I'm not sure if you're like me, but I'm ready for the page to turn.
We need out this season ... this Covid chapter, we need things to open... forward movement to be allowed... it's time!
We've been waiting. Holding our breath behind our masks.
Will things open or stay closed? What will tomorrow be like? This fall season? The rest of this year? Travel? Next year?
We're ready to see ahead. We're ready for decisions to be made. We're tired of not knowing. Let's move!
Here in Ethiopia...we're on the brink of change.. or so we hope. The rains should be ending in the next few weeks and the sun returning.
The year (2012) just ended and a new year started yesterday...
Happy New Year 2013 Ethiopia!
As I traveled in a mask for the holiday here- I reflected ....
What have the months behind taught me? Taught us?
We embraced- grateful for having passed through the time so far. We did celebrate life overall and the goodness of God...
And we dared to hope that the worst is behind, that a new page is turning, and better days are just ahead... let it be God!
I loved my time with the Kennas and with Hidi's Family.
Celebrations will continue into this weekend...
Here- in Ethiopia, I think we've done our best. To stay positive, hopeful. To put one foot in front of the other.
I've tried my best... to keep my eyes on Jesus and to remind myself what the Bible says.
I "know" ....I have living hope, an eternal home...I "know" my identity is in Jesus and I'm only passing through here. I "know" life is but a breath and I'm not guaranteed tomorrow. I "know" I need to number my days and walk with wisdom... making the most of my time and opportunities. I need to love, forgive, serve... and keep hopeful, joyful, worshipful, humble and thankful. I "know" to not be surprised at the trials that come. I "know" God is able to work all things together for our good, He is greater than anything in the world; nothing can separate me from Him....
I "know" all these things and even teach/preach them, yet the struggle is there. To keep these things in mind and heart and live them like I really believe them.
God has been reminding me in the quiet campuses and closed doors... of the journey already done..
of the deserts, mountains and valleys crossed...
Of the times I fell hard and God picked me up and carried me...He made sure my shoes didn't wear out...He enabled me to stand on the heights... He parted seas, calmed storms, showed Himself great ...
He humbled and surprised me and wooed me... He made me laugh and dried my tears. I'm so grateful for the life I have lived....
I remember and see the evidence ... of Him all over my life. And so thankful!!!
I remember.... and yet I want MORE... Another day. Another year. More chances. Is it your will God? For me? for us?
If this page sticks... how will I make the most of it?
And if we get off this page... what will the next one look like? What will I do? How will I live better for God?
Have you been thinking and planning and praying, like me???
One of the things I've been thinking about is what I'm wearing. I think it's the time of year for that....
Usually when pages turn, things shift, seasons change ... you get new clothes.
I remember growing up ... loving when it was school clothes shopping time. The big pencils, the lunch boxes, the new shoes and new backpacks and new clothes... I was a fan.
Usually at this time....even here in Ethiopia, a new school year would be getting ready to start. I would travel home before the new school year begins... and shop, restock on supplies, and definitely get NEW CLOTHES.
Clothes here get ripped and stained. They shrink then stink... I can't explain it ...but new clothes never seem to last long here.
Rainy season , when school is closed ... is easier, you can wear the same things almost everyday... or wrap in a different scarf or jacket....and you're good to go.
But when the sun returns... the jackets come off ... you feel the need to shift your wardrobe. New clothes and clean clothes ... can help give confidence for a new page.
Clean clothes ... is a challenge in rainy season. New clothes here are expensive. (big sigh).

But God has been reminding me that it's not about outward clothes, but kingdom clothes I need to consider.....the amazing clothes I already have access to...but often don't wrap in. These clothes are in my wardrobe and have already been paid for. They are identity markers and don't fade, stain, or stink. They were bought at the highest price and they're offered to me, to you, to wear.
The crazy thing is we often don't wear these clothes or even remember we have them.
And we often wear things we shouldn't. We wear identities that others give us or we give ourselves. We take off royal robes and exchange them for rags of guilt and shame. We exchange clean white clothes and put on old stained and ripped identities, even chains and handcuffs - because Satan says... that's who we are and who we always will be!
Satan is a liar! He knows the amazing ability we have and choice we're given to wear the clothes of our King. Satan doesn't want God's people to show the world kingdom clothes!
He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10)
When I say "kingdom clothes", what am I talking about? Is it "What would Jesus Do" T-shirts? Seminary or Bible College or Church sweatshirts? Is it Meskel (cross) necklaces? Are these kingdom clothes and attire?
What did Jesus wear? He is our example!
I see the "religious" today- clothed literally in different things...
Some look exactly like everyone else. There's no difference.
Others wrap in tradition and outward religion...but is this what Jesus wanted you to wear? To show? Where it's about outward appearance, but not inward allegiance? (if you think yes... if you think it's about long prayers, special seats, and pomp and circumstance... please check out Matthew 23 and Luke 18:9-14).
Other "religious" people tout health and wealth - saying these markers mean the blessing of God is on them. Really? If you think this is what we are to wear- please check out ...2 Corinthians 4:8-11; 2 Corinthians 6:3-10.
Others wear what I would call "fake gospel clothes"- it looks like humility, tolerance, inclusion, love- but it's missing the core truth of the gospel. True love speaks TRUTH. The world needs Jesus Christ and the truth of who He is and why you need Him. To follow Him, you deny yourself. You live holy- set apart for Him. You do what He says. You don't contextualize what He says so you can do what you want. This needs said in love so people change. If you really love people, you tell them the truth! Jesus loved people, they felt welcome and acceptance with Him. But, He challenged them with the truth, to change, to turn, to become all He made them to be! Come on Church! We need to follow Jesus' example!!!
Jesus is our model of kingdom clothes worn the right way. Jesus wore a robe, sandals ... he was dressed like his culture and the Bible says nothing about his outward appearance was special (Isaiah 53). He had the dust and dirt of his community on him and his clothes. He didn't wear a "I am the Son of God T-shirt or a "Light of World is Me" wristband or hat. He was wrapped in human skin. He sweated, felt fatigue, all the things we feel, He subjected Himself too. He suffered and lived within His culture.
Yet- He was different. His life was clothed in something so profound ...that this one solitary life changed the world. Jesus was light and truth - His words, actions, were anointed. He showed goodness, mercy, compassion, wisdom, holiness, justice, love, peace, hope ...so much.. in how He lived... that it moved people to respond. God's Spirit in Him was so powerful- and attractive... people came and were changed because they had been near him and with Him. Can the same be said of your clothes? of Mine? Because we are to "wrap in Him" and are able to wear that clothing!
You have been clothed with Christ (Galatians 3:26-27)
Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility)... (Colossians 3:12)
What "clothes" do people see on me? After time with me, do they feel like a member of God's family has visited?
Not only do we have these clothes... but we also have ARMOR that we HAVE to put on.
Put on on the full armor of God so you can stand against Satan's schemes. (Ephesians 6: 11-17)
This world is under the effects of sin. We have an enemy... Satan. But we have ARMOR to wear and victory is already with us.
Do you know the different parts of the armor we have?
This armor is so important! Is your armor on?
When your armor is off or part of it is dislodged, you feel it and Satan hits there over and over.
God has been challenging me to check my armor and keep it on!
Satan is prowling and attacking. He wants God's people discouraged, divided, and silent.
I listened to a great sermon recently that challenged me on one part of the armor:
(If you can't connect via the link above... just copy and paste it into a google search...and you will get. It's so good!)
This sermon noted to take care of ... the breastplate...the armor piece that guards your heart. What guards your heart is righteousness (living right for God). If Satan can cause you to live unholy, this can knock your breastplate off, and your heart is exposed. And he takes aim.
May we keep our armor ON!
Maybe you're reading this and you're saying.... "uh oh". My clothes are NOT right as a member of God's family. Or maybe you're thinking your armor might be OFF or part of it is OFF.
Whatever the case is, BE ENCOURAGED!
You can get these clothes on and this armor on ... TODAY!
Don't let Satan steal your clothes or your armor. Or make you think you have to wear old clothes and that you have no protection.
Jesus offers you new clothes and armor to wrap in. Embrace these and put them on and keep them on!
Put off the old, put on the new... (Ephesians 4:22-24)
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14)
God can turn the page and you can walk forward in fresh, clean, new, white, wonderful clothes and armor you can trust! There's no other way to walk and live!
May we, the global church, wear the right clothes and armor...and leave a mark that won't be forgotten.
Let it be God! Turn the page! Let us do our part!
Praying for you and please pray for me!
Prayer Requests
First- a huge thank you. Times have been hard, as I noted. I know what I should think and feel about life now ... but it's still hard. I appreciate and feel your prayers and I'm so grateful for each of you! May God bless you back 1000-fold!!!
Please pray for a new page in my life here. That I will wear the right clothes and the right armor and not let Satan mess with me!
Please pray for this new year in Ethiopia, 2013, that began yesterday. May there be peace in this land, health, and mostly an understanding of Jesus. May people see Him and respond! It's an election year and Covid is still here- so pray for those... that the church will rise and God's love and peace and joy and Jesus will be shared.
Please pray for health for me and those I work with. Also for my family. That God will keep us healthy in every way- according to His plan
Please pray for my "work." Hope University staff return to work this coming week. Soon we should hear from the government on how we can finish the past school year, have graduation, and start the new school year. Pray for me as the Student Dean, that God will give me wisdom and favor beyond me to do the job well.
Please pray for ETC. Graduation is next weekend. Only graduates can go. The new school year will start for most at the end of this month. I will have one class. Pray for wisdom as we start online or in person - that God will help.
Please keep my USA family in prayer. My Dad, Mom, Sister, Mike ... all are great and I give thanks for that. Continue to keep them in prayer.
Please pray for the USA... my home country... for peace, protection, for the election, for so much. I love America- may God help the months ahead. Things seem to be going the wrong way.
How can I pray for you?
Thanks again for your support and prayers. No words for how much they mean. And I know I only sit here today because of your prayers and support!
Happy New Year- Ethiopia- and Happy Fall - Season to Everyone.
May this be our greatest page and chapter for God!
And may our clothing and armor stay ON!