The past weeks back here in Ethiopia have been so busy for our EvaSUE team. Five regions hosted events and our team scattered and traveled to support staff all over the country. I was excited to be part of the events in two regions- our Central Region and our South 1 Region. What would God do? What would I see? What would I learn... as we walked as Jesus walked?
The Central region is Addis- and the surrounding area. I was given a plenary teaching to do on "Discipleship and Mission" with the over 200 students. I was also given some of the staff training during the Staff Retreat time that would follow. I decided to fully engage in this region's events- having never really seen what all of that looked like. I moved to the other side of Addis- and largely just was there- and what I saw and experienced really did move me to the core.
I think when you are not just hearing the teachings of Jesus but "doing as He did" - something tends to wake up in you. As I tried my best to just serve under our amazing EvaSUE staff team, I felt "zinged" by the Holy Spirit (a good zing). I felt fire ignite in me. I felt like shouting for joy and weeping in lament at the same time- at the goodness and power of God. I saw Jesus in how staff and students served each other. I saw students authentically worshipping and jumping for Jesus and I felt my legs start to jump and my arms start to lift up as I also celebrated the Supremacy of Christ and that our King and our Savior is Lord of All! I was reminded of so many things during the Central Region events. Through the teachings of Jeremiah and studying God's Word and in fellowship with others, I felt connected to why God has us here and what we are supposed to be doing. I also felt shepherded and sharpened and challenged and cared for by my brothers and sisters. That also had a touching effect on me. I think sometimes we can feel isolated and lost and that no one really cares or sees us. God reminded me again of the importance of staying connected to Him and each other! I came out of that region's events very spiritually encouraged! Praise God for this time together! I really believe God is positioning youth all over the country for an outpouring of His Spirit and a movement out of here to get the gospel to the ends of the earth!!! I'm ready to see it and be part of it! Let it be your will and your timing God! Make us ready!
If you are to be my followers, you must take up your cross daily and follow me ... Matthew 16:24-25
Don't just be hearers of the Word, but doers ... James 1:22
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you to be my witnesses to the end of the earth ... Acts 1:8
My work permit and residence ID also were processing during these Central Regional event days. My laptop crashed during the week and my papers got stuck for almost a month in the second of four offices. And through an 11th hour move, which I have seen so many times of how God seems to like to move in the 11th hour, I watched in amazement as God Himself pushed my papers through at the last minute, right before the deadline, AGAIN!!! He is good!!!
Is my arm too short? Isaiah 59:1
God is mighty to save ... Zephaniah 3:17
Nothing is too hard for me ... Jeremiah 32:27
This past week, I had the privilege of traveling to be part of another region's events in the South 1 Region- Hawassa. This time away also would deeply impact my life. I was humbled on the shores of this lake area- by seeing again hundreds of students together before God seeking Him! I marveled again at the shepherding of our staff team and the heart of the students I met. They are hungry for God. Seeking revival. Ready to go and do and be all God has called them to be and do. I again felt zinged by walking as Jesus walked and doing as He did. I was blessed to see my brothers and sisters in Christ- choosing to love and serve and follow Jesus faithfully. One prayer time we had in a circle- with our arms around each other- lit me up for days after. God's Spirit made us one and I felt Him. It must have been some of what the disciples had felt when they prayed together.
Be one, as I and the Father are one ... John 17
Don't grow weary in doing good, for your labor for the Lord is not in vain... Galatians 6: 9-12
Having arrived back in Addis in the middle of last week ... I've felt physically tired but so spiritually encouraged and challenged.
I also feel a good deal of shock that it's Palm Sunday and one week away from Easter already for most people in the world. Our Easter here is in early May and for that ... I'm thankful. For now after a huge ministry push out, I feel like I need to retreat a bit ... to get some solitude with God and a LENT time. I'm ready to do as Jesus did and seek some solitude, even a bit of wilderness time, when God can speak to me and check my heart and life. It's so easy to get out of balance or lose your way. I need to be quiet before God and let Him speak to me. Put me in the fire if needed to get rid of what shouldn't be there, so I can come more like Him and ready to do more "walking as He walked."
Maybe many of you have already done or are finishing a time of Lent in preparation for Easter, or maybe like me- you've been busy. I think God wants us to have many LENT seasons where we quietly slip away and have time with Him.
God is telling me to ...
"Return to me with all your heart...with fasting and weeping and mourning, rend your heart... return...for I am gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in love." Joel 2: 12-13
"Rend your heart"- what does that even mean? I think it's a ripping out of it ... maybe? He can give us a new heart. I think that's what I need. An undivided, sold-out heart for Jesus. Let it be God!
Around this time, over two thousand years ago, Jesus set His face towards Jerusalem...and entered the city. Many welcomed Him ... with the waving of palm branches and shouts of joy. But Jesus knew what was coming and He still walked that direction...
I'm so humbled that Jesus gave His life for mine. He gave his life for my sin and to give me life. He did for us all!
May we remember Him this week as He finished it!!!
May we with courage also walk where He tells us to walk and finish what He's called us to do.
He's with us to the end! Nothing is greater than following in His footsteps!
-My sister (Noel) and her husband (Mike), both have new jobs - back in the Troy-Tipp City area of Ohio. Praise God for this provision!
-Please join me in wishing my amazing Dad and Mom- Jim and Rosie- another Happy Anniversary on Tuesday, March 26- I love how they love each other! I praise God for the best parents God gave to our family!!!
-Praise God again for the five regions who hosted big events with EvaSUE the past month- for safety, provision and a powerful work in the lives of students and staff! May God water these seeds!
-Praise God again for my new work permit and residence ID processing successfully just before the deadline. I'm always amazed at God and His ways!
-Praise God for another birthday (a big one- 30th) for my dear sister, neighbor and friend- Hilina Hailu; also for her sister Tihut's graduation from Dilla Univ with a 5 year Architecture Degree. (this one- not easy because of the past five years and all Ethiopia has passed through). So thankful for these amazing sisters! They bless me!
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Hilina! |
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Tihut! Congratulations Architect! |
Prayer Requests
-Please pray for EvaSUE as we host some events in the far west in the coming weeks; also as we have new staff training and Regional Coordinator consultation; then begin national events- that God will guide us
-Please pray for our new incoming EvaSUE General Secretary (Eyosiyas) and outgoing General Secretary (Robel)- as EvaSUE transitions leadership on July 1. Praise God for these humble and courageous leaders and their families!
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Robel - Outgoing EvaSUE General Secretary |
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Welcome to Eyosiyas- incoming new EvaSUE General Secretary |
-Please pray for Ethiopia overall- some regions are still not okay
If you'd like to make a special Easter donation to the work here or join my monthly support team, the work is vast and the need big. Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering and giving:
Blessed Palm Sunday and Easter Week to all celebrating!
Thank you Jesus again for your great sacrifice and your call to walk as you walked! May we follow you with courage!