What an amazing time we had in Bishoftu, Ethiopia at the EvaSUE National Leadership Summit, 2024! Preparing for this huge and final summer event was daunting. The numbers were too many, the spaces too small. How could we possibly host this one week event with almost 1000 in attendance? We did the best we could to be ready, then the 105 EvaSUE staff jumped and positioned ourselves to serve university students from all over Ethiopia. We prayed God would help us! He did!
Through the week, I was blessed by so many things. The courage of these student leaders to travel to this event- going through roads and regions that were not safe. Why? These dear brothers and sisters in Christ were "Following the King." They were leading at their campuses and making Jesus known. They had already chosen the "narrow way," a way that involves a cross (a surrendered life) and a towel ( a life of serving). They had already chosen a way that required boldness and courage. They had counted the cost! What an honor it was to serve them during the week!
Together, as the Body of Christ, we heard plenary sessions from the theme "Following the King" from the book of Matthew. We were challenged to "KNOW" the King; "OBEY" the King and "REST" in the way and will of the King. There were seminars given by EvaSUE staff and mission leaders and EvaSUE friends/graduates. We prayed, we sang, we wept, we worshipped ... remembering Jesus, the King we had chosen to follow. Praise God for a powerful time together, equipping us for a new school year ahead.
The three day seminar I gave also went so well, praise God. I taught the SHAPE tool- where students learned how to figure out their Spiritual Gifts, their Passions, their Abilities, their Personality and reflect on their Experiences- with the challenge to use all of these things (their unique SHAPE and design) for Jesus! All of our life is for Him. Praise God for the opportunity to teach this and the impact it had.
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SHAPE Seminar, Day 1 |
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Jesus came not to be served, but to serve... |
One of the displays that God challenged me through was from Matthew 7: 13-14- about the Narrow Gate- The Narrow Way. It was a kind of interactive, experiential display. I think it was one many of us won't forget. You enter it ...with clear signs... noting that it's a narrow way and hard...but it's the way to life. It gets tight - on the way. There are ropes and things that can trip you and bind you and discourage you. Scriptures were posted on the way that you could see if you looked closely- reminding you of how to keep going. And when you came out at the end... maybe bruised a bit and tired... you saw scripture saying- you made it! And now heaven was your reward!
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the narrow gate - way |
I've been reflecting about the narrow gate and way. What have I learned on this path over the years? What have been the biggest challenges?
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. But the gate is narrow, the way is hard, that leads to life and those who find it are few - Matthew 7:13-14
The narrow gate is often not chosen and is missed because it looks obscure. If you look at it closely and actually count the cost of entering it, the cost is everything. The way you enter is not through something you do, but it's a person you choose to give your life to. You choose Jesus, He is the entry point to the way to God. You choose to surrender your will to His. You choose to exchange your life for His. You choose to deny yourself and pick up a cross and follow Him to the way home to be with God forever.
I am the gate, whoever enters through me finds life (John 10:9)
Some people accept the idea of a Savior because that looks easy and it's a free gift. But they don't realize that Jesus died to not just save us but to lead us. We get a King who we then must follow on a narrow way. Some people think when they choose Jesus- that healing and riches and blessings and wealth come with salvation and the promise of eternal life. But that's NOT what the Bible says. To follow Jesus is costly. It can cost you your reputation, your family, your friends, even your life. But to those who go that way- there is reward, and it's not just when we get to heaven.
For on the narrow way, with the cross on your back, what you get is much more and greater than what you give. You get Jesus. A Savior. A King. A Merciful High Priest. A Good Shepherd. A Friend who Sticks than a Brother. And though you may trip, fall, get tangled, get discouraged, you can continue because He's in you and with you through it all. He helps you keep going. He carries you when it's too hard. It's worth what it costs. He gives you joy and peace. He makes you new on the way. He teaches you and changes you to be like Him and He gives your life meaning and purpose. It's a painful way, but it's the only way!
A few things God has been reminding me about on the narrow way that are important...
One thing that is needed is focus. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus on the narrow way. Storms hit. Deep valleys. He will tell you to drive INTO the storm- INTO the pain- of your life and others. When everyone else goes towards comfort and ease, He drives you over the edge for sheep that have strayed; He moves you to the graveside to give comfort and to serve. In your own strength, it's not possible, but in doing the hard thing, you find Him. You know Him. Keeping your eyes on Him and not on the circumstances or struggles or even others is key. He can help you hold steady when storms rage if you keep your eyes and your heart fully on Him.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of your faith... (Hebrews 12:2)
It is God who makes my way secure, He makes my feet like those of a deer, He enables me to stand on the heights ... (Psalm 18: 32-34)
Because I have set the Lord before me, because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. I keep my eyes on Him ... (Psalm 16:8)
We must watch out for temptation and Satan on the narrow way. There is temptation as you go. You will be tempted to quit, to detour, to give up, to give in. Satan is there as well to pick on you and to lie to you. Satan wants you to look at others' lives that seem easier and more blessed and cause you to get discouraged and give up. He wants you to feel like you are alone and forgotten and even crazy to choose the way you're going. Beware of him and his lies. The way can feel lonely and definitely can look crazy- but it's the way of life.
The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to give you life and give it more abundantly. (John 10:10)
Stay sober-minded and alert. Your adversary, Satan, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (2 Corinthians 2:11)
If you are tempted, God will give you a way of escape ... (1 Corinthians 10:13)
We must trust Him on the narrow way. There are very very very hard times in following Jesus. He may tell you to leave what you love. To give up what you're holding onto. To sacrifice what you thought He was giving you. He may allow pain and illness and even death to hit you or those you love. He may tell you to hold a position or keep running a road that seems too hard, too stormy and you feel like you can't go on. It looks like a dead-end way. It looks like you lose. But He says to trust Him. He may tell you to go the way of discomfort. He will tell you to move when you think you should stay. He will tell you to stay when you think you should move. Often on the way- those you love most will exit or He will divert them to another way. These times can be gutting. Your heart can feel ripped out. You may face extreme isolation. Sometimes He will allow a thorn to be in your life and when you ask Him to remove it, He says no. Instead you may hear Him say... "my grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9) Whatever He says, wherever He leads, it's about trusting Him. He knows best and is working a plan.
Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when the heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to be bear fruit. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
On the narrow way...
there are and can be "troubles, hardships, distresses, beatings, imprisonments, riots, hard work, sleepless nights...dishonor... We may be considered as "imposters, unknown, dying, beaten, sorrowful, and poor...." YET- our real identity is "genuine, known, and as we live on ... we are always rejoicing, making many rich, possessing everything." (2 Corinthians 6: 1-13)
The narrow way is hard. But the King we follow and live for is worth it all! Through Him, we get life!
I am crucified with Christ ...and yet I live (Galatians 2:20)
I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so to attain to the resurrection of the dead (Philippians 3: 10-12)
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father, but through me." (John 14:6)
It's been a hard journey on the narrow way, but I'm so thankful to be on the narrow way with Jesus! I'm humbled to be on the journey here with Him.
I'm now back in Addis and what I hear God saying is to now rest a bit and reflect. The Ethiopian New Year begins next week and with it a new school year and fall season. I'm so grateful for all God has done and all He continues to teach me here in Ethiopia. As the rains end and the sun returns, may I keep on the narrow way until home. Jesus is worth it all!
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May I continue to follow in trust wherever He leads me |
Thank you so much for being with me here! I appreciate so much your continued prayers and support!
If you'd like to make a donation to the work here, I am still needing to reimburse funds from the summer of ministry and travel. If you feel led to give, you can do so through this link:
May we keep following the King on the narrow way!
Blessed fall season to you all! Happy New Year Ethiopia (next week)!