The calendar year is 2011 here in Ethiopia.
In less than one month, a new year will begin.
A new school year will start for me this week...
Looking back at the last year (Sept to Sept), what did God do? What did I learn?
Time goes fast in life. Years can pass in a blink. If you're not careful to think about your life and move to change things as God leads, you can go down wrong roads, get lost, and/or live outside of God's perfect plan for your life.
I was thinking the past few weeks about "breaking points" in life. Times that come when you KNOW something has to give, some areas HAVE to change. You can't continue as things are. You're tired of that area. Do you have one or two of those areas in your life?
We don't often don't like times in life when change is needed or happens. Change can be scary and it moves us out of our comfort zone. We get used to things and we often don't take action to change what needs changed. We don't look at closets that should be cleaned or conversations that need to be had. We think ... another day is best to face that. And we just never go there.
The problem is those unhealthy things or areas can cause an implosion. They can distract us and discourage us. They can hold us back from moving ahead. Many of us have heard quotes or sayings for years about how change is necessary and requires work. And we may acknowledge the wisdom in those, but don't apply those to our own lives. Maybe you've heard some of these ...
But if we're honest, we don't like to really look at our lives and make the changes that need to be made. We may have to add things or cut other things. And those changes can be painful.
I think we often reach times in life though when we KNOW and desire change. And the good news is, God can help us do what needs done! Thank weakness, He is strong. And the joy of Him is our strength!
God gives us great stewardship and responsibility of our lives. He gives us the authority and ability to move forward and to manage our lives, families, finances, and work with success. But, often, we get stuck and don't do what needs done for God to help us move forward.
For me, there has been a few big areas I've been looking at and making changes in and there's more to go as a new school year and Ethiopia year approaches. I'm tired of not doing some things and not getting some things done, and I'm at a breaking point. If I don't do these things now... I probably never will.
One big change I have made this past year was strategically adding in Amharic learning. Learning a language is alot of work. For years I had hoped I would naturally learn the language here. But it never happened on a deep level. So, this year, I changed my program, adjusted my budget and schedule, and added that in. Though an increase in work, the change was needed and has been so so so good. I'm thankful to have made this move.
Another big thing I've noticed is the small apartment I live in ... has needed alot of change for a LONG time. Piles needed cleaned, appliances needed maintenanced. But I put it off with many excuses. I didn't want to take the time or the money to do what needed done. And honestly- some of the piles and closets...I was convinced were homes of the monster spiders, lizards and other unknown species that I would see crawl across my floor. And I didn't want to disrupt the mommas or papas there. But whose house was it? It's God's and mine that He gave me. So, come on Holly... me talking to myself...fix it, clean it, kick out and clean out what shouldn't be there!
So, this past month, my home has sincerely been a disaster. With the help of many, I've cleaned and had help cleaning piles and stacks and walls of things. We cleaned behind and above things and under things. I've had appliances maintenanced and have gotten new furniture. It's been SHOCKING the change. Why did I not do this years ago? Hopefully in the next few weeks, it will be done. Again, it was a great and needed move!
I did find a frog in a pile. And I did find only the head of a rat (the body missing)... the head was stuck in a cobweb attached to one of my bags. Yep. After screaming and nearly fainting, it was done. Cleaned. Out with the old and dirty, in with the new and clean. This is how our lives should be. Constantly checking , evaluating, and doing what needs done to keep healthy and to be good managers/stewards of our lives, homes, relationships, churches... for the glory and honor of God!
Are you at a breaking point in some area of your life? Are you tired of not facing the conversation, the dirt, the unhealthiness? Are you tired of not checking something off your to do list? That thing has been there for years. It's time to get it done and move forward!
The good news is God offers to help us. His Spirit can empower us and lead us. God knows us and loves us. He knows the areas we hide from everyone else. He knows the things that need cleaned, changed. He promises to help us if we ask. He is making us new and can bring great things out of messes. He can take broken pieces and create a masterpiece. But we have to give Him ALL and ask Him to help us, to heal us, to move us forward. He says He will!!!
I will bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair... (Isaiah 61:3)
In all you do, do it all for the glory of God... (Colossians 3:17)
Teach us to number our days ... (Psalm 90:12)
Watch carefully how you live, don't be unwise but wise, making the most of your time because the days are evil... (Ephesians 5:15)
Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (Colossians 1:10)
For everything there is a season... a time to break down, a time to build...(Ecclesiastes 3)
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and I will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Will you let Him move in your heart and life? To break from you what needs broken off? To help you add in what needs added? Will you let Him give you strength, courage, to do what needs done so you can move forward? He promises to go with you. He's worthy of our trust and will help us turn a new page and will write a new chapter if we let Him.
He who began a good work in you will complete it... (Philippians 1:6)
I am making all things new... (Revelation 21:5)
O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand..
(Isaiah 64:8 )
What do you need to do? Maybe live on a budget, get your mind/body healthy... get a checkup...join a small group/church... change jobs, start something, finish something... the time is now.
Sometimes you can't see the change that's needed or even make the needed change on your own. God's people and His Spirit can help you do what needs done.
Please pray for me as I continue to look hard at my life and to make the changes with God's help that need to happen, so my life can be maximized for Him and by Him and with Him! I will pray the same for you!
Happy new school year for those starting or sending those to school. And Happy New Year 2012 to Ethiopia in mid September. May God be with us and may we live our best days for His Glory as the journey continues for us all!
Praises/Prayer Requests
-My family gives praise for my Dad's second hip replacement surgery's success a few weeks ago. Please continue to pray for the amazing and charming Jim Garrett, we love him so much. May God fully heal him!
-Please keep my sister and her husband, Mike Martin, in prayer as they have now moved to Morrow, Ohio. Please pray wisdom, provision, and blessing for them as they pastor/lead a church there. We know God will use them in great ways!
-I'm very thankful for the busy few months back in Ethiopia since my sister and Mike's wedding...
I had the honor of helping with our Hope University College's graduation in mid July. Over 220 students crossed their college education finish line. It was a great celebration.
I taught a two week Intensive course at ETC- Health and Sport for the Church, this finished a few weeks ago. This was a great class and a time to challenge church leaders here to think of ways to use health and sport in and through the church as bridges to build relationships with people.
I had the honor of guest speaking for a youth group for two weeks. I did a series on Identity. A highlight was the second week when several of my former students joined me in sharing their own lives and stories. So grateful to be part of the family of God!
And I was the guest speaker for a debut concert for one of my former students in Addis. I've continued in Bible study with three girls and I love these ladies so much. I'm grateful to live life with them and grow together in God
I'm continuing to take full time language classes.
I'm grateful for all God has done and continues to do here!
-Please pray for our new school year that starts at ETC this coming week. I will be teaching three courses: Intro to Youth Ministry; Integral Mission; and Communication. I'm humbled and honored to get to be part of life here... with some of the greatest people in the world.
-Please keep Ethiopia in prayer as she moves into a new year. The past few years have been unstable. Next year is a possible election. Pray for wisdom of the leadership. God has this place and land!
How can I pray for you?
Please share and know I'm grateful for each of you.
Blessings from here and may God do a new thing in your hearts, lives, families, in the new fall season!
In less than one month, a new year will begin.
A new school year will start for me this week...
Looking back at the last year (Sept to Sept), what did God do? What did I learn?
I was thinking the past few weeks about "breaking points" in life. Times that come when you KNOW something has to give, some areas HAVE to change. You can't continue as things are. You're tired of that area. Do you have one or two of those areas in your life?
We don't often don't like times in life when change is needed or happens. Change can be scary and it moves us out of our comfort zone. We get used to things and we often don't take action to change what needs changed. We don't look at closets that should be cleaned or conversations that need to be had. We think ... another day is best to face that. And we just never go there.
The problem is those unhealthy things or areas can cause an implosion. They can distract us and discourage us. They can hold us back from moving ahead. Many of us have heard quotes or sayings for years about how change is necessary and requires work. And we may acknowledge the wisdom in those, but don't apply those to our own lives. Maybe you've heard some of these ...
But if we're honest, we don't like to really look at our lives and make the changes that need to be made. We may have to add things or cut other things. And those changes can be painful.
I think we often reach times in life though when we KNOW and desire change. And the good news is, God can help us do what needs done! Thank weakness, He is strong. And the joy of Him is our strength!
God gives us great stewardship and responsibility of our lives. He gives us the authority and ability to move forward and to manage our lives, families, finances, and work with success. But, often, we get stuck and don't do what needs done for God to help us move forward.
For me, there has been a few big areas I've been looking at and making changes in and there's more to go as a new school year and Ethiopia year approaches. I'm tired of not doing some things and not getting some things done, and I'm at a breaking point. If I don't do these things now... I probably never will.
One big change I have made this past year was strategically adding in Amharic learning. Learning a language is alot of work. For years I had hoped I would naturally learn the language here. But it never happened on a deep level. So, this year, I changed my program, adjusted my budget and schedule, and added that in. Though an increase in work, the change was needed and has been so so so good. I'm thankful to have made this move.
Another big thing I've noticed is the small apartment I live in ... has needed alot of change for a LONG time. Piles needed cleaned, appliances needed maintenanced. But I put it off with many excuses. I didn't want to take the time or the money to do what needed done. And honestly- some of the piles and closets...I was convinced were homes of the monster spiders, lizards and other unknown species that I would see crawl across my floor. And I didn't want to disrupt the mommas or papas there. But whose house was it? It's God's and mine that He gave me. So, come on Holly... me talking to myself...fix it, clean it, kick out and clean out what shouldn't be there!
So, this past month, my home has sincerely been a disaster. With the help of many, I've cleaned and had help cleaning piles and stacks and walls of things. We cleaned behind and above things and under things. I've had appliances maintenanced and have gotten new furniture. It's been SHOCKING the change. Why did I not do this years ago? Hopefully in the next few weeks, it will be done. Again, it was a great and needed move!
I did find a frog in a pile. And I did find only the head of a rat (the body missing)... the head was stuck in a cobweb attached to one of my bags. Yep. After screaming and nearly fainting, it was done. Cleaned. Out with the old and dirty, in with the new and clean. This is how our lives should be. Constantly checking , evaluating, and doing what needs done to keep healthy and to be good managers/stewards of our lives, homes, relationships, churches... for the glory and honor of God!
Are you at a breaking point in some area of your life? Are you tired of not facing the conversation, the dirt, the unhealthiness? Are you tired of not checking something off your to do list? That thing has been there for years. It's time to get it done and move forward!
The good news is God offers to help us. His Spirit can empower us and lead us. God knows us and loves us. He knows the areas we hide from everyone else. He knows the things that need cleaned, changed. He promises to help us if we ask. He is making us new and can bring great things out of messes. He can take broken pieces and create a masterpiece. But we have to give Him ALL and ask Him to help us, to heal us, to move us forward. He says He will!!!
I will bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair... (Isaiah 61:3)
In all you do, do it all for the glory of God... (Colossians 3:17)
Teach us to number our days ... (Psalm 90:12)
Watch carefully how you live, don't be unwise but wise, making the most of your time because the days are evil... (Ephesians 5:15)
Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (Colossians 1:10)
For everything there is a season... a time to break down, a time to build...(Ecclesiastes 3)
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and I will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Will you let Him move in your heart and life? To break from you what needs broken off? To help you add in what needs added? Will you let Him give you strength, courage, to do what needs done so you can move forward? He promises to go with you. He's worthy of our trust and will help us turn a new page and will write a new chapter if we let Him.
He who began a good work in you will complete it... (Philippians 1:6)
I am making all things new... (Revelation 21:5)
O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand..
(Isaiah 64:8 )
What do you need to do? Maybe live on a budget, get your mind/body healthy... get a checkup...join a small group/church... change jobs, start something, finish something... the time is now.
Sometimes you can't see the change that's needed or even make the needed change on your own. God's people and His Spirit can help you do what needs done.
Please pray for me as I continue to look hard at my life and to make the changes with God's help that need to happen, so my life can be maximized for Him and by Him and with Him! I will pray the same for you!
Happy new school year for those starting or sending those to school. And Happy New Year 2012 to Ethiopia in mid September. May God be with us and may we live our best days for His Glory as the journey continues for us all!
Praises/Prayer Requests
-My family gives praise for my Dad's second hip replacement surgery's success a few weeks ago. Please continue to pray for the amazing and charming Jim Garrett, we love him so much. May God fully heal him!
-Please keep my sister and her husband, Mike Martin, in prayer as they have now moved to Morrow, Ohio. Please pray wisdom, provision, and blessing for them as they pastor/lead a church there. We know God will use them in great ways!
-I'm very thankful for the busy few months back in Ethiopia since my sister and Mike's wedding...
I had the honor of helping with our Hope University College's graduation in mid July. Over 220 students crossed their college education finish line. It was a great celebration.
I taught a two week Intensive course at ETC- Health and Sport for the Church, this finished a few weeks ago. This was a great class and a time to challenge church leaders here to think of ways to use health and sport in and through the church as bridges to build relationships with people.
I had the honor of guest speaking for a youth group for two weeks. I did a series on Identity. A highlight was the second week when several of my former students joined me in sharing their own lives and stories. So grateful to be part of the family of God!
And I was the guest speaker for a debut concert for one of my former students in Addis. I've continued in Bible study with three girls and I love these ladies so much. I'm grateful to live life with them and grow together in God
I'm continuing to take full time language classes.
I'm grateful for all God has done and continues to do here!
-Please pray for our new school year that starts at ETC this coming week. I will be teaching three courses: Intro to Youth Ministry; Integral Mission; and Communication. I'm humbled and honored to get to be part of life here... with some of the greatest people in the world.
-Please keep Ethiopia in prayer as she moves into a new year. The past few years have been unstable. Next year is a possible election. Pray for wisdom of the leadership. God has this place and land!
How can I pray for you?
Please share and know I'm grateful for each of you.
Blessings from here and may God do a new thing in your hearts, lives, families, in the new fall season!