see these talented graduates and students use their creativity for Jesus! The Sport Team did mass sport every morning and we then challenged those who participated to use sport as a platform for building relationships for evangelism and missions.  My seminar also went so well. Praise God! I believe students will return to their campuses excited to make Jesus known. They are also equipped to push out from their campuses to the nations!  I'm so excited to see how God will water these seeds in the time ahead.

Right after the National Mission Summit, I had the privilege to travel to Mombasa, Kenya to participate in a Manuscript Bible Study week with three of my EvaSUE teammates. As we joined many leaders from across Africa and positioned ourselves before God, we were all highly impacted. God's Word is living. So many times, we can rush to get through reading the Bible- without really sitting before it to study it and see what God says.  I'm so thankful to have had this time to remember the importance and power of God's Word!

Was so thankful to travel with these three EvaSUE teammates-
Eyosi, Messay and Frehiwot

After returning from Kenya, preparations have already begun for our National Leadership Summit in August, our last and largest summer event. Yet what keeps coming to my mind again and again is what did Jesus REALLY mean when He said:


What have I learned from following the King?  What has the way been like? 

How do I know if I'm still following the way I should?

A few pieces that our ART team created at the National Mission Summit have been coming to mind as I have been reflecting:

Following Jesus... means "leaving your nets."

"Come, follow Me," Jesus once, they left their nets and followed Him ... Matthew 4: 19-20

Jesus says to leave what you're holding fully FOLLOW Him.  This one is so difficult. We are quick to say "mine" instead of "His" as we go through life. We create dreams or jobs or plans without first checking with God.  We can easily build things or do things and we can hold onto these and not want to let go.  

Jesus deserves our whole heart, our whole devotion, our immediate response to be with Him. We are to leave our nets and move. He gives and takes away, and it's all His.  May we cling to Him and leave our nets and faithfully and fully keep following Him!

Following Jesus means REALLY Knowing Him.

Knowing "about" Jesus is different than "knowing Him."  

Many people were looking for a Messiah, a King, in the book of Matthew.  When Jesus came, He arrived, people missed Him.

Many people know "about Jesus." It's not the same as a deep personal relationship with Him.

Do I REALLY know Him? Do I know His voice? His heart? Do you?

Jesus invites us to know Him as He pours into us and teaches us who He is. 

Sometimes He sits in our lives, but we miss Him. He sits in our churches, but we don't notice. He even leaves our churches, we also don't notice. He sits in dusty Bibles- waiting for us to seek Him there, to learn from Him. He's waiting. But we don't seek Him.  

May I not miss Him, not neglect Him. He's there... waiting to be known...

Following Jesus involves obedience. 

If you love me, obey me ... John 14:15

Obedience is not easy.  Following Jesus involves a surrendered will. We are to always say, not my will, but yours be done. It's a narrow way that you are called to. It's often a hard way and not the way you would choose.

Obedience to our King is expected. We can trust Him! He is a good King and He can see what we can't. He is there to lead us and to help us though. 

We are not to just hear what He says, but do what He says... this builds our lives on Him.  It anchors us to Him. When storms come, we can withstand it all ....

Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is like a man who builds his house on the rock... Matthew 7: 24-27 

We need to often check what we are building our lives on. It's easy to make other things more foundational than Jesus. Sometimes the storms of life can reveal what we are building our lives on.

Am I obeying the King? Fully? Quickly? Am I staying surrendered and trusting the King to lead me on and home?

May I keep trusting Him always!

Following Jesus also involves a YOKE.

Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden light... Matthew 11:28-30


Jesus says we are to get into a "yoke" with Him.  The interesting thing about a yoke is it's meant for movement, for work.  Yet, Jesus says there's rest in that yoke. A yoke is what two oxen are put into to the work the fields. Following Jesus is getting into a yoke with Him and moving with Him through the fields of the earth to work in the harvest. The way is not EASY. But, in yoking with Jesus, He takes the heavy load on His side and leads us. In that, is rest.  The way Jesus often goes and leads is the hardest way...where brokenness, despair, and darkness are. But, He says to stay with Him there and moving. He is light and gives us His light to share.  In that surrender of control of leading ourselves, in letting Him lead us and use us, is when we find Him and true rest. 

Are you yoked with Him? Is He leading you? In Him, is rest!

So how do you know if you're following Jesus, REALLY following?

Well, don't look like the religious of Matthew 23.  That's NOT what following Jesus looks like!

When you're following Him the right way, YOU will change. You will be more like Jesus.

The way of following Jesus is not easy. It can cost you your family, your comfort, even your life.  But, in following Jesus fully is LIFE.  No way is greater...nothing better... than following the King!!


-Please pray for our National Leadership Summit in August when 1000 student leaders will come together to learn about Following the King. May this ignite a movement for Jesus to the ends of the earth.

-If you'd like to make special one time donation for the work in Ethiopia, you can do so through this link below.

God Bless You All! Thank you for being with me!

May God bless you and your families as the summer finishes. 

May we give the King our best and our all!

Monday, June 3, 2024

ID-ed... (Identified)!

The season is changing. "Summer" is arriving for most. This means warmer temperatures, different clothes, turning on of the AC. You switch from hot coffee to iced coffee.  Change is inevitable as seasons come and go.  

Here in Ethiopia, at EvaSUE, we have shifted from our school year of programming and wrapping that up, and we are now moving into our rainy season and national events.  We have maybe two weeks more of steamy hot May weather with scorching sun before the cool rains move in.  We are ready for that change.

As we have been shifting gears in programming focus, it has had me thinking about my ID- my identity.  Who am I?  What has God taught me in the past school year? Who am I becoming? What will I be in the time ahead?  Who or what defines me? What should?  When cleaning out a closet just this morning, I came across several "IDs" of the past months here.

I think in the past years globally- there has been an identity crisis for most.  What does it mean to be a citizen of your own country? What defines that? What does it mean to be an American? An Ethiopian? A Christian? A member of God's family and of His kingdom?  There are all kinds of voices speaking and sides to take who are arguing about what those should be and what that identity should stand for.

I think God sometimes allows things to shake and even the way to get dark because it causes an ID check.  Who or what really defines us as His people?  What is foundational in our lives? Who do we allow to tell us who we should be or what our lives should look like now?

God reminds us... the Author is Him!  

Here in Ethiopia, in taxis, many times your "ID" will come up. The driver will ask ..."Where are you from?" Are you married? Do you have kids?"  "How old are you?"  Most of these questions make me irritated.    I don't want to debate or share private information.  I don't like to comment because my answers lead to more questions.  I don't want to talk politics.  I don't want to think about my calendar age or that I don't have a husband, etc.  "But are these "REALLY" my actual ID? 

We often get labeled by culture or people. Married. Single. Old. Young. Satan likes to whisper labels to us as well. Unqualified. Too old. Too young. Alone. Forgotten. Rejected, etc.

We can't allow what people say or what Satan whispers to label us!  Satan is a liar! 

God is the One who gave us our true identity.  He defines us! He is the Author and Finisher of our lives. He designed us. He knows why He made us and why we still have breath.  He has a plan.  And we can trust Him! We must listen to Him and what He says about our ID...

If anyone is in Christ, the old is gone, the new has come.. 
2 Corinthians 5:17

I have been crucified with Christ and yet I live...
Galatians 2:20

I have called you by name, you are mine
Isaiah 43: 1-3

You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for my own...
 1 Peter 2:9

We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works...
Ephesians 2:20

But to all who received Him, He gave the right to become children of God
John 1:12

For your Maker is your Husband, the Lord of Hosts
Isaiah 54:5

The reality is, thanks to Jesus, I'm young in eternity.  I have been chosen.  I'm not alone! My past doesn't define me! I'm forgiven! Free! Loved!  Outwardly I'm wasting away, but inwardly I'm being renewed (2 Corinthians 4:16). The bridegroom is coming for me.  (John 14: 1-4)!  Lelelelelelele (they'd say here in Ethiopia)!  PLT- my Dad would say!  

If your ID has gotten lost or forgotten... let God remind you of who He says you are!  Don't let labels become who you are. Don't let Satan lie to you about your ID.

In all seasons of life, we are IDENTIFIED in Jesus!  May we live this ID and walk in the confidence of who He says we are!

May we give God our best in the new season ahead! He can help us, renew us, refresh us, and lead us to become what He made us to! May we live Him and breathe Him and share Him!


-for our EvaSUE Student Ministry Team Retreat and planning time (May 10-12)

Our EvaSUE Student Ministry team and families at our Team Retreat

-for our EvaSUE National Staff Meeting (May 20-25), 115 of us gathered for reflection, prayer and planning for our national events. I'm so humbled to be part of this amazing team!

EvaSUE Staff / Family at our National Staff Meeting

-for Jim Garrett, the world's best Dad. Happy Fathers Day to him on June 16!  He's the very best! We love him so much!!!

the handsome and charming Jim Garrett, world's best dad!

Prayer Requests

-planning for EvaSUE's next big national event, the National Mission Summit (July 8-13)- for God to speak

-for EvaSUE's change of leadership July 1 ... Robel to Eyosiyas

Robel interviewing the incoming General Secretary- Eyosiyas 
and his wife at our National Staff Meeting

-for impact to the ends of the earth for the kingdom...that God will speak here and push us up and out as His people, fully living our identity!

If you'd like to join my prayer team or monthly support team or make a one time donation, you can do so through this link:

Thank you to those who already faithfully give and pray! Your partnership here is impacting!  I'm grateful for each of you!

Blessed month of June and start to the summer season to you all!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Lifter of my Head

Many times in life, our heads can fall.  We can become tired and weary. Our confidence can be shaken and our world can feel shattered. We can stumble and fall. We can feel overwhelmed with sorrow or shame.  Our heads can become lowered.

The past few years, the world seems to have tilted off its axis. We have seemed to have lost our way and our hope.  

You almost feel like you have to put your head down and brace for impact.  

The past few years here in Ethiopia have not been easy. I feel like the foundation was blown out from underneath me as work imploded and friends left, fighting and inflation increased, and the way became hard and unsteady.

Despite it all, God has been reminding me and showing me that HE is the LIFTER of MY HEAD.  HE is able to get me to where He needs me to be and even yet to become all He made me for.  He is my hope. My song. My salvation. My joy. My peace. His hand is still in mine. He can raise us up and lift our heads so we see Him and have courage to run on!  Praise God that He is still in control and is with us!

You are the One who lifts my head ... Psalm 3:3

After more than a decade on this continent, I would expect to feel many things. Fatigue being one big one. But shockingly, I feel fresh wind blowing into my life and the page turning to a new chapter here. One where my head is lifted to see the Author and Finisher of my life's run.  Praise God for His ability to refresh and revive us!!!

I am your Shepherd, ... I restore your soul, I lead you ... Psalms 23

I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint ... Jeremiah 31:25

God has been speaking some big things that I need to watch for and to do in the time ahead to fully embrace this new time and season:

1. I need FIX MY GAZE.  I need to lift my eyes to God and keep Him first and most in my life. I need to trust Him and follow Him. He needs to stay my foundation. He is my Shepherd. He is my Lord-King-Leader. He can show me the way to go. He can refresh me and fill me and renew me. He can keep me safe and can scoop me up if I go over the edge.  He is faithful and good. My eyes need to STAY on Him.

Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith ... Hebrews 12:2

2. Yesterday - I did a huge load of laundry in between rainstorms and I also deep cleaned my dusty home... that brought a freshness inside.  I was reminded in this time that I need to LET GOD CLEAN-PRUNE-WEED MY LIFE . I think now is the time when many people globally begin to spring clean.  For a new chapter of health and for fresh wind to blow in, we need to clean out what shouldn't be in our lives. What is in our mind, in our heart? What is hidden in a closet or locked in a drawer that we need to let God into? He can clean things out, cut things out, so we can be healthy.  I need to let Him shape me and mold me and discipline me so I can keep bearing fruit and stay connected to the vine.  He can help me be at my best in this new season. Seeing the areas that need work and lifting those up to God can be humbling and even painful. But we can trust God with what needs done!

I am the vine and my Father is the gardener. He cuts away every branch in me that does not bear fruit ... John 15: 1-2

He is the potter, I am the clay ... Isaiah 64:8

When He cleans me, I will be whiter than snow... Psalm 51:7

Create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit within me ... Psalm 51:10

3. I need to KEEP CONNECTING TO GOD, spending time with Him.  In that connection, when I plug in, there's a reboot of joy, peace, strength, hope, and confidence.  If I don't position myself to hear from God and be with Him daily and often, I miss the surge, the charge of His Spirit, that I need.  Every day, many times during every day- I need to connect, plug in, and get charged.  I need Him more than I need anything else!!!

Remain in me ... John 15:4

If you seek me, you  will find me ... Jeremiah 29:13

4. I need to WATCH OUT FOR ISOLATION.  This is so dangerous.  We need community. We need each other. Though social stuff can make me tired, I need to be intentional and wise about who I'm with. 

Don't give up meeting together ... Hebrews 10:25

Walk with the wise and you'll be wise ... Proverbs 13:20

I'm so thankful for my EvaSUE teammates.  They have made me better for God.  

5. KEEP RUNNING the RACE. Sometimes we get tired and we want to quit. We can also lose sight of the goal and why we're here.   It's not about making ourselves known or great or comfortable. It's about making God known and great among the nations. We have good news to share with the world.  May we run to the dark places of the world to share the light and hope of Jesus.  Nothing is greater than this. What an honor to get to work in the fields of the world!  God can help us run a good race and finish! 

Go into the world and make disciples of all nations ... Matthew 28: 18-20

You will be my witnesses ... Acts 1:8

Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us ... Hebrews 12:1

If your head is down, may God lift your head. If you've fallen or if you've been stunned and can't move, God offers you His hand. He can lift you up, turn the page. He can fill you with hope and joy to run on.  He is with you, with us all!

May God be with us all as the season shifts and life continues. 

May we run a good race in His honor!

Praises and Prayer Requests

-Praise God for more training we gave for our newest EvaSUE staff. May God bless these brothers and sisters

-Praise God for our EvaSUE Regional Coordinator Consultation week. I'm so thankful for these dear brothers who are courageously leading their regions.  We debriefed, trained together and were refreshed in God's presence. We also enjoyed some new fun activities...roller skating being one of those :-)

-Praise God for the trips and trainings done in regions that have opened back up. 

-Praise God for Fasika (Easter is this weekend in Ethiopia, on May 5).  May we remember and celebrate Jesus

-Praise God for Moms! As Mother's Day is celebrated on May 12, I'm so thankful for the amazing, funny, fit, classy, care pastor Rosie Garrett. We love her so much! Happy Mother's Day to her and everyone who will be celebrating! We praise God for Momma Garrett. God knew the perfect Mom for our family!

We love you Mom!

-Please pray for us at EvaSUE as we begin our National Events in May, that God will guide us and give us His Word and plan for the thousands of college students we get to serve. That God will give provision and a movement from here to the ends of the earth.  I'm so humbled to be part of this team and work!

If you'd like to give a donation to the work here, you can through this link:

Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership!

Blessed month of May to you all!

May God lift our heads and may we keep running on with courage!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Walking as He Walked...

The past weeks back here in Ethiopia have been so busy for our EvaSUE team.  Five regions hosted events and our team scattered and traveled to support staff all over the country.  I was excited to be part of the events in two regions- our Central Region and our South 1 Region. What would God do? What would I see? What would I learn... as we walked as Jesus walked?

The Central region is Addis- and the surrounding area. I was given a plenary teaching to do on "Discipleship and Mission" with the over 200 students.  I was also given some of the staff training during the Staff Retreat time that would follow. I decided to fully engage in this region's events- having never really seen what all of that looked like.  I moved to the other side of Addis- and largely just was there- and what I saw and experienced really did move me to the core.  

I think when you are not just hearing the teachings of Jesus but "doing as He did" - something tends to wake up in you.  As I tried my best to just serve under our amazing EvaSUE staff team, I felt "zinged" by the Holy Spirit (a good zing). I felt fire ignite in me.  I felt like shouting for joy and weeping in lament at the same time- at the goodness and power of God. I saw Jesus in how staff and students served each other.  I saw students authentically worshipping and jumping for Jesus and I felt my legs start to jump and my arms start to lift up as I also celebrated the Supremacy of Christ and that our King and our Savior is Lord of All! I was reminded of so many things during the Central Region events.  Through the teachings of Jeremiah and studying God's Word and in fellowship with others, I felt connected to why God has us here and what we are supposed to be doing. I also felt shepherded and sharpened and challenged and cared for by my brothers and sisters. That also had a touching effect on me.  I think sometimes we can feel isolated and lost and that no one really cares or sees us.  God reminded me again of the importance of staying connected to Him and each other! I came out of that region's events very spiritually encouraged! Praise God for this time together! I really believe God is positioning youth all over the country for an outpouring of His Spirit and a movement out of here to get the gospel to the ends of the earth!!!  I'm ready to see it and be part of it! Let it be your will and your timing God! Make us ready!

If you are to be my followers, you must take up your cross daily and follow me ... Matthew 16:24-25

Don't just be hearers of the Word, but doers ... James 1:22

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you to be my witnesses to the end of the earth ... Acts 1:8

My work permit and residence ID also were processing during these Central Regional event days. My laptop crashed during the week and my papers got stuck for almost a month in the second of four offices. And through an 11th hour move, which I have seen so many times of how God seems to like to move in the 11th hour, I watched in amazement as God Himself pushed my papers through at the last minute, right before the deadline, AGAIN!!! He is good!!!

Is my arm too short? Isaiah 59:1

God is mighty to save ... Zephaniah 3:17

Nothing is too hard for me ... Jeremiah 32:27


This past week, I had the privilege of traveling to be part of another region's events in the South 1 Region- Hawassa. This time away also would deeply impact my life.  I was humbled on the shores of this lake area- by seeing again hundreds of students together before God seeking Him! I marveled again at the shepherding of our staff team and the heart of the students I met.  They are hungry for God. Seeking revival. Ready to go and do and be all God has called them to be and do.  I again felt zinged by walking as Jesus walked and doing as He did.  I was blessed to see my brothers and sisters in Christ- choosing to love and serve and follow Jesus faithfully.  One prayer time we had in a circle- with our arms around each other- lit me up for days after.  God's Spirit made us one and I felt Him. It must have been some of what the disciples had felt when they prayed together.  

Visiting staff in their homes, what a blessing

Be one, as I and the Father are one ... John 17

Don't grow weary in doing good, for your labor for the Lord is not in vain... Galatians 6: 9-12

Having arrived back in Addis in the middle of last week ... I've felt physically tired but so spiritually encouraged and challenged.

I also feel a good deal of shock that it's Palm Sunday and one week away from Easter already for most people in the world. Our Easter here is in early May and for that ... I'm thankful.  For now after a huge ministry push out, I feel like I need to retreat a bit ... to get some solitude with God and a LENT time.  I'm ready to do as Jesus did and seek some solitude, even a bit of wilderness time, when God can speak to me and check my heart and life.  It's so easy to get out of balance or lose your way.  I need to be quiet before God and let Him speak to me.  Put me in the fire if needed to get rid of what shouldn't be there, so I can come more like Him and ready to do more "walking as He walked." 

Maybe many of you have already done or are finishing a time of Lent in preparation for Easter, or maybe like me- you've been busy.  I think God wants us to have many LENT seasons where we quietly slip away and have time with Him.  

God is telling me to ...

"Return to me with all your heart...with fasting and weeping and mourning, rend your heart... return...for I am gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in love." Joel 2: 12-13

"Rend your heart"- what does that even mean? I think it's a ripping out of it ... maybe?  He can give us a new heart. I think that's what I need. An undivided, sold-out heart for Jesus. Let it be God!

Around this time, over two thousand years ago, Jesus set His face towards Jerusalem...and entered the city.  Many welcomed Him ... with the waving of palm branches and shouts of joy. But Jesus knew what was coming and He still walked that direction...

I'm so humbled that Jesus gave His life for mine. He gave his life for my sin and to give me life. He did for us all!

May we remember Him this week as He finished it!!!

May we with courage also walk where He tells us to walk and finish what He's called us to do.

He's with us to the end! Nothing is greater than following in His footsteps!


-My sister (Noel) and her husband (Mike), both have new jobs - back in the Troy-Tipp City area of Ohio. Praise God for this provision!

-Please join me in wishing my amazing Dad and Mom- Jim and Rosie- another Happy Anniversary on Tuesday, March 26- I love how they love each other! I praise God for the best parents God gave to our family!!!

-Praise God again for the five regions who hosted big events with EvaSUE the past month- for safety, provision and a powerful work in the lives of students and staff! May God water these seeds!

-Praise God again for my new work permit and residence ID processing successfully just before the deadline. I'm always amazed at God and His ways!

-Praise God for another birthday (a big one- 30th) for my dear sister, neighbor and friend- Hilina Hailu; also for her sister Tihut's graduation from Dilla Univ with a 5 year Architecture Degree. (this one- not easy because of the past five years and all Ethiopia has passed through). So thankful for these amazing sisters! They bless me!


Tihut! Congratulations Architect!

Prayer Requests

-Please pray for EvaSUE as we host some events in the far west in the coming weeks; also as we have new staff training and Regional Coordinator consultation; then begin national events- that God will guide us

-Please pray for our new incoming EvaSUE General Secretary (Eyosiyas) and outgoing General Secretary (Robel)- as EvaSUE transitions leadership on July 1. Praise God for these humble and courageous leaders and their families!

Robel - Outgoing EvaSUE General Secretary

Welcome to Eyosiyas- incoming new EvaSUE General Secretary

-Please pray for Ethiopia overall- some regions are still not okay

If you'd like to make a special Easter donation to the work here or join my monthly support team, the work is vast and the need big. Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering and giving:

Thank you for being with me here and for your support and prayers!

Blessed Palm Sunday and Easter Week to all celebrating! 

Thank you Jesus again for your great sacrifice and your call to walk as you walked! May we follow you with courage!