Friday, October 20, 2023


With much of the rest of the world, my eyes this past week have been on the Gaza Strip and Israel.

Though work has felt busy here, each night I have found myself going home to look at the news or have checked it on my phone.  To see the loss of life and devastation has been overwhelming and heart-breaking.  And I've been in deep prayer for the people there and those affected- so many experiencing grief, loss, fear, and so much.

It's also had me thinking about the role of the "Church" at this time.  This is happening "on our watch." 

What we supposed to be doing as the people of God at this time in history, when so many globally are under "occupation," when evil and sin and darkness have gotten into minds and hearts and families and communities? Tunnels have been built in our lives, under us possibly, without awareness. And there is terror from the outside and the inside.  What are we called to do and be as the "Church?" Where are we?

For me, God has been reminding me of some of the key roles we have as His people.

One responsibility we all have and can't forget is we are to be:

MESSENGERS of the GOSPEL (the Good News)

We are to be sharing about the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are to be showing people and introducing people to the Savior.  There is Good News still in increasing darkness. Heaven's champion came to give us victory over sin and death and to give us peace with God and eternal life with Him! This is good news for all! 

Are we sharing this, speaking this, living this? Across cultures? In pain and loss, in sorrow and persecution, is this still the identity we wear and the work we are most doing?  Or have we gotten distracted? 

Go into all the world and preach the good news... Mark 16:15

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord...
Romans 6:23

Preach the Good News, be ready at all times...  2 Timothy 4:2

You shall be my witnesses ... Acts 1:8

We are ambassadors of Christ ... 2 Corinthians 5:20

We are also told to...


We are to be like "watchman" on the walls. We are to give warning to people of danger and to help people know what to do, where to go, what dangers are there.  We have the ability to hear from God and make His ways known! 

Are we even aware of the danger around us? Things trying to make us live under "occupation?" Are we aware of sin, Satan, evil...trying to get into our minds, hearts, families, churches, nations? Are we giving warning? Are we guarding what God has entrusted to us? Do we even see danger approaching? Or have we gotten off the walls? Have we become distracted by things don't matter? Are we fighting against the wrong things? 

I have made you, Son of Man, as a watchman of Israel, you shall give them warning from me ...    Ezekiel 33:7

On your walls, oh Jerusalem, I have set watchmen...all the day and all the night, they shall not be silent...
Isaiah 62:6

I will take my stand at my post and station myself on the tower and will look to see what He will say  ...
Habakkuk 2:1

Instead of speaking what God tells us to and giving news to people of what God says, are we, as the people of God, doing this responsibility? Are we visible so people can hear and see us? Are we listening to Him? Are we saying the wrong things? Are we silent? Do we have our headphones on? Oblivious to danger? Unaware of what God wants us to say to the people around us? Have we abandoned our posts?  Are the walls unguarded?

God tells us we will have to give an account.  

We may be watching, but could feel indifference. We may feel sadness, but think it's not my responsibility to do anything. What can I do? We may say ... "it's not my issue."

The reality is though- 2 million people under persecution with the possibility of losing their lives and standing before God without knowledge of Jesus Christ, IS OUR ISSUE.  People matter to God.  His heart is for people.  The least, the lost. The refugee. Those hurting and injured are in God's heart.  What we can do? How can we respond?   

In crisis, people can react in rage. They can react in defense. They can become blinded by grief. They can be misled.  We, as the Church, can guide, can shepherd.

They need to know where to go and who to listen to. 

On the wall, as watchmen, I believe we are to speak and give guidance.

We are also called to:


The church has the light and truth of Jesus Christ.  We know the way to God. We know how to have peace, joy, hope that's not dependent on circumstances!  Jesus can light up the dark and release those in bondage!

The Church is NOT to take its light and go into a closed bunker.  We are NOT to stay inside and enjoy the light when darkness is all around and advancing.  We are to go OUT and push back darkness and share the light!

those living in the darkness have seen a great light... Matthew 4:16

I am the light of the world, whoever followers me will not walk in darkness ... John 8:12

You are the light of the world. Let your light shine... Matthew 5: 14-16

The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church ... Matthew 16:18

Are we doing that as the Church? Can people see light?

This past week, our power was OFF, more than it was ON in my area.  Many of my neighbors sat in darkness waiting for electricity to be turned back on. Darkness is scary. It makes you feel insecure. It makes things unclear. It can make you depressed. You can miss danger around you.  

Are people around you without light? Are you sharing yours?  

We also sit with "darkness" around us and even attacking us as people of God. We even live under a kind of "occupation" ... as we continue on earth until home with God. Sin is here, death is here, Satan has some rule... Yet, those in the Church... have Jesus. We know the end. We have been given hope, light, peace, joy.  People can also have this and need Jesus now! This truth and light and life needs shared! 

We are to be rescuing the perishing. Binding up the wounds of people.  Jesus didn't isolate Himself from the sinner, the lame, the demon-possessed, the terrorist. He didn't stay in easy areas or build walls around His life and ministry. He went right into the darkness and touched the brokenness and led people out. He allowed Himself to be broken for the brokenness of us all. He showed us what we are to do and how we are to be in the world. Are we following His example?

it's not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick ... Mark 2:17

I have come to seek and save the lost ... Luke 19:10

We, as the church, also need to:


We need to pray without ceasing. To keep connected to God and His Spirit. To pray for our families, our neighbors, our churches, our nations. We are in a spiritual war! God's Spirit is with us. We need Him to give us protection. Wisdom. Courage. We are on the winning side. And we know how it ends.  But we are told to pray! And to keep praying! We have to pray for each other. Even pray for our enemies. For they too ... need light.

Pray without ceasing ... 1Thessalonians 5:7

Pray for each other... James 5:16

What will be said of us when we stand before God one day? What happened "on our watch?"

May we ...


Thank for your prayers for us here. As we've been meeting the past month or so in strategic planning, there seems to be MUCH spiritual warfare going on.   May God keep us and help us to lead well the thousands of students trying to follow Jesus and serve Him well and lift Him up on college and university campuses around the country. 

Please pray for all the work.

I'm also still trying to raise ministry funds to help with the work here. The cost of living here has skyrocketed.  If you'd like to give a one time donation or join my monthly support team, you can through this link:

Thank you for your continued prayers and support! They mean so much!

Despite all the hard things going on in the world, we still have things to be thankful for. 

Next week is a big birthday week for our family in the US. 

Please help me wish my Mom a very happy birthday next Friday October 27. I'm so thankful my beautiful Mom and the care and love she gives to us all.    I'm also so thankful for Noel, my sister, her life is such a blessing to us all. Her long obedience to God and all she has done for Him and still does for Him has had huge impact.  Please wish her a happy birthday to her as well next weekend!

Thank you for being on the journey with me!  Let me know how I can pray for you as well!
We are in it together!

Blessings from here!