Lots of random thoughts are in my head and heart this early November morning in Ethiopia.
What a few busy months it has been. Tons of things going on here.
But God has been good. I'm so grateful to get to do what I do. God is with us in every season, on every path. I'm grateful to never go alone...
Again... several random thoughts to share...
Last week, three of my four family members had birthdays. My Mom, Sister (Noel), and I all marked another year off the calendar. Good gosh on getting older. It really is the oddest thing. I can't believe the calendar. Sometimes getting older is humorous. You have to chuckle. Is that a wrinkle? Is that a gray hair? More than chuckling though for me, I get out my boxing gloves. I fight to keep youthful, maybe too much. I want to look young, stay young. I fight it in the gym. I fight it with hair and skin products. I fight it with clothes. Even with Ethiopia's calendar being seven years behind the rest of the world, which I use to make me seven years younger, ha ha, I still find myself stressed that time is passing and there's still so much to do.
But God has been reminding me, life is a gift, so is getting older. Like my Dad says you can age like wine, you get sweeter, you can get better with age. And beauty can also increase as you get older. Your earthly tent may continue to have maintenance problems, but true beauty is from the inside.
A heart that is nurtured by God is the most beautiful thing. A life at peace. A life showing compassion, humility, love for God and others. A surrendered and obedient life to Jesus. A life lived on purpose and intentional with God at the center. There's nothing more striking than being around that kind of person. We're clay pots with treasure inside. (1 Cor 4). I have to make sure what's inside of me is getting more nurture than my outside.
1 Peter 3:3-4
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles or the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
1 Timothy 4:8
Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
I'm so truly grateful for the life God has given me to live. Even for the incredible falls, I'm grateful.
I'm part of God's family and plan. I have things to contribute, even still. And I want to make the most of life - to honor God. To impact for Him. The greatest years can be ahead, not behind, for each of us.
May we keep all in perspective. And may we give God thanks daily and grow old gracefully and purposefully and powerfully into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
Happy Birthday again to the Garrett girls. And big thinks to our Dad, who has helped us grow to be who we are today.
Jeremiah 29:11
I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future...
A big responsibility the past few weeks for me here has been helping to put new leadership in place at Hope College in our Student Parliament. These are key students who will lead the school in 2018-19.
I've prayed for the right leaders and we worked hard to seat a new Parliament and choose new officers. I'm so blessed and thrilled with the outcome. We've also given orientations for the incoming freshmen at Hope and have had orientations for returning students and class representatives.
All of this activity, plus in classes at ETC, leadership has been discussed and again it's had me thinking about leadership.
Right leadership of a church, an organization, a school, a country, is so important. If the wrong leadership is in place, things can fail, become unhealthy, things can tank (go down) quickly.
We have many different "leadership styles" to consider in the world today. From Donald Trump in the USA to Dr. Abiy, the new Prime Minister in Ethiopia, there are different styles and approaches. Which is best?
This past week we were talking about leadership in youth ministry and churches and some key points were raised. True, godly leaders, look different, treat people different, than many of the world's leaders.
Godly, spiritual leaders...
-Depend on God, His wisdom.
-They lean on prayer.
-Leaders lift people.
-Leaders value people.
-Leaders add value to people. They don't step on them or seek to elevate themselves by those they lead.
-Godly leaders seek to make God's name great, not their own.
-Spiritual leaders serve others.
-Jesus is the model.
-They are connectors first, not correctors (we flip this in churches... we correct before connect with people)
I think church leadership today is at an all time crisis globally. Church leaders are being caught up in power and prosperity. There's pride, corruption, lack of godliness. If the right leaders are in place, your church will feel it. A church will be praying. Transformation will be happening. Healthy things will be happening. Your church will be growing.
One mission movement we read about in my Intro to Missions class a few weeks ago talked about how in the 1960's ... churches in Nigeria united to share the gospel with the lost. They mobilized every person in every church to share. The gospel was proclaimed and thousands and thousands heard the good news. Jesus is the message people need. These churches were deeply changed as they were on mission. Churches grew, love for each other and God's Word grew, and prayer deepened. Giving increased exponentially because God was changing hearts and putting the focus where it needed to be.
Today's churches often focus on issues like social reform. They seek to heal society's problems, racial reconciliation for example. All these issues need addressed but it's not the first. The FIRST primary need of people is reconciliation to God on the individual level. The individual heart and life needs reconciled to God through hearing about and understanding Jesus. May we not forget this is the main thing first. Only after this can the other society issues be tackled and progress made. Reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ is the first reconciliation that has to happen.
All these things I've been thinking about and praying about for churches globally and as I look at my own life and leadership. Am I the leader God has called me to be? Is my focus correct? My teaching? My example? Hard self reflection questions, but important. If you don't know if your life looks like Jesus, if you're the right kind of leader ... just ask those to respond honestly who know you, work with you, serve with you. They will tell you. And if repentance is needed, let us make it and quickly. The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few. We don't have time to not be at work in the right way, sharing the most important news.
May we be light in the dark.
My mom shared a recent devotion thought with me that challenged me. Many times a day here in Ethiopia I marvel at the load people put on their trucks and cars and donkeys and animals. And even loads they carry on their own backs. The stacks are high and shocking.
My Mom's devotion thought focused on....
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your cares on God because He cares for you.
She talked about casting cares.
Often I don't cast my cares/anxieties on God... I shoulder them myself. I carry a huge load and it weighs me down and even makes me feel ill if I'm not careful. Those back breaking loads look like my life.
So we have to realize and remember that we're to cast our cares on God. He can handle it. He wants our burdens, our worries, our fears. He's big enough to shoulder it and to work it out. Our responsibility is to bring those to Him and ask His help, His leadership. Then to not pick it back up and worry. But to trust Him with it.
Jesus says... to be yoked with Him. Be shouldered with Him and when we are- the burden is easy and light.
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
If you tend to carry too much, worry too much, cast it and leave it with Jesus and move on in trust.
One final random thought to share. The sun has been so hot in Addis. It's intense. Sometimes I've said to myself the sky is burning. And it smells like it too, or so it seems.
This idea got me thinking about my life. The sky seems burning because of it's place in the sun. Is my life like this... burning with the presence of God... because I've been in Him and with Him that much? Like Moses talking to God or the disciples having been with Jesus...does my life reflect Him that much? Does my teaching, speaking, actions towards people...is my life an aroma for God... the one talked about in Scripture...
2 Corinthians 2:14-15
...through us God spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those being saved and those who are perishing...
I want to be a candle in the dark places. A sweet incense of God, of truth, of good news. Of hope, of compassion, of peace, of an eternity, a free gift ... evidence of a relationship with God that is possible with Jesus.
Do people sense this from being around me? Or do they see or sense the same worry, fear, doubt, insecurity that most of the world feels who aren't standing on a firm foundation? May my life show a different foundation... a relationship that brings true peace, joy, hope, security, that makes others curious to know more.
Matthew 5:14-16
You are the light of the world....Let your light so shine before men that they may see...your Father in heaven
May God bless you wherever you are in life's journey.
May God light your heart, set it ablaze- with new purpose and passion for Him.
May He lighten your load as you cast your cares on Him
May He make you into a leader that look like Him
And May He bless you as time passes and may He teach us all to be thankful for each day.
Let me know how I can pray for you and know I'm grateful for your prayers and example.
Blessings from Ethiopia.
What a few busy months it has been. Tons of things going on here.
But God has been good. I'm so grateful to get to do what I do. God is with us in every season, on every path. I'm grateful to never go alone...
Again... several random thoughts to share...
Last week, three of my four family members had birthdays. My Mom, Sister (Noel), and I all marked another year off the calendar. Good gosh on getting older. It really is the oddest thing. I can't believe the calendar. Sometimes getting older is humorous. You have to chuckle. Is that a wrinkle? Is that a gray hair? More than chuckling though for me, I get out my boxing gloves. I fight to keep youthful, maybe too much. I want to look young, stay young. I fight it in the gym. I fight it with hair and skin products. I fight it with clothes. Even with Ethiopia's calendar being seven years behind the rest of the world, which I use to make me seven years younger, ha ha, I still find myself stressed that time is passing and there's still so much to do.
But God has been reminding me, life is a gift, so is getting older. Like my Dad says you can age like wine, you get sweeter, you can get better with age. And beauty can also increase as you get older. Your earthly tent may continue to have maintenance problems, but true beauty is from the inside.
A heart that is nurtured by God is the most beautiful thing. A life at peace. A life showing compassion, humility, love for God and others. A surrendered and obedient life to Jesus. A life lived on purpose and intentional with God at the center. There's nothing more striking than being around that kind of person. We're clay pots with treasure inside. (1 Cor 4). I have to make sure what's inside of me is getting more nurture than my outside.
1 Peter 3:3-4
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles or the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
1 Timothy 4:8
Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
I'm so truly grateful for the life God has given me to live. Even for the incredible falls, I'm grateful.
I'm part of God's family and plan. I have things to contribute, even still. And I want to make the most of life - to honor God. To impact for Him. The greatest years can be ahead, not behind, for each of us.
May we keep all in perspective. And may we give God thanks daily and grow old gracefully and purposefully and powerfully into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
Happy Birthday again to the Garrett girls. And big thinks to our Dad, who has helped us grow to be who we are today.
Jeremiah 29:11
I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future...
A big responsibility the past few weeks for me here has been helping to put new leadership in place at Hope College in our Student Parliament. These are key students who will lead the school in 2018-19.
I've prayed for the right leaders and we worked hard to seat a new Parliament and choose new officers. I'm so blessed and thrilled with the outcome. We've also given orientations for the incoming freshmen at Hope and have had orientations for returning students and class representatives.
All of this activity, plus in classes at ETC, leadership has been discussed and again it's had me thinking about leadership.
Right leadership of a church, an organization, a school, a country, is so important. If the wrong leadership is in place, things can fail, become unhealthy, things can tank (go down) quickly.
We have many different "leadership styles" to consider in the world today. From Donald Trump in the USA to Dr. Abiy, the new Prime Minister in Ethiopia, there are different styles and approaches. Which is best?
This past week we were talking about leadership in youth ministry and churches and some key points were raised. True, godly leaders, look different, treat people different, than many of the world's leaders.
Godly, spiritual leaders...
-Depend on God, His wisdom.
-They lean on prayer.
-Leaders lift people.
-Leaders value people.
-Leaders add value to people. They don't step on them or seek to elevate themselves by those they lead.
-Godly leaders seek to make God's name great, not their own.
-Spiritual leaders serve others.
-Jesus is the model.
-They are connectors first, not correctors (we flip this in churches... we correct before connect with people)
I think church leadership today is at an all time crisis globally. Church leaders are being caught up in power and prosperity. There's pride, corruption, lack of godliness. If the right leaders are in place, your church will feel it. A church will be praying. Transformation will be happening. Healthy things will be happening. Your church will be growing.
One mission movement we read about in my Intro to Missions class a few weeks ago talked about how in the 1960's ... churches in Nigeria united to share the gospel with the lost. They mobilized every person in every church to share. The gospel was proclaimed and thousands and thousands heard the good news. Jesus is the message people need. These churches were deeply changed as they were on mission. Churches grew, love for each other and God's Word grew, and prayer deepened. Giving increased exponentially because God was changing hearts and putting the focus where it needed to be.
Today's churches often focus on issues like social reform. They seek to heal society's problems, racial reconciliation for example. All these issues need addressed but it's not the first. The FIRST primary need of people is reconciliation to God on the individual level. The individual heart and life needs reconciled to God through hearing about and understanding Jesus. May we not forget this is the main thing first. Only after this can the other society issues be tackled and progress made. Reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ is the first reconciliation that has to happen.
All these things I've been thinking about and praying about for churches globally and as I look at my own life and leadership. Am I the leader God has called me to be? Is my focus correct? My teaching? My example? Hard self reflection questions, but important. If you don't know if your life looks like Jesus, if you're the right kind of leader ... just ask those to respond honestly who know you, work with you, serve with you. They will tell you. And if repentance is needed, let us make it and quickly. The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few. We don't have time to not be at work in the right way, sharing the most important news.
May we be light in the dark.
My mom shared a recent devotion thought with me that challenged me. Many times a day here in Ethiopia I marvel at the load people put on their trucks and cars and donkeys and animals. And even loads they carry on their own backs. The stacks are high and shocking.
My Mom's devotion thought focused on....
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your cares on God because He cares for you.
She talked about casting cares.
Often I don't cast my cares/anxieties on God... I shoulder them myself. I carry a huge load and it weighs me down and even makes me feel ill if I'm not careful. Those back breaking loads look like my life.
So we have to realize and remember that we're to cast our cares on God. He can handle it. He wants our burdens, our worries, our fears. He's big enough to shoulder it and to work it out. Our responsibility is to bring those to Him and ask His help, His leadership. Then to not pick it back up and worry. But to trust Him with it.
Jesus says... to be yoked with Him. Be shouldered with Him and when we are- the burden is easy and light.
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
If you tend to carry too much, worry too much, cast it and leave it with Jesus and move on in trust.
One final random thought to share. The sun has been so hot in Addis. It's intense. Sometimes I've said to myself the sky is burning. And it smells like it too, or so it seems.
This idea got me thinking about my life. The sky seems burning because of it's place in the sun. Is my life like this... burning with the presence of God... because I've been in Him and with Him that much? Like Moses talking to God or the disciples having been with Jesus...does my life reflect Him that much? Does my teaching, speaking, actions towards people...is my life an aroma for God... the one talked about in Scripture...
2 Corinthians 2:14-15
...through us God spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those being saved and those who are perishing...
I want to be a candle in the dark places. A sweet incense of God, of truth, of good news. Of hope, of compassion, of peace, of an eternity, a free gift ... evidence of a relationship with God that is possible with Jesus.
Do people sense this from being around me? Or do they see or sense the same worry, fear, doubt, insecurity that most of the world feels who aren't standing on a firm foundation? May my life show a different foundation... a relationship that brings true peace, joy, hope, security, that makes others curious to know more.
Matthew 5:14-16
You are the light of the world....Let your light so shine before men that they may see...your Father in heaven
May God bless you wherever you are in life's journey.
May God light your heart, set it ablaze- with new purpose and passion for Him.
May He lighten your load as you cast your cares on Him
May He make you into a leader that look like Him
And May He bless you as time passes and may He teach us all to be thankful for each day.
Let me know how I can pray for you and know I'm grateful for your prayers and example.
Blessings from Ethiopia.