When I was in the USA just a little over a week ago and I
was thinking of my return to Ethiopia, many things were going through my mind. Is God really letting go back to Ethiopia,
this beautiful land and people, to write another chapter in my story with
theirs? Am I ready for another school year at two schools? What do I want to do
better than this past year? What would the road ahead hold?
Then it’s time to start. To jump. To leap. To GO. To BEGIN.
It’s funny… I keep thinking of this old youth ministry
game we used to rent. One person gets in a suite type thing and it has all kind
of velcro or sticky stuff on it…. And the game is you run and jump up against a
wall and try to stick. And I think that’s what I felt like I did. I walked to
the front of the class and jumped on the cross and said- I’m sticking to this
cross and with Jesus. This is for Him and by Him and because of Him to the end.
May we stick with the One who sticks with us and never lets us go!!!
I thought about a ton of struggles and stumbles over the
past year. Alot of wipe outs, opportunities missed. But there were also many
great moments- where God made me laugh and even cry at His goodness and timing.
What would this new year hold? Not only was a new school
year getting ready to start but also a new year (2010) will be celebrated in
about ten days. Would it, could it, be my best year yet for God? I wanted and
want it to be.
I think many of us have had these thoughts as a new year
or new season or new chapter in life begins.
May it be our best… Ready, Set, Go.
God brought these things to mind…
Am I ready? As my break time in the USA counted down, I
was trying to check everything off. Am I ready with the supplies I needed? Was
my passport back from the renewal office? Did I check with my church? Go to the
bank? Go to all the doctor appts, and yes, even the dentist?
I think as we “ready” for a new season or begin one, it’s
smart to check things out. How’s our supplies? How’s our life overall doing in
all areas? Checking things out can be scary even painful, but so necessary for
a healthy new start.
Here are some key things to check… that affects our spiritual
journey… that God was asking me about…
HEART…How is your heart? Out of the overflow of
the heart, the mouth speaks. What is your mouth saying about what’s in you? God
says love Him, most. And love others. Is He my main passion, foundation, source
of strength, confidence? Do I seek Him first? Is He my first Love? My hiding
place, my security? Or have other things been my focus? Other people? God says
to guard my heart. Hide His Word in there. We need to check our hearts ALOT.
Matthew 22:37
Love the Lord your
God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.
Proverbs 4:23
Guard your heart,
it is the wellspring of life.
Luke 6:35
Out of the overflow
of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Psalm 119:11
I have hidden thy
word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
John 14:1
Do not let your
hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord
with all your heart, lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways
acknowledge Him, and He will make thy paths straight.
MIND… what are you thinking about? What’s your
perspective on life? On yourself? We have responsibility to take every thought
captive and surrender those to Jesus. May we be careful what we allow ourselves
to think about, look at, and listen to. The mind can be Satan’s playground.
Romans 12:2
Be transformed by
the renewing of your mind
Matthew 22:37
Love the Lord your God
with all your mind
Colossians 3:2
Set your mind on
things above…
BODY- (your own physical tent)… How is your physical
health? Are you doing your best to take care of the tent God has given you to
house His spirit in? Are you learning about how to best grow old gracefully?
Are you keeping away from things you shouldn’t? Our bodies should honor God.
What we dress them in. What we do with them. What we feed them. What we use
them for.
1 Corinthians
Do you not know
your body is a temple of the body of the Holy Spirit who is in you, therefore
honor God with your body.
Romans 12:1
Offer your bodies
as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of
BODY (spiritual- your place in the church)- Are you
keeping connected to your spiritual family? Really connected? We’re part of a
family and we have a role to play. We need to be together and stick together.
1 Corinthians
Now, you are the
body of Christ and each of you has a part in it.
TIME… How’s your time management? What do you give
the most of your time to? Your attention? Yourself? Entertainment? Others? God
wants my first. My best. To honor Him with the life and breath and days I’ve
been given. Am I being a good steward of the opportunities He gives, living
fully with Him leading me?
Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number
our days.
am I spending money on what I should? Being generous? Or buying stuff I don’t
Can I do better? Be a better steward? Give more? Help
Matthew 6:24
You cannot serve
both God and money
Proverbs 3:9
Honor the Lord with
your wealth
Proverbs 22:9
A generous person
will be blessed
SERVING/SHARING/MISSION- Am I serving others? Loving others with the right motive?
Sharing the love of God and the Good News of Jesus? We have work to do. It’s
part of who we are in Jesus Christ. May we not forget the mission, the work, we
have to continue and what an honor it is to be part of!
Matthew 28:18-20
Go into all the
world and preach the good news to all people, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I
have commanded you and I am with you always, even to the end.
Matthew 19:19
Love your neighbor
as yourself.
Matthew 5:14, 16
You are the light
of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light shine before
These I think are good READY-ing questions. God walked me
through many of these.
Get in place, into position, ready to start the season.
To do that, you have to work through the ready questions. Adjust things.
Reprioritize. Add things in. Let other things go. Connect back where
connections are needed. Say things that
need said. This step can be painful, but it’s necessary to have a good start, a
strong start, with eyes ahead and all systems set and aligned.
Hebrews 12:1-2
…Let us throw off
everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run
with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the
author and perfector of our faith…
Then it’s time to start. To jump. To leap. To GO. To BEGIN.
This past week, I began. I started four new classes. As I
sat in my office before each class, my knees were shaking, my voice wobbly as I
reviewed my notes. I had readied. I positioned myself, I was set at the
starting line. But could I go? I needed a new start. A different one, a fresh
one. And I didn’t want to start alone. I needed God with me for impact. And
before I went to each class, I remember whispering to God.. ready…set… and I
heard Him say… LET’S GO.
The classes went great but it was because I wasn’t alone!!!!
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1st day of school, before 1st class |
Maybe you just started a new season like me. Maybe you’re
a teacher. Or maybe you’re beginning a marriage or maybe finding yourself
single and that’s new for you. Maybe you’re a new parent or maybe an empty
nester. Maybe you just retired or you’re just starting school or work.
Maybe you’re entering a hard season or a season that
could have suffering, a mountain climb of some kind is before you. Maybe you’re
facing a medical problem or losing someone you love.
Whatever you’re looking at as the next chapter, be
encouraged, you’re not alone. With God you can pass through. He’s with you
always. Just get ready, set, and then go With God.
Isaiah 43:2-5
When you pass
through the waters, I will be with you.. when you walk through the fires, You
will not be burned… for I am the Lord your God, do not be afraid
Matthew 28:20
I am with you
always, even to the end
And just a note… You might have already started a new
season and you’ve already messed up. It’s okay. God is a God who gives us a new
day, a new time, a new chance, you can get ready, set, and go again. And live
life well and honorably with God’s help. No cause is greater. His hand is big
enough to pick you up and help you have the most amazing comeback!!!
Please pray for me as I pray for you!!!
-I had a wonderful few weeks in the USA with family,
thank you so much for your prayers and support to help me get there.
-Please pray for my ETC classes that have started. That
God will use me in the classes to speak His truth, Him with me.
-Please pray for Hope College as students begin soon to
prepare to come back and start a new semester- in late September, that the final
days of break time will be restful and that a good start will be had.
-Please pray for Ethiopia overall- there’s some tribal tension
in some areas of the country.
-Please pray that I can have my best year yet for God, as
I stick to Jesus!
-Please pray for the new year, 2010, beginning on September
11 here in Ethiopia- that God will give peace and His covering/blessing over
this beautiful land.
-Please pray for many of my best students who graduated
and are starting new chapters in the work force or graduate schools, may God
bless them!
-Please keep my family in prayer as they continue in the
USA, they are loved by me and so many of you. Thanks for that!!
Blessed READY,
SET, GO to you all!