Many times in life, we find ourselves looking at a mountain.
We face a problem that's too big; an illness that is too painful; a bill that we can't pay; a relationship that we can't mend; a sin we can't shake free of.
We can feel stuck. Overwhelmed. Fearful.
How can we get around that mountain? It's big. It's blocking the way ahead.
Many times when we face a mountain, our energy can already feel drained. Our breathing is already labored. We have no energy to go on. We need something to change. We need the mountain to be moved. We need fresh wind to blow so we have energy. We may feel desperate. Where do we go from here? What is the way?
Most of us the past few years have faced mountains. We have faced a depletion of energy. We have felt desperate.
The amazing thing about these moments of desperation, times when we face a mountain with no way around it, when we most feel like giving up ... is often when God does the biggest of moves in our lives and stories. He can set up miracles in these situations. It's all about how we respond at the base of the mountain.
This past was time again for me to begin the annual process of applying for another work permit and residence ID. Last year... was one of the most difficult times I had faced in twelve years. It caused me to travel twice to Kenya and was a pain with cost and Covid restrictions, etc. This time though I was thinking... it should be easier. This time I wasn't changing organizations. It was now a renewal. My other EvaSUE American co-worker had just passed through. But, when our EvaSUE worker who was handling my case emerged from the first needed office for my paperwork to pass through, he had bad news. NO pass. The door was CLOSED. He said, they said "NO."
A mountain emerged. Not again!
Yet, shockingly at that moment and as the week continued, my heart and spirit felt light. I experienced a deep peace. God had already been speaking to me and He has continued to speak to me.
He's been reminding me of three big things:
What He has already done.
What He already said (His promises)
and Who He IS.
He kept saying... right now, just be still... He was going to fight this fight for me!
God is the Mountain Mover! He is the Way Maker!
He would blow fresh wind into me to help me.
I'm actually excited to see what He will do. Let it be God! Bring revival in my life and renewed courage and faith. I plan to praise Him as I face this mountain and may His will be done!
God is our refuge and strength, our ever-present help in trouble...Therefore we will not fear...though the earth give way... "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46)
I believe God's people (His Church) globally is literally at the base of a ton of big mountains on every continent. Crisis after crisis has risen around us. Corruption. Division. Racism. Sin. We want relief. We feel a growing desperation. What will we do? God doesn't want us as the church to fight each other and rip each other apart as we face these mountains. I believe He's wanting us to fall our faces and be renewed as His people. He's wanting REVIVAL! The mountain shouldn't freak us out. The desperation and the bigness of all we face should make us hit our knees. The craziness of the world should humble us and remind us of all that is important. We should repent, be reconciled to God and to each other... and in that humility, we can be unified, sanctified, and raised up anew! He can level the mountains! He is up to something big I believe. Could it for us, His Church, His people, to get busy focusing on Him and lifting Him up to the nations?
God can pour out His Spirit on us...a fresh wind.... so we worship Him and witness for Him to the ends of the earth. I believe He's already on the move to revive us. As we've seen stories from Asbury University in the United States... may this movement continue!
If you're desperate, facing a mountain...don't fear! Let God bring a revival in you and through you. Let that desperation make you run into the presence of God, not away from Him. He has fresh wind to fill you with. Fresh perspective. Fresh vision. Fresh energy. Fresh courage. He is able to level any mountain in His time and way! Let Him do His work in you and through you while you wait for Him to move...
"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from the wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 4:14)
"I will pour out my Spirit on all people...Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Joel 2:28 ; 32)
"Be still and wait patiently for Him" (Psalm 37)
"Don't be afraid, the battle is not yours, but mine." (2 Chronicles 20:15)
"Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit" says the Lord. (Zechariah 4:6)
Let Revival come God. Forgive us and raise us up anew in You. Your will be done!
-Praise God for the new staff and mission mobilizers we were able to launch through EvaSUE the past few months. Our over 100 staff are now in their regions, we thank God for these humble servants and kingdom workers- may God anoint them to witness well! We thank God for the Regional Coordinators and all the staff God has given us...
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New Campus Mission Mobilizers |
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Regional Coordinators |
-Praise God for the chance to teach and train in Addis and visit staff around the country. So thankful for the amazing EvaSUE team!
-Praise God for the new ETC class that started. I will meet with these current and future church leaders once a week through May as we talk about "Cross Cultural Communication" at this critical time in the history of the church. May God challenge us as we think about what He wants to say through His church across cultures...
Prayer Requests
-Please pray for many struggling with medical issues.
-Please pray again for God to level the mountain of my work permit block and for it to get passed through ... it expires on March 23
-Please pray for the coming month of March- a very busy time for EvaSUE as regional leadership conferences and staff trainings happen in all regions
-Please pray for Ethiopia, there are many issues that the government needs wisdom about.
-Please pray for protection from spiritual attacks
-If you'd like to join my prayer team or contribute to the work, here is the link:
Thank you for all who have prayed and given!!!
-Pray again for revival here! May God send fresh wind on us so He is lifted up!
May God lift up His Church globally as we face the mountains with courage!