Monday, February 20, 2012

Higher Ground...

This past week felt very ordinary. Nothing I could see on the surface seemed to really be stirring or moving after last week's big events. I'm not sure what I was expecting...maybe an instant “field” or “harvest” of new conversations...evidence of some kind that seeds did fall on good ground. But the harder I looked, the more “ordinary” things seemed. And I think I was straining so hard to see something, that I actually gave myself a headache. Then the ordinary became irritating to me. Cows and donkeys crossing the road right when I did. Power and water shutting on and off at various times. Ugh. :-) Even though just last week, I had nothing. I felt the need for a different perspective. Interesting how that can happen so easily.

So a few times last week and this weekend, I literally ran to”higher ground” trying to get a different view. One neighborhood I ran to- I love to walk through in the cool of the evening. Its breathtaking views are like glimpses of Eden and always seems to make me grateful to be in this part of the world.

Then another day I hiked up the “mountain” behind our school compound. One direction had flies attacking me, so I headed the other way. And met some some beautiful kids and people as I was strolling. Their smiles warmed my heart, their resilience helped me “see” what was good about here. A strong breeze blew off dust and heat and I felt refreshed.

Why is it so hard to keep the right perspective? Why, so easily, can ordinary become dull and we get discouraged or bored or apathetic? We get stressed, or overworked. We get fatigued. We lose focus. We become short-circuited. We easily forget the bigger story we're part of. Why were here. Whose we are. Who were connected to. It becomes about us, our comfort, our glory. We don't see anything happening, so we move to make it happen. We don't wait for long. We don't watch for long. The rhythm of life pushes us forward. And we get off track, with no real perspective so quickly.

The other day, it hit me hard. I was in the city and I felt hustled and bustled and hassled and rasseled (not a word, but the rhyme is nice)- I was irritated and ready to tell someone I was. So I went to the top of a high building for a different view, yet again. From that perspective, I was way above the madness of the crowds and traffic below. Whew. The slums even seemed almost “pretty” in the distance- a maze of patterns with an almost artistic design.

 A boys soccer team was doing drills at one of the edges, making me zoom my camera in for a closer look. I smiled at youth in its prime and I remembered my soccer days of long ago. 

I saw moms hanging laundry- that also made me smile. Huge birds circling the building, tyridactal in size, didn't make me cringe or grab a rock “just in case”- like usual, but I smiled watching them soar with each other, so free. So amazing what a change of perspective can do. I was thankful to be “higher.”
And I'm so thankful for a “rock” that is higher than I. I constant refuge I can climb, lean, rest on, even build my house on- that will give me where to see from, the perspective to have. God in view. He is at work, though we may not see it. Ordinary days can actually be extra-ordinary days in the making. God wants us to trust Him and His timing.

I was encouraged this past week to read about how often Jesus went to “higher ground.” Often in the morning, before dawn, He'd race up into the hills and pray and seek His Father.

Sometimes how perspective is given back is hard. This past Saturday, I received news of the “passing” of a little lady named Liz. She was one of the tiniest ladies I've met and was in my parent's cell group. She was also one of spunkiest ladies. Cancer had invaded her and God had called her home. In hearing this on Saturday, while struggling with the perspective, I had to brush back tears of great sorrow but also great gratitude. Sad we had lost Liz, but grateful we had known her and grateful one day we'll see her again.

My parents with their cell group, Noel too, (Liz is the one in the white shirt to left of my Mom)
My perspective that day came back in view.

Life is a gift. All days. Ordinary and extra-ordinary. May we take none for granted.

And all ordinary days can be lived extra-ordinary, don't you think? With love and compassion. With joy and peace. With hope. With expectation. With excellence. With sincerity. With reverence. If we keep God in view.

May I live like that. Seeking God early in the morning, living on that higher ground, to glimpse Him, His goodness, His faithfulness, His beauty. His love. May I trust our faithful God. He's sovereign over life, over the harvest. In His time, He waters seeds. And like a farmer, I can enjoy the waiting, the expectation of what is coming.

God help me to do my part...keep you in view, keep life overall in perspective. May I live well, love well. Making the most of each day.

Keeping these verses in mind...

1 Corinthians 2:9
“ eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared for those who love him”—

James 5:7-8
Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

Mark 1:35
And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.


Prayer Requests...
  • Pray for tests we're giving students this week in English, - that students will do well
  • Pray for the “drama”- I'm planning to do it in two more classes.
  • Pray for “follow-up” from last week's drama, that in God's time- seeds will grow
  • Pray for a staff prayer-Bible time, that a team will form to move that forward this week
  • Pray for more people to join my prayer and financial team (if anyone would like more info on this, please let me know)
  • Pray for my sister, Noel,- moving to a new part of Prague today
  • Pray for my sister and her friend Petra, traveling to California on Friday to be the main speakers at a missions conference- for courage and safety and a blessed time for them
  • Pray for many short-term teams in Africa now, that God will bless their time and the staff and communities they're serving in
  • Pray for my little brother Facius in Haiti and those serving there now
  • Pray for the book I've started writing- that God will bless the words and give me time and grace to write and finish it
Thank you so much for praying and journeying with me.  I'm grateful to be with you on the road home.

May God Bless Your Week with His Perspective!

Love from this side of the world,

Saturday, February 11, 2012

When the Well Runs Dry...

Well I really believed the big story in my next blog post from the past few weeks here in Ethiopia would be about water. The pump to our well had to be replaced. The day our trickle of water went to NADA, I remember well the shock. NO WATER from the tap. NO WATER for washing. NO WATER to flush the toilet. Uhhhh, this would be a challenge.

The questions I had started early. Where was I supposed to get water? “Local sources” I looked into. The stream just in front of our college looked like a possibility. But at closer look, no way. Didn't want that water in my place.

our nearest water source
Was water from any community pump free? Could I just get a bucket and fill up? Buying bottled water to flush my toilet seemed ridiculous. So, I joined a common practice in this part of the world and others, I borrowed a bucket and bought a jerry can. And I began hauling water. At first it kind of seemed like a good cultural experience, I was one of many...

But as the days wore on, I was hauling water before classes, between classes, and in the evening. My arms grew sore and it became more and more of a pain. I would NEVER under-appreciate water again.

So it was in the midst of this hauling water, when God would call for me to make a bold move. It usually seems He likes to do this when the times don't seem “best” or most appealing.

In one of my classes, a student wrote in a paper that men and women were both “animals.” This led to discussion in all of my classes about the differences in humans and animals. And it was with this that God had set His stage. He was ready for His story to be told.

In thinking about how to best "share" about my relationship with Jesus with others, it often seems like the “lamb” approach comes across best many times. The genuine acts of humility and service tend to speak loudest in a growing world of skeptics and self focus. The way you serve, the way you give your time...speaks so much and helps point others to their Savior and Advocate.

But at other times, there is a rumble, a "fire in your bones" that feels more like a roar. When God calls for truth to be communicated, justice to be shown. The lion side is there as well.

As discussion continued in my classes, I felt the roar deep inside, a holy rumble that said, NOW SPEAK FOR ME. My story, their story, your story.

WHAT? NOW? Many excuses ran quickly through my mind. It's too early. There are many religions represented in my classes, I need more time to think. To plan. More time to earn the right to speak on that level. What if the students turn on me? …

I need a shower. I'm not ready. My work permit hasn't even been finalized. This could end my time here before it even officially begins. Let's wait until my work permit clears, until my water is turned back on, until, until, until....

I heard God say NOW!

So, I did the only thing I knew to do first, I called people to pray. I would need an extra protective cover to work in, undetected, and I would need courage and confidence.

I sent an email and responses poured in. Thoughts, encouragement, so much. I felt the protective cover surround me. Words like simply: “got you.”  or "I'm praying", to full written prayers.
Under those prayers, I ran hard into this past week.

I did a “drama” in my classes with God, Jesus and humanity represented. It went from... in the beginning, to how God made man in his own image, to humanity's choice to disobey and the problem of sin, to Jesus and the gift given by God to pay for sin so relationship with God could happen again.

After the first class heard the drama, I sat in the cafeteria and felt students pointing and whispering at me. And I thought- this is it. Rejection and ridicule the the faith. I left the cafeteria that day as quick as I could. But I continued. And I didn't look at comments from students overall until I was done.

Two days later, I walked out of my final class for the week. Sweat was pouring down my back. That drama always makes me sweat. I think it's because internally I know the weight of truth there. I closed the door to my place on Thursday evening feeling very tired and also very relieved that the classes were finished.

I then began reading students' comments to me about the drama. About 70 students had seen the drama. Most seemed to have understood the main points despite the English deficiencies. About 70% said they agreed with the drama. Tears burned my eyes in thankfulness. Some said: this is good news. God has compromised us to himself through Jesus. One student said, I want to talk to you more and more about this. But there were others who said, I don't agree.

Looking back on the week, I can't help but be amazed. Several times I was called to the “office”, and and each time I thought, this is it. Drama is done. But it was never about the drama.

I celebrate that God's story was shared this past week. For those of you who prayed, it was felt so much. And not only that, but by Friday not only had the drama been shared, but other LONG standing prayer requests had been answered as well.

As I now write, I have my work permit in hand. It was processed THIS PAST WEEK.

AND, on Thursday night, after my last class, I came home and WATER began pouring from my faucet. The water was back at FULL STRENGTH. Yep. WOW. 

My Dad also had successful eye surgery.

How amazing is our God!

I thought of the verse:

Matthew 6:33 first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

God reminded me that in incredibly difficult times, even when the water well is literally dry, living water can be pointed to and shared. And He will in His time work out the details of everything else, just make Him the priority.

God blesses prayer, faith and obedience. He likes beating impossible odds and His timing is always right, though it might not look that way to us.

For those who prayed for me this past week, THANK YOU. For those who continue to pray for me and my family, THANK YOU SO MUCH. God is hearing your prayers and I appreciate your partnership so much!

When God allowed my water to be shut off this past week then asked me to take a step of faith, I thought....this is a test.:-)

God pointed me to Deuteronomy 8:

...go in and possess the land that the LORD swore to give to your fathers. And you shall remember the whole way that the LORD your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD...

May I never forget that I have access to a “well”- of “living water." I have the Word of God- the "bread of life".  I have access to true joy, peace, and satisfaction. May I dwell there always- drinking from the right well and eating the right bread, and sharing with others each day.  May we all.

Onward in Trust with You-

So grateful to be on the journey,

-the drama happening
-our water being turned back on
-my work permit being processed
-my Dad's eye surgery being successful

Prayer Requests

-Pray that God will water seeds from the “drama” and open up conversations for follow-up

-I think the "enemy" we have is not happy about last week, pray for protection from counter attacks, may I be ready

-Pray that some discussion had recently with some of our staff will lead to a prayer-Bible study time on campus

-Please pray for continued good health and opportunities to build relationships and share God's love and story.

-I did start writing my first book, woo hoo. Please pray for continued grace to do that and quality time to write.