Silent Night. Away in a Manger. Jingle Bells. The First Noel. Deck the Halls. O Christmas Tree. Here Comes Santa Claus. I'll Be Home for Christmas. Go Tell It On the Mountain.
Several of these songs have brought a smile to my face the past few days on my return to Ohio for the holidays. On the radio, in churches, at the gym, in stores ... these songs reflect the season. There's wrapping paper, holiday lights, manger scenes, and special flavors of coffee and cookies, candles and lotions ... all for this time of year.
But as I have listened and watched all the festivities the past few days ... I can't help but think the season has become more about the songs, the food, the presents, and the lights more than about what really happened over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem.
What happened on that silent night? And why is it important for me, and for you?
Why did the Creator enter His own creation, His own story? Why was it a big deal? And why must we not just understand it but make a decision about it?
We're not able by ourselves to connect with a holy God the way He created us to. There's a brokenness there that makes it impossible. You can feel that brokenness and see it. There's envy, jealousy, pride, there's fighting, war... in us and around us. And it can consume you and others. This brokenness happened when people from the beginning were given the choice, to choose God and His ways, or their own. People chose from the beginning to live apart from God, bringing sin and this brokenness into the world.
But God didn't leave it like that. That's why Jesus came. Something had to take care of the sin and the broken connection. A sacrifice, a payment, was needed .... to cover that brokenness. A holy God has to punish sin. So Jesus stood in our place and took the punishment for our sin. And now He offers salvation to us as a gift. The ONLY way we can connect with God is through the sacrifice Jesus made. It's a free gift that you He offers to you. So you have a choice to make. And it's the biggest decision you will ever make. What will you do with this gift offered to you? And what do you have to do to accept this gift?
Do you have to join a church? Go to church? Take off your makeup? Cut your hair? Do you have to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, give to the poor, go on mission trips, fast, etc, to get the chance at this gift? Or do you say... "I accept your love for me God." And that's it?
It's not about what you do, it's about who you decide to put your trust in and follow. It comes down to Jesus. And it comes down to the acknowledge that there's a big problem and we can't solve it, we need a Savior. We have to repent and put our faith/trust in Him.
You simply have to pray something like this....
"I believe in you Jesus. I accept that you came and that you came to pay for my sin- my brokenness. I repent of my sin, I say I'm sorry and I put my faith and trust in what you did for me. I need you, help me, forgive me, come into my life and lead me. Thank you. From this day forward, be in me and with Me forever, in your name JESUS, I pray..."
And then that's the beginning... said simply but from the heart...when the connection is established. You become part of God's family then. Your ability to connect with Him is now possible. You can know Him and be with Him forever, in and through Jesus.
You're NOT automatically part of His family because He created you and loves you. You enter based what Jesus did and on your own decision to accept and believe in what He did for you or not.
What will you decide?
Jesus is the Savior of the World, the Merciful High Priest, the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace ... salvation, justification, righteousness (right standing) with God, wholeness, real and abundant life... is what He offers you... to experience through relationship with Him.
This gift is extended to you... will you accept it?
You might say... Holly, you don't know what I've done. I've messed up. God wouldn't want me in His family. I'm too far away. I have great news for you .... many people in the Bible said the same thing. They were messed up people... ones with tempers, a lack of understanding, bad habits, and lots of mistakes... but Jesus said to them... follow me... I have living water you can drink from, today and forever ... you will be with Me. You don't have to earn this gift of Jesus Christ. He does accept you as you are. He sees the past yet still welcomes you. But His love refuses to leave you the way you are. He wants to fill every dark space in your heart and life. All the closets you haven't cleaned, all the regrets you have, all the insecurities, all the doubts, All the pride. All the shame.... He wants you to bring those to Him and experience in return ... light, healing, peace, joy, transformation. He wants to make you into who He created you to be. But it takes connection. And connection IS NOT possible without Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY WAY to relationship with God.
Jesus says ... I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.
John 14:6
Maybe some of you feel far away from Jesus this Christmas because something has taken your joy or has stolen your peace. Maybe you've been wronged, wrecked. And bitterness or anger or sorrow is inside of you and it's threatening to ruin you forever. Maybe you doubt that Jesus can help that deep darkness. Maybe you even doubt Him, why did God even allow that to happen to you, your marriage, your family. God can handle your questions. He can handle your doubt. It's why He came. To give you peace and healing and perspective and the ability to persevere through all. Nothing is too big for Him. Nothing too hard. No darkness too strong for His light. The biggest storms He can calm. The deepest bitterness, He can uproot. Instead of bitter, He can make you better for Him through whatever passes your way. Don't turn from Him. He's the answer your seek, the friend that sticks closer than a brother, the Good Shepherd. He will help you and lead you.
The good news we are to go tell on the mountains is that a Savior has come. Jesus offers you Himself, to pull you up from the muck and mire and to save you from sin and brokenness- that's in you and around you. He wants to redeem you. To transform you. And to lead you through this world on the journey home. It's a free gift, a relationship that doesn't disappoint or fail.
I think we often forget the basic truth of Christmas and most amazing gift given to us in Jesus Christ. Forgive us Jesus ... for losing the truth of why you came and not sharing it like we should.
Thank you Jesus for what you did, what you're doing, who you are. We remember you and we love you and we thank you for coming to save us!!!
Merry Christmas to each of you!
Open up and embrace and celebrate this gift of salvation and connection offered in Jesus!
No gift ever given can bring you a greater blessing or a greater joy to share.
Behold I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11
Again, from my family to yours.... Merry Christmas...!!!

Several of these songs have brought a smile to my face the past few days on my return to Ohio for the holidays. On the radio, in churches, at the gym, in stores ... these songs reflect the season. There's wrapping paper, holiday lights, manger scenes, and special flavors of coffee and cookies, candles and lotions ... all for this time of year.
But as I have listened and watched all the festivities the past few days ... I can't help but think the season has become more about the songs, the food, the presents, and the lights more than about what really happened over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem.
What happened on that silent night? And why is it important for me, and for you?
Why did the Creator enter His own creation, His own story? Why was it a big deal? And why must we not just understand it but make a decision about it?
We're not able by ourselves to connect with a holy God the way He created us to. There's a brokenness there that makes it impossible. You can feel that brokenness and see it. There's envy, jealousy, pride, there's fighting, war... in us and around us. And it can consume you and others. This brokenness happened when people from the beginning were given the choice, to choose God and His ways, or their own. People chose from the beginning to live apart from God, bringing sin and this brokenness into the world.
But God didn't leave it like that. That's why Jesus came. Something had to take care of the sin and the broken connection. A sacrifice, a payment, was needed .... to cover that brokenness. A holy God has to punish sin. So Jesus stood in our place and took the punishment for our sin. And now He offers salvation to us as a gift. The ONLY way we can connect with God is through the sacrifice Jesus made. It's a free gift that you He offers to you. So you have a choice to make. And it's the biggest decision you will ever make. What will you do with this gift offered to you? And what do you have to do to accept this gift?
Do you have to join a church? Go to church? Take off your makeup? Cut your hair? Do you have to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, give to the poor, go on mission trips, fast, etc, to get the chance at this gift? Or do you say... "I accept your love for me God." And that's it?
It's not about what you do, it's about who you decide to put your trust in and follow. It comes down to Jesus. And it comes down to the acknowledge that there's a big problem and we can't solve it, we need a Savior. We have to repent and put our faith/trust in Him.
You simply have to pray something like this....
"I believe in you Jesus. I accept that you came and that you came to pay for my sin- my brokenness. I repent of my sin, I say I'm sorry and I put my faith and trust in what you did for me. I need you, help me, forgive me, come into my life and lead me. Thank you. From this day forward, be in me and with Me forever, in your name JESUS, I pray..."
And then that's the beginning... said simply but from the heart...when the connection is established. You become part of God's family then. Your ability to connect with Him is now possible. You can know Him and be with Him forever, in and through Jesus.
You're NOT automatically part of His family because He created you and loves you. You enter based what Jesus did and on your own decision to accept and believe in what He did for you or not.
What will you decide?
Jesus is the Savior of the World, the Merciful High Priest, the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace ... salvation, justification, righteousness (right standing) with God, wholeness, real and abundant life... is what He offers you... to experience through relationship with Him.
This gift is extended to you... will you accept it?
You might say... Holly, you don't know what I've done. I've messed up. God wouldn't want me in His family. I'm too far away. I have great news for you .... many people in the Bible said the same thing. They were messed up people... ones with tempers, a lack of understanding, bad habits, and lots of mistakes... but Jesus said to them... follow me... I have living water you can drink from, today and forever ... you will be with Me. You don't have to earn this gift of Jesus Christ. He does accept you as you are. He sees the past yet still welcomes you. But His love refuses to leave you the way you are. He wants to fill every dark space in your heart and life. All the closets you haven't cleaned, all the regrets you have, all the insecurities, all the doubts, All the pride. All the shame.... He wants you to bring those to Him and experience in return ... light, healing, peace, joy, transformation. He wants to make you into who He created you to be. But it takes connection. And connection IS NOT possible without Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY WAY to relationship with God.
Jesus says ... I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.
John 14:6
Maybe some of you feel far away from Jesus this Christmas because something has taken your joy or has stolen your peace. Maybe you've been wronged, wrecked. And bitterness or anger or sorrow is inside of you and it's threatening to ruin you forever. Maybe you doubt that Jesus can help that deep darkness. Maybe you even doubt Him, why did God even allow that to happen to you, your marriage, your family. God can handle your questions. He can handle your doubt. It's why He came. To give you peace and healing and perspective and the ability to persevere through all. Nothing is too big for Him. Nothing too hard. No darkness too strong for His light. The biggest storms He can calm. The deepest bitterness, He can uproot. Instead of bitter, He can make you better for Him through whatever passes your way. Don't turn from Him. He's the answer your seek, the friend that sticks closer than a brother, the Good Shepherd. He will help you and lead you.
The good news we are to go tell on the mountains is that a Savior has come. Jesus offers you Himself, to pull you up from the muck and mire and to save you from sin and brokenness- that's in you and around you. He wants to redeem you. To transform you. And to lead you through this world on the journey home. It's a free gift, a relationship that doesn't disappoint or fail.
I think we often forget the basic truth of Christmas and most amazing gift given to us in Jesus Christ. Forgive us Jesus ... for losing the truth of why you came and not sharing it like we should.
Thank you Jesus for what you did, what you're doing, who you are. We remember you and we love you and we thank you for coming to save us!!!
Merry Christmas to each of you!
Open up and embrace and celebrate this gift of salvation and connection offered in Jesus!
No gift ever given can bring you a greater blessing or a greater joy to share.
Behold I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11
Again, from my family to yours.... Merry Christmas...!!!