The past months have held much darkness for people around the world.
Though some places seem to be in a better place than before ... there are still so many struggling with war, soaring food prices, sickness, death and instability.
Here in Ethiopia, we just celebrated Fasika (Easter) one week ago. I always enjoy getting to celebrate this holiday twice ... once with my USA family, then a week later when Ethiopia celebrates. I was deeply moved again when remembering the great sacrifice that Jesus made, the road He walked to die so I could live! The move He made for us all was undeserved and unimaginable! Jesus' life and death and resurrection became a bridge that we can cross through to connect with God. We can stand in Him and with Him- with our sins paid for! I listened to songs celebrating Him. I enjoyed a feast of celebration with the Kenna family ... as I do every year. And my heart felt thankful...
Yet deep inside, to be real honest, I almost felt guilty in celebrating. I felt a blanket of heaviness and sadness. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't shake it off. So many close to me are literally still walking through valleys ... ones of sickness, loss and death. There's been NO relief, and NO rescue. NO cure. NO miracle.
So how can I fully celebrate, how can we fully celebrate, when the struggle and darkness remains for so many ... in the world, in the lives of those we love, and even in our own lives?
Over the past few weeks focusing on Easter, I heard someone point to a verse and it has stuck with me... ...
Early in the morning, WHILE IT WAS STILL DARK...Mary Madeline went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been rolled away... John 20:1
An observation was made that ..."while it was still dark," a miracle had happened. The stone had been rolled away and history changed forever!
What God has been reminding me is that He can do much in darkness. We might not even realize He's at work, but He is. In the darkness ... in the bunkers and underground or in hospital notices of eviction... in prison cells... in depression and war... in depravity... God is there and can quietly calm storms, heal diseases, raise the dead, unlock prison doors!
In literal and spiritual darkness where billions around the world still sit, God can do His greatest work!
Sometimes God steps in and we see these miracles happen. But sometimes it seems He lets the darkness get darker. Why?
In the dark, there are some things that God can make very visible...And these can be for our good...
1. Our Need for God (We see our Smallness)
In the extreme darkness, things spiral out of our ability to control. We realize we don't have all the answers. We can't solve all the problems. Our weaknesses become visible. Our insecurities. Our fear. We feel the need for rescue, for help. And it causes a deep humility.
Humble yourself before the Lord in due time that He may lift you up... James 4:10
God lifts up all who are bowed down... Psalm 145:14
I was a brute beast before you...Psalm 73:22
What a wretched man am I ... Romans 7:24
2. God's Presence (We see God's Bigness)
In the extreme darkness, we can also see God in ways we never have before. We seek Him. We call out to Him. We see His bigness. His strength. His power. His compassion. His mercy. He can surprise us and delight us and minister to us in the dark like no one can. He doesn't leave us when others do. When we go over the edge, He climbs over after us. He picks us up and carries us if we need Him to. When storms rage, He's on the boat with us. And if He doesn't calm the storm, He calms us and never lets us go! The darkest of seasons for me have been my greatest growth times with God. God shows Himself to us in the darkest of nights. And our eyes are more open to see Him during these times
Call on me and I will answer you...Jeremiah 33:3
I lay down my life for you, I am the Good Shepherd...John 10:11
When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for you are with me... Psalm 23
Though ten thousand surround you, you will not be overcome... Psalm 91
I will never you nor forsake you ... Deuteronomy 31:6
My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever...Psalm 73:26
3. His Hope ...
In the extreme darkness, God can also give us HOPE. His hope doesn't disappoint and is not dependent on circumstances. God helps us to see Him and His promises even while in the dark. And somehow, as storms still rage, He pours hope into us as we realize our lives are in His hands. We can trust Him to not leave us or fail us and to help us. Satan will try to steal your hope. He wants you to give up on God. Don't! Satan is liar! Let God fill you with everlasting hope ...
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings like eagles...Isaiah 40:31
I have given you living hope... 1 Peter 1:3
4. We See Others
The amazing thing that God can also do in extreme dark, is to show us other people who are also there. And as He ministers to us, He can then use us to minister to others. We can become "wounded healers" in those dark places. As God shines His light into us and fills us with hope and joy and peace, we can take those to others to bless them and help others find their way through the dark.
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works... Matthew 5:16
I have been sent you to loose chains of injustice... to set free those who are in prison...... Isaiah 58:6
You are ministers of reconciliation... 2 Corinthians 5:18
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves ... Matthew 10:16
You are my ambassadors... 2 Corinthians 5:20
If you're feeling overwhelmed today, be encouraged what can still happen while "it's still dark." God is still on the throne!
In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world .... John 16:33
Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning....Psalm 30:5
Holding onto God with you in Trust!
May we continue to trust Him in the darkness!
-My work permit and residence ID finally processed just last week. After months of struggle, God pushed those through! Praise God!
-The time getting to know EvaSUE has been so good. I'm humbled to fully engage with this team in the time ahead to "advance the kingdom of God by serving students." It's a key time for Ethiopia to disicple students to reach their campuses and the world!
-My ETC class has gone so well. I'm humbled to have had another semester of equipping current and future church leaders. This class is Cross Cultural Communication...
-I've been accepted to go under Global Outreach International in the time ahead. I will email about this, big praise!
Prayer Requests
So many are still struggling. Please pray for healing, miracles, and hope!
For the finale of my ETC class, that God will give us a great last month.
For my continued transition to EvaSUE and to Global Outreach International and for fundraising I need to do for a trip home in June, may God provide! (I will send an email with more details on this)
How can I pray for you?
Thank you for your prayers and partnership!!!
May we continue to trust Him even if it's still dark!