Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Thoughts for Christmas ... What Is This Holiday REALLY All About?

Silent Night. Away in a Manger. Jingle Bells. The First Noel. Deck the Halls. O Christmas Tree. Here Comes Santa Claus. I'll Be Home for Christmas.  Go Tell It On the Mountain.

Several of these songs have brought a smile to my face the past few days on my return to Ohio for the holidays. On the radio, in churches, at the gym, in stores ... these songs reflect the season. There's wrapping paper, holiday lights, manger scenes, and special flavors of coffee and cookies, candles and lotions ... all for this time of year.

But as I have listened and watched all the festivities the past few days ... I can't help but think the season has become more about the songs, the food, the presents, and the lights more than about what really happened over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem.

What happened on that silent night? And why is it important for me, and for you?

Why did the Creator enter His own creation, His own story? Why was it a big deal? And why must we not just understand it but make a decision about it?

We're not able by ourselves to connect with a holy God the way He created us to. There's a brokenness there that makes it impossible. You can feel that brokenness and see it. There's envy, jealousy, pride, there's fighting, war... in us and around us. And it can consume you and others. This brokenness happened when people from the beginning were given the choice, to choose God and His ways, or their own. People chose from the beginning to live apart from God, bringing sin and this brokenness into the world.

But God didn't leave it like that. That's why Jesus came. Something had to take care of the sin and the broken connection. A sacrifice, a payment, was needed .... to cover that brokenness. A holy God has to punish sin. So Jesus stood in our place and took the punishment for our sin. And now He offers salvation to us as a gift. The ONLY way we can connect with God is through the sacrifice Jesus made. It's a free gift that you He offers to you. So you have a choice to make. And it's the biggest decision you will ever make. What will you do with this gift offered to you? And what do you have to do to accept this gift?

Do you have to join a church? Go to church? Take off your makeup? Cut your hair? Do you have to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, give to the poor, go on mission trips, fast, etc, to get the chance at this gift? Or do you say... "I accept your love for me God." And that's it?

It's not about what you do, it's about who you decide to put your trust in and follow. It comes down to Jesus. And it comes down to the acknowledge that there's a big problem and we can't solve it, we need a Savior. We have to repent and put our faith/trust in Him.

You simply have to pray something like this....

"I believe in you Jesus. I accept that you came and that you came to pay for my sin- my brokenness. I repent of my sin, I say I'm sorry and I put my faith and trust in what you did for me. I need you, help me, forgive me, come into my life and lead me. Thank you. From this day forward, be in me and with Me forever, in your name JESUS, I pray..." 

And then that's the beginning... said simply but from the heart...when the connection is established. You become part of God's family then. Your ability to connect with Him is now possible. You can know Him and be with Him forever, in and through Jesus.

You're NOT automatically part of His family because He created you and loves you. You enter based what Jesus did and on your own decision to accept and believe in what He did for you or not.

What will you decide?

Jesus is the Savior of the World, the Merciful High Priest, the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace ...  salvation, justification, righteousness (right standing) with God, wholeness, real and abundant life... is what He offers you... to experience through relationship with Him.

This gift is extended to you... will you accept it?

You might say... Holly, you don't know what I've done. I've messed up. God wouldn't want me in His family. I'm too far away. I have great news for you .... many people in the Bible said the same thing. They were messed up people... ones with tempers, a lack of understanding, bad habits, and lots of mistakes... but Jesus said to them... follow me... I have living water you can drink from, today and forever ... you will be with Me. You don't have to earn this gift of Jesus Christ. He does accept you as you are. He sees the past yet still welcomes you. But His love refuses to leave you the way you are. He wants to fill every dark space in your heart and life. All the closets you haven't cleaned, all the regrets you have, all the insecurities, all the doubts, All the pride. All the shame.... He wants you to bring those to Him and experience in return ...  light, healing, peace, joy, transformation.  He wants to make you into who He created you to be. But it takes connection. And connection IS NOT possible without Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY WAY to relationship with God.

 Jesus says ... I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.
John 14:6

Maybe some of you feel far away from Jesus this Christmas because something has taken your joy or has stolen your peace. Maybe you've been wronged, wrecked. And bitterness or anger or sorrow is inside of you and it's threatening to ruin you forever. Maybe you doubt that Jesus can help that deep darkness. Maybe you even doubt Him, why did God even allow that to happen to you, your marriage, your family. God can handle your questions. He can handle your doubt. It's why He came. To give you peace and healing and perspective and the ability to persevere through all. Nothing is too big for Him. Nothing too hard. No darkness too strong for His light. The biggest storms He can calm. The deepest bitterness, He can uproot. Instead of bitter, He can make you better for Him through whatever passes your way.  Don't turn from Him. He's the answer your seek, the friend that sticks closer than a brother, the Good Shepherd. He will help you and lead you.

The good news we are to go tell on the mountains is that a Savior has come. Jesus offers you Himself, to pull you up from the muck and mire and to save you from sin and brokenness- that's in you and around you. He wants to redeem you. To transform you. And to lead you through this world on the journey home.  It's a free gift, a relationship that doesn't disappoint or fail.

I think we often forget the basic truth of Christmas and most amazing gift given to us in Jesus Christ. Forgive us Jesus ... for losing the truth of why you came and not sharing it like we should.

Thank you Jesus for what you did, what you're doing, who you are. We remember you and we love you and we thank you for coming to save us!!!

Merry Christmas to each of you!

Open up and embrace and celebrate this gift of salvation and connection offered in Jesus!

No gift ever given can bring you a greater blessing or a greater joy to share.

Behold I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11

Again, from my family to yours.... Merry Christmas...!!!

Monday, November 5, 2018

THOUGHTS ON Getting Older; Choosing Leaders; Casting Cares; and Burning Sky

Lots of random thoughts are in my head and heart this early November morning in Ethiopia.

What a few busy months it has been. Tons of things going on here.

But God has been good. I'm so grateful to get to do what I do. God is with us in every season, on every path. I'm grateful to never go alone...

Again... several random thoughts to share...


Last week, three of my four family members had birthdays. My Mom, Sister (Noel), and I all marked another year off the calendar. Good gosh on getting older. It really is the oddest thing. I can't believe the calendar. Sometimes getting older is humorous. You have to chuckle. Is that a wrinkle? Is that a gray hair? More than chuckling though for me, I get out my boxing gloves. I fight to keep youthful, maybe too much. I want to look young, stay young. I fight it in the gym. I fight it with hair and skin products. I fight it with clothes. Even with Ethiopia's calendar being seven years behind the rest of the world, which I use to make me seven years younger, ha ha, I still find myself stressed that time is passing and there's still so much to do.

But God has been reminding me, life is a gift, so is getting older. Like my Dad says you can age like wine, you get sweeter, you can get better with age. And beauty can also increase as you get older. Your earthly tent may continue to have maintenance problems, but true beauty is from the inside.

A heart that is nurtured by God is the most beautiful thing. A life at peace. A life showing compassion, humility, love for God and others. A surrendered and obedient life to Jesus. A life lived on purpose and intentional with God at the center. There's nothing more striking than being around that kind of person. We're clay pots with treasure inside. (1 Cor 4). I have to make sure what's inside of me is getting more nurture than my outside.

1 Peter 3:3-4
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles or the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

1 Timothy 4:8
Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

I'm so truly grateful for the life God has given me to live. Even for the incredible falls, I'm grateful.

I'm part of God's family and plan. I have things to contribute, even still. And I want to make the most of life - to honor God. To impact for Him. The greatest years can be ahead, not behind, for each of us.
May we keep all in perspective. And may we give God thanks daily and grow old gracefully and purposefully and powerfully into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

Happy Birthday again to the Garrett girls. And big thinks to our Dad, who has helped us grow to be who we are today.

Jeremiah 29:11
I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future...


A big responsibility the past few weeks for me here has been helping to put new leadership in place at Hope College in our Student Parliament. These are key students who will lead the school in 2018-19.

I've prayed for the right leaders and we worked hard to seat a new Parliament and choose new officers. I'm so blessed and thrilled with the outcome. We've also given orientations for the incoming freshmen at Hope and have had orientations for returning students and class representatives.

All of this activity, plus in classes at ETC, leadership has been discussed and again it's had me thinking about leadership.

Right leadership of a church, an organization, a school, a country, is so important. If the wrong leadership is in place, things can fail, become unhealthy, things can tank (go down) quickly.

We have many different "leadership styles" to consider in the world today. From Donald Trump in the USA to Dr. Abiy, the new Prime Minister in Ethiopia, there are different styles and approaches. Which is best?

This past week we were talking about leadership in youth ministry and churches and some key points were raised. True, godly leaders, look different, treat people different, than many of the world's leaders.

Godly, spiritual leaders...

-Depend on God, His wisdom.
-They lean on prayer.
-Leaders lift people.
-Leaders value people.
-Leaders add value to people. They don't step on them or seek to elevate themselves by those they lead.
-Godly leaders seek to make God's name great, not their own.
-Spiritual leaders serve others.
-Jesus is the model.
-They are connectors first, not correctors (we flip this in churches... we correct before connect with people)

I think church leadership today is at an all time crisis globally. Church leaders are being caught up in power and prosperity. There's pride, corruption, lack of godliness. If the right leaders are in place, your church will feel it. A church will be praying. Transformation will be happening. Healthy things will be happening. Your church will be growing.

One mission movement we read about in my Intro to Missions class a few weeks ago talked about how in the 1960's ... churches in Nigeria united to share the gospel with the lost. They mobilized every person in every church to share. The gospel was proclaimed and thousands and thousands heard the good news. Jesus is the message people need. These churches were deeply changed as they were on mission. Churches grew, love for each other and God's Word grew, and prayer deepened. Giving increased exponentially because God was changing hearts and putting the focus where it needed to be.

Today's churches often focus on issues like social reform. They seek to heal society's problems, racial reconciliation for example. All these issues need addressed but it's not the first. The FIRST primary need of people is reconciliation to God on the individual level. The individual heart and life needs reconciled to God through hearing about and understanding Jesus. May we not forget this is the main thing first. Only after this can the other society issues be tackled and progress made. Reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ is the first reconciliation that has to happen.

All these things I've been thinking about and praying about for churches globally and as I look at my own life and leadership. Am I the leader God has called me to be? Is my focus correct? My teaching? My example? Hard self reflection questions, but important. If you don't know if your life looks like Jesus, if you're the right kind of leader ... just ask those to respond honestly who know you, work with you, serve with you. They will tell you. And if repentance is needed, let us make it and quickly. The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few. We don't have time to not be at work in the right way, sharing the most important news.

May we be light in the dark.


My mom shared a recent devotion thought with me that challenged me. Many times a day here in Ethiopia I marvel at the load people put on their trucks and cars and donkeys and animals. And even loads they carry on their own backs. The stacks are high and shocking.

My Mom's devotion thought focused on....

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your cares on God because He cares for you.

She talked about casting cares.

Often I don't cast my cares/anxieties on God... I shoulder them myself. I carry a huge load and it weighs me down and even makes me feel ill if I'm not careful. Those back breaking loads look like my life.

So we have to realize and remember that we're to cast our cares on God. He can handle it. He wants our burdens, our worries, our fears. He's big enough to shoulder it and to work it out. Our responsibility is to bring those to Him and ask His help, His leadership. Then to not pick it back up and worry. But to trust Him with it.

Jesus says... to be yoked with Him. Be shouldered with Him and when we are- the burden is easy and light.

Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

If you tend to carry too much, worry too much, cast it and leave it with Jesus and move on in trust.


One final random thought to share.  The sun has been so hot in Addis. It's intense. Sometimes I've said to myself the sky is burning. And it smells like it too, or so it seems.

This idea got me thinking about my life. The sky seems burning because of it's place in the sun. Is my life like this... burning with the presence of God... because I've been in Him and with Him that much? Like Moses talking to God or the disciples having been with Jesus...does my life reflect Him that much? Does my teaching, speaking, actions towards people...is my life an aroma for God... the one talked about in Scripture...

2 Corinthians 2:14-15
...through us God spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those being saved and those who are perishing...

I want to be a candle in the dark places. A sweet incense of God, of truth, of good news. Of hope, of compassion, of peace, of an eternity, a free gift ... evidence of a relationship with God that is possible with Jesus.

Do people sense this from being around me? Or do they see or sense the same worry, fear, doubt, insecurity that most of the world feels who aren't standing on a firm foundation? May my life show a different foundation... a relationship that brings true peace, joy, hope, security, that makes others curious to know more.

Matthew 5:14-16
You are the light of the world....Let your light so shine before men that they may see...your Father in heaven

May God bless you wherever you are in life's journey.
May God light your heart, set it ablaze- with new purpose and passion for Him.
May He lighten your load as you cast your cares on Him
May He make you into a leader that look like Him
And May He bless you as time passes and may He teach us all to be thankful for each day.

Let me know how I can pray for you and know I'm grateful for your prayers and example.

Blessings from Ethiopia.

Monday, September 24, 2018


The sun has returned to Addis. God seems to paint everything here in the richest of colors after the months of rain. The skies are the bluest of blues. The greens and yellows of the fields are jaw-dropping pretty. The vibrant colors of sunsets are stunning. I love this time of year here.

The return of the sun and all the colors has gotten me thinking about HOPE.

When hope is present in a life or situation, things look different, you feel different. Maybe you do see darkness, but there’s something good coming you can sense. There’s light in your heart and perspective that the darkness and despair can't reach. 

But when there’s no hope in your heart, there’s a heaviness to your day and mood. All looks negative and pointless. Your steps are weary and there's nothing ahead to look forward to.

Proverbs 13:12

Hope deferred makes the heart sick

But when you feel hope, there's a whisper of a promise that there’s more to life than what you see and deeper things to understand and experience just ahead.  

How's your level of hope?

We can be thankful that if hopelessness lurks in and around you, God offers you Himself.  Unexplainable, limitless, joyful hope. When it fills you, you feel it. Some people don't know this hope. Some people do, but maybe a reminder is needed. More on that in bit ... 

I returned to Addis in late July and it’s been very full of so much teaching. I think the one impacted the most has been me. I have learned as I have taught and have been challenged as I have prepared. I think God strategically lines up specific classes for me at key times because I’m the biggest one needing taught or reminded about things. I’m so glad God doesn’t give up on us the first time, or second or third, and He continues to shape us into what He wants us to be.

The fall semester at ETC (the Evangelical Theological College) started and I have two classes: two classes of Intro to Missions and one class of Intro to Youth Ministry. What a blessing to share with students about the importance of missions. I’ve been reminded of what our mission is as the church. It’s not just what we’re supposed to do, it’s who we are, because it’s who God is.  People apart from God are described in Scripture as ... "objects of God's wrath; enemies of God; in darkness; separated; scattered; like sheep without a shepherd; without hope." There are over 3 billion people in the world still waiting to hear good news. We have to mobilize and get hope to them!!! To also teach about youth ministry is so timely. Young people are strategic in churches and in God’s plan to make His name great. But, are we encouraging them to be all they can be for God? One challenging study showed that what’s holding young people back the most for God's purpose is church culture and tradition. May God help the church to mobilize all ages, all people, to be His people and represent Him well.

Intro to Missions Class
Intro to Youth Ministry Class

I also covered one class for a month for a traveling instructor. The class was Spiritual Formation and I had two sections of that class.  To be reminded of the basics of how we grow up in our spiritual maturity… so challenging and so needed. I felt iron sharpening iron and I was reminded of how we can never really become who were meant to be for God by ourselves.  God made us to worship Him and to live with Him and each other. May we grow up in God!

We did have a New Year celebration here in mid September. I love the holidays here and that I actually get two of some key holidays … two New Years, Two Christmas’, two Easters. So nice. It’s a time to rest, reflect and give thanks. And as always, good food, good coffee and good memories are made.

Not long after the new year though, some unrest happened in Addis (where I live), which was shocking. The new Prime Minister here is doing a great job, but some tribes are still fighting and it actually made its way onto the streets of our capital city.  Rioting and protesting occurred in different areas and it brought a feeling of fear and anxiety. Schools were cancelled, embassies shut down, transportation disrupted, and the internet was blocked. It’s fine now thankfully, and this didn't last long, but please keep this country and the new leadership in prayer. Transition is not easy and wisdom is needed.  

Now I have one week of rest for a holiday, called Meskel, ... which is Wednesday night/ Thursday. During this holiday, tall bonfires will be lit around the city. This is an Orthodox holiday where they believe in history the smoke from a fire led to the true cross of Jesus being found here. It's a colorful holiday and the streets and parades feel like Bible times. It's a favorite of mine to see.

ETC will be back to school Monday. And my other school, Hope College, should start next week, registration is happening now.

So, what do I hope for as life continues here? What is hope? What do people most hope for?

According to Websters dictionary: HOPE is to want something to happen or to be true. To desire something with an expectation of fulfillment. To trust in something or for something.

I think what people most people hope for are …

… health, love, money, success, youthfulness, prosperity, significance, security, comfort, happiness, joy, peace, marriage, family, kids, wisdom, opportunity, healing, a long life. There are many things. 

What should I hope for? And what is my hope based on? These are key questions. And often where I get in trouble and maybe you do too.

I often hope for things that aren't necessarily things I need or things that would be good for me. When we hope for something like money, that might actually become an idol in our lives if we're not careful. God isn't again about our comfort, but about our character. Who we are is more important than what we have.

Then, I often HOPE in myself.  I hope I planned enough. I hope I studied enough.  I hope I say the right thing. In Holly, I hope. What’s wrong with that? Nothing is wrong with confidence in yourself, but the bottom line is … I mess up. I fall short. I let myself down. So, it’s not good to base your ultimate hope in the outcome of things on yourself. Because you’re not perfect. No one is. And the world's story isn't yours, or mine, it's God's. His plan is unfolding, not mine, or yours. His ways are not our ways.

You have to be careful as well of basing your hope on a spouse, a best friend, a boss, a family member, etc. That person is human too. And they will disappoint you too. No one is perfect. It’s okay to hope in, believe in others, their potential. But our ULTIMATE HOPE has to stay on God ALONE. Why? He doesn’t change. He doesn’t disappoint. He's a promise keeper. Because of who He is, of what He’s said, our hope is based on Him. We hope because of Him.  We can move on because of Him. We can look ahead with confidence because of Him.  When other things fall apart, when other people disappoint, He doesn't. He remains. He doesn't leave. Our hope stays.

The Bible's definition of hope is a hope based on God. It's confident expectation of what God has promised and it's strength is in His faithfulness (not our ability). 

But losing hope can happen quickly if we're not careful to keep leaning on God and looking His way.

What causes us to lose HOPE?

I’ve already mentioned a big one.  Our ultimate hope is misplaced. Again, we often put our biggest hope in another person, in a job, in money, success, health, yourself… and again… these aren’t stable.

So a relationship with God through Jesus is the foundation for hope. If you feel hopeless, God has the hope you need.  He offers it to you.

Many other things can cause a loss of hope:
  • -Sudden tragedy can cause your hope to tank. No one is immune to hard times. Very challenging.
  • -No vision or picture of how things can be different, this can lead to hopelessness. 
  • -If you’ve been in a position for a long time and there’s no breakthrough or change, this can cause hope to diminish. 
  • -Illness or fatigue can make you feel hopeless and that the fight is too hard. 
  • -Solitude, no community, can allow Satan to mess with you and your hope is hit. We need each other, reminding each other of the hope we have. We need to pray for each other.  
  • -Not connecting with God all the time and focusing on His promises for you, can push hope to the back of your perspective, which is what Satan wants.

So in all this, we need to keep these scriptures in mind all the time and encouraging each other all the time and sharing this hope all the time so our HOPE keeps stirred and lit and in view...

1 Peter 1:3-4; 13
In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade... set your hope fully on the grace given to you... 

Psalm 42:5
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God …

Psalm 62:5
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him

Psalm 147:11
The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in His unfailing love

Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Romans 5:2-5
And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God … we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us …

1 Thessalonians 5:8
 Let us put on… the hope of salvation as a helmet …

1 Timothy 6:17
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything…

Hebrews 6:19
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure…

Like the sun coming up each morning, our hope can be renewed. We fix our hope not a situation, but on God Himself.

If you feel hopeless this fall season for any reason, put your hope in God. He can make all things new. He can restore your soul. He can straighten any crooked thing. And can calm any storm, part any sea, heal any illness, open any door, protect against any foe, sustain you, help you have impact and significance and purpose and passion … no matter your age or situation. How do I know? His Word says so.

Be encouraged. I'm praying for you as you pray for me.  May God Bless You!


-Please pray for both schools – that as the fall semester continues and another one starts, that God will keep my hope strong and my impact big for Him- that He will give me wisdom, strategic relationships, creativity in lesson plans.
-Please pray for Ethiopia, that God helps people stay peaceful and that the new leadership will have great wisdom and protection.
-Please pray for my Dad, Mom, and Sister- that God will give them a great fall season.
-Please pray for good health and protection 

Thank you praying and please let me know how I can specifically pray for you as well!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


It’s pouring rain on this mid August morning here in Ethiopia. It’s cozy with a cup of coffee. I’m thankful that electricity is on and I’m thankful to be back in Addis. 

Life certainly is a gift. And in reflection of my time on planet earth overall, I’m grateful for the life God has given me to live, the family He blessed me with, and the places and people He’s led me to meet and get to do life with.

I think most of us are coming off of break time or summer vacations. And for me, it’s the same. I came back two weeks ago from a few weeks in the USA. I was thankful for the time with my family. And the chance to rest.

And now, I’m looking ahead, resetting for a new school year that for me begins on Monday.

Here in Ethiopia, there’s also a New Year approaching. In mid September, a new year will begin. So in preparation for a new school year at both schools and for a new year overall, I’ve been trying to take time to think about my life and what things I want to do in the new year to make it my best chapter yet for God.  

I’m looking ahead and trying to dream big with God’s help.

What does He want this next chapter to look like?

I think before looking too much at the road ahead, it’s important and healthy, though painful maybe, to evaluate the road behind.

In resetting for a new season, I think the first step is to REFLECT.  To look back…


Some of us don’t like that, to look behind.

My sister and I talked about that when I was home. She asked me… and I asked her … how has the past season changed you? How are you better for God? Stronger? What have you learned? Where have you fallen? Where have you struggled?

Not easy questions of a season of life, but importance ones.

Maybe the past several months held struggle or heartache, disappointment for you. Maybe a relationship ended or changed, maybe you lost someone. Maybe a door closed or a dream fell apart. Maybe no door opened.

Or maybe it was a great chapter for you. Where things moved, and you saw provision or protection.

For me, in reflection, my past one year here (Sept-Sept) in Ethiopia, was very good overall. I felt at a good pace in teaching and in life.

This past spring into summer, I saw two graduations and was able to celebrate being part of the lives of students. I still feel so humbled to get to be part of the lives of so many here.

I also experienced the beginning of the process of a wedding. One of my former best students, Hilina, got engaged. To see this process and to watch the proposal, was deeply touching and so exciting. I still smile remembering the meeting of the families. Then the actual proposal that left those of us watching with the biggest smiles that lasted for days. The wedding will be next January. So excited for these two and for their love story to continue…

After graduations, I had a great quick few weeks in the USA with my family. The shift in cultures was shocking. But the rest was so good and the chance to visit with my family. I’m so thankful for them. Thank you so much to those of you who gave and prayed to make my time at home possible!

Then I made a quick return to Addis a few weeks ago, and joined a Masters class in Youth Ministry. This two week intensive class was the beginning of a three year Master’s degree program that ETC would like me to teach in the future. It was a tight schedule for a few weeks, but was outstanding.  This is the first Master’s program offered in Youth Ministry in the country and it couldn’t come at a more strategic time.  So again, I felt humbled to be part of history.

Also, Ethiopia is experiencing big and needed change. And that is a praise and prayer item for the way ahead. A new prime minister was elected in the spring and everyone is so excited about the changes he has already made in the country. So, the feeling of hope and new opportunities abound. So that is a huge praise…

So, as I’ve reflected, overall, life here has been good.

But, of course, there have been challenges too.

So, I’ve been making a list… in what areas did I struggle? What started? What finished? What didn’t? What needs to change?  Where were the areas of excess? Where was there too little? Was there balance?

Was there connection with God and others? Did I grow in my relationship with Him? Was there fruit, spiritual maturity evidenced? And if not, what happened? Do I look more like Jesus than last year? Can people tell I’ve been with Him?

Hard questions, but necessary I think before for a new season, a new chapter can begin, with all things in place…

Psalm 139:23-24
Search me oh God and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me ….

Then, a reset is needed….


I’ve been trying to reset my life with God’s help.

After looking at my life, what needs cut, said, done? What needs added, realigned?

Without proper connection and a solid foundation, when storms come, things can blow down and dismantle.  In this next chapter, I need to be set of the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. I need ready to weather storms and droughts. I need ready for mountain climbs and to do whatever He wants me to do. Am I ready? What needs fixed? What needs strengthened?

1 Corinthians 3:11
The only foundation is Jesus Christ

Maybe conversations need had. An apology spoken. I think often we move into new chapters without allowing God to help us close out old ones. And those come up later. Satan likes to barrage us with guilt and insecurity. We can’t let him have a stronghold over us.

1 Peter 5:8
Be aware, your enemy, the devil, roams around like a roaring lion, seeking who he may devour.

And I think in the reset comes repentance.  Real honest conversation with God and others.  I think you have to lift up ALL of yourself to God and ask for the reset, the realignment. It’s like surgery. You allow God to restore, renew, reconnect you. To cut things out, show you where things are off. Again, painful, but when we lift up our lives to God, He can bring change.  We can’t realign things on our own. We have to have the great Physician’s help.

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, oh God, restore a right spirit unto me.

John 15:5
Remain in me, and I will remain in I will remain in you, apart from me, you can do nothing.

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 23:3
He restores my soul

1 Peter 5:10
After your season of suffering, God in all His grace will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you

Do you need a reset? Realigned? Does something feel off? Deep within? God can help. He makes all things new.  He restores. Gives perspective. Peace.  We have to remain connected to Him.


Then as you look ahead and God resets you to move, what do you see when you look ahead? What do you feel?

Maybe you look ahead and there’s fear. Maybe you don’t like the road you’re seeing. Maybe it’s the same mundane thing. Maybe God is asking you to hold a position that you’d rather be free from. Maybe you’re entering a dark stretch of road where it looks lonely or you can sense there’s trouble/persecution ahead.  Maybe God is asking you to return to where you’ve been before and you don’t want to.

Maybe for others, the way ahead looks exciting and new. A new job, a new school, a new hobby, maybe a new town or a new house.  A new opportunity is opening. The blank pages ahead bring excitement to you as you look forward.

Whatever you see when you look ahead, I’m remembering with you, that we must allow God to lead us.

He has a plan for us and a future. And He can help us, even yet, to become all He’s created us to be.

Maybe it’s not road that concerns you. But maybe it’s yourself and you’re worried. You might say Holly…I’m too young. Or I’m too old. My body is tired, or I’m not healthy. I think getting older is one of the strangest things to experience. But, as my dad says often, you can get better with age, like wine. I’ve been encouraged in studying youth ministry the past few weeks, that God did some of the greatest feats in history through the young. Mary, Joseph, David, Daniel, Esther, Jeremiah, so many who were not yet even through adolescence were used in great ways by God. Then, I’m encouraged by others, who were called mid-life and very late … to go into ministry, build an ark, leave a land for another place. It’s not about age or even our physique, it’s about our heart and our obedience.  God can use any life and write a new story through you.  We can trust Him to use us in whatever season we’re in, no matter what our age is, if we allow Him to lead us!

It’s interesting too, sometimes, often times, the way God takes us or leads us, is not the way we’d like to go or even when we feel like we’re ready. He often goes a hard way or an unusual way in our own eyes. Why? I’ve seen there’s usual many reasons and they’re often compounded.

Sometimes He will take us up a mountain or through a desert to teach us about ourselves and Himself.  To actually strengthen us for the next chapter. The trials are training. Just like Jesus in the desert, Moses in the wilderness, Joseph in prison… facing the challenge…even feeling our weaknesses… help the reset needed to take place, where our dependence on Him and in Him solidifies. He’s not about our comfort but about our character. It’s not about what we have, but who we are and who we are becoming. Sometimes also He leads us a hard way, into or through a storm, because there’s others there as well, who need a light or a testimony that you can give in that hard place.  There can a witness there...through you, in the hard, desert places.... 

So whether a valley or a summit is ahead, God has numbered our days and knows the plans He has for us. He goes before us. If we allow Him to lead us, He will get us to where He wants us to go. He deserves our trust. And He doesn’t ask us to go alone or without Him. He’s with us through all of life. Our greatest friend, heaven’s champion, is with us.  And He’s given us global family, brothers and sisters in God’s family, to also journey with us.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.  For in those days, when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days, so we may apply our hearts to wisdom.

Psalm 28:20
I am with you always, even to the end.

What will the new school year bring for me here? The new year in Ethiopia? May God write the pages of the next chapter … It’s His story, His life in mine.   May I do better, be better, for Him in all areas, showing His heart, His love, His compassion, His grace, His character, His truth, in all I do.

My prayer is that for you as well, in your new chapter of life… that you may experience Him in a new way. That looking ahead, as you move forward… that the next chapter is your greatest yet for God.

Blessings to you in the new fall season… with gratitude for each of your lives and examples…

Prayer Requests

-On Monday, a new school year begins at ETC. I have two classes: Intro to Missions and Intro to Youth Ministry. And will also be helping with other classes. Please pray for us and these classes. Also, as we move forward in developing the Youth Ministry initiatives and classes- that God will build His Church, the youth, and His people here 
-Please keep Hope College in prayer and it’s fall start up in late September, early October, that God will also use me there to be an advocate for students and to represent Him well.
-Please pray for good health
-Please pray that God will show me clearly which students to really pour into.
-Keep my family in prayer. That this fall season for them will be their best yet.
-Keep Ethiopia in prayer, for the new Prime Minister, and health, peace, and opportunities in this new chapter.
-Pray for the people God has around me here, that our lives will honor you, as we laugh and journey together. I’m thankful for global family and the opportunity to live and learn from each other!

Thank you so much for your prayers.

Please let me know how I can pray for you as well.

Many Blessings again…this fall season, with love from Ethiopia….