I always loved the month of October in the USA. Temperatures tended to drop some. Colors exploded on trees. There was hot chocolate with whipped cream and apple crisp and bonfires and chilly evenings. College football of course continued with jackets and blue jeans as the attire. Blankets at soccer games. Such a fun time.
Here in Ethiopia- it's been a windy and sunny October so far. And so very busy. Colors are spectacular in the fields and on the mountains. The sunsets and sunrises breathtaking.
But the thing that God has been causing me to notice more and more in recent days have been crosses- they are every where here. On necklaces and bracelets, on bumber stickers and gates, on the top of churches.
I'm constantly seeing a cross- and for me- I've been grateful for these reminders because they've helped me to remember some key things about my identity. And in the busyness of the fall season, I've needed the reminders.
God has been saying these things to me about the cross...
The cross is where connection happens....It's a vertical and horizontal place. Where vertically first, you connect with God- then horizontally you connect with others. If you live your life and forget to connect with God first- then you can't extend what He has for you to give others. Don't forget to connect with Him!
John 15
Remain in me, apart from me you can do nothing...
The cross is also a place of surrender. Often- we don't like to give up our own way. But to get on the cross daily- to assume that position- is a trust move- a surrender of will. Jesus did it- saying not my will but yours be done. And we're called to also daily surrender our will. To allow leadership of our lives to be in the hands of God. Not easy. But so rewarding if we continue to allow God to lead us.
There's a humility in that surrender that God backs with His power and His blessing.
Matthew 10:38-39
Anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
The cross is also a place where you are willing to suffer. To put others first and be last in line. To live among the least of these or the greatest- with the goal of showing them a Savior's sacrificial love. We are to lay down our lives for God and others. To give a coat if our one is taken. To go with a person the extra mile, even our enemies. To be willing to go to the hard places of brokenness to give hope. We often don't like to see or touch brokenness. We like to live insulated from pain and suffering. But God calls us to share His love in all the places of the world and to be willing to touch the leper, have coffee with the outcast, and tell them about a friend, a Savior, a King who offers new life.
John 15:12-13
Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
God also has had me thinking the position of Jesus' hands on the cross. They were open and nailed. We need to make sure we're living with our hands open. We shouldn't cling to things, which we often do. We often take what we want and say "mine." And we don't let go- holding on. God wants us to keep our hands open. We must realize He gives and He takes away. We can't hold on to anything too tightly except to Him. May God help us!
Job 1:21
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised.
Philippians 3:7-8
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ...I consider all things a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things
May our lives show a cross, one where death of ourselves has met life in Christ. A cross that we carry and position ourselves on out of love for our Savior who died there so we could live.
May others see a Savior's love and grace in my words and actions!
Please pray this for me!
Other Praises-Prayer Requests
-School is underway. Please pray for me as I manage a full schedule on both campuses. I'm acting as Eng Dept head at Hope College- leading a team of three new staff, and have four classes of about 150 sophomores. Here are some of my new classes at Hope...
At ETC, the Bible College, I'm continuing to teach three evening courses- Communication; Intro to Missions; and Intro to Youth Ministry. Again, please pray for me for good time management and discernment and wisdom in all my classes.
-I was privileged to be the MC for the Freshmen Orientation and have been involved with the leadership of the campus protestant fellowship.
-Please keep my parents in prayer as they continue in Ohio. They are great!
-Also, keep my sister, Noel, in prayer as she travels through Czech and Ethiopia and into South Sudan this month. May God bless this incredible servant!
-Please keep my health in prayer- and prayers for protection from spiritual warfare and fatigue in general.
-Big Happy Birthday to our beautiful Mom- Rosie on Oct 27, and to my sister- Noel on October 29! May God continue grow us Garrett women into the likeness of Christ.
May God Bless you this October Month!
Thanks so much for your prayers and support!
Here in Ethiopia- it's been a windy and sunny October so far. And so very busy. Colors are spectacular in the fields and on the mountains. The sunsets and sunrises breathtaking.
But the thing that God has been causing me to notice more and more in recent days have been crosses- they are every where here. On necklaces and bracelets, on bumber stickers and gates, on the top of churches.
I'm constantly seeing a cross- and for me- I've been grateful for these reminders because they've helped me to remember some key things about my identity. And in the busyness of the fall season, I've needed the reminders.
God has been saying these things to me about the cross...
The cross is where connection happens....It's a vertical and horizontal place. Where vertically first, you connect with God- then horizontally you connect with others. If you live your life and forget to connect with God first- then you can't extend what He has for you to give others. Don't forget to connect with Him!
John 15
Remain in me, apart from me you can do nothing...
The cross is also a place of surrender. Often- we don't like to give up our own way. But to get on the cross daily- to assume that position- is a trust move- a surrender of will. Jesus did it- saying not my will but yours be done. And we're called to also daily surrender our will. To allow leadership of our lives to be in the hands of God. Not easy. But so rewarding if we continue to allow God to lead us.
There's a humility in that surrender that God backs with His power and His blessing.
Matthew 10:38-39
Anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
The cross is also a place where you are willing to suffer. To put others first and be last in line. To live among the least of these or the greatest- with the goal of showing them a Savior's sacrificial love. We are to lay down our lives for God and others. To give a coat if our one is taken. To go with a person the extra mile, even our enemies. To be willing to go to the hard places of brokenness to give hope. We often don't like to see or touch brokenness. We like to live insulated from pain and suffering. But God calls us to share His love in all the places of the world and to be willing to touch the leper, have coffee with the outcast, and tell them about a friend, a Savior, a King who offers new life.
John 15:12-13
Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
God also has had me thinking the position of Jesus' hands on the cross. They were open and nailed. We need to make sure we're living with our hands open. We shouldn't cling to things, which we often do. We often take what we want and say "mine." And we don't let go- holding on. God wants us to keep our hands open. We must realize He gives and He takes away. We can't hold on to anything too tightly except to Him. May God help us!
Job 1:21
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised.
Philippians 3:7-8
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ...I consider all things a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things
May our lives show a cross, one where death of ourselves has met life in Christ. A cross that we carry and position ourselves on out of love for our Savior who died there so we could live.
May others see a Savior's love and grace in my words and actions!
Please pray this for me!
Other Praises-Prayer Requests
-School is underway. Please pray for me as I manage a full schedule on both campuses. I'm acting as Eng Dept head at Hope College- leading a team of three new staff, and have four classes of about 150 sophomores. Here are some of my new classes at Hope...
At ETC, the Bible College, I'm continuing to teach three evening courses- Communication; Intro to Missions; and Intro to Youth Ministry. Again, please pray for me for good time management and discernment and wisdom in all my classes.
-I was privileged to be the MC for the Freshmen Orientation and have been involved with the leadership of the campus protestant fellowship.
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MC- ing freshmen orientation |
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my new English team |
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Fellowship student leaders |
-Please keep my parents in prayer as they continue in Ohio. They are great!
-Also, keep my sister, Noel, in prayer as she travels through Czech and Ethiopia and into South Sudan this month. May God bless this incredible servant!
-Please keep my health in prayer- and prayers for protection from spiritual warfare and fatigue in general.
-Big Happy Birthday to our beautiful Mom- Rosie on Oct 27, and to my sister- Noel on October 29! May God continue grow us Garrett women into the likeness of Christ.
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My Mom and Noel :-) |
Thanks so much for your prayers and support!